Saturday, September 7, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout: 9/7/13

If Ben can put up his blog before he actually does it so can we. 

Look how many times we have to pause our walks (and runs) around here. Ugh. 

Squat 3x5
M: 125#
C: 175# (set 2 failed at 2reps)

Dip 3x5
M: sub decline push-ups
C: 25# weighted

Deadlift 1x5
M: 145#
C: 255#
Both of us tried two reps at 10# higher but then decided to go back down. Really lethargic day hitting the weights. Especially for C.

C: 3x5 strict c2b
M: 3x3 pull-ups!!!

3 sets each

Ben's Active Recovery Day 9/7/13


20 minutes Broadening Back Bends Yoga session


18 holes of disc golf

Walk 4 miles with Mark

Friday, September 6, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout: 9/6/13

Ran to the food truck event. 1.52 miles in 13:13 with an 8:42 minute pace. Super frustrating that we have to stop at lights but I always pause the run. Still annoying that we have to stop in general. Can't believe you are going to slow your runs. Look what CrossFit did to you. From a runner to a CrossFitter. 🏃--💪

I'm a little confused why our walk home was 2.2 miles when our walk there was 1.52. Kind of a big difference. Interesting.

Lift day tomorrow. At our rock climbing gym. Not a different gym. Pay attention. We still need to tell you what happened in class the other night. I don't want to write it on the blog...

Ben's Workout 9/6/13

Ran 5 miles in 39:48.

6 pull-ups
12 push-ups
18 sit-ups
24 air squats
1 minute plank

mash, mash, mash

--You might have noticed that I haven't done a run longer than 8 miles since July. I decided to cut those longer runs out because I found that they left me tired for a few days afterwards. However, these shorter runs (anything 7 miles or under is short since I can run it in under an hour) feel more like an active recovery day than an actual workout. I am going to start playing with this and reducing the amount of running that I do, maybe down to just one 5k and one 6-miler a week. The other days I'm going to focus on difficult/longer metcons. As the weather changes, I'll start to focus more on the gym. Right now I'm planning to decide on a strength program and try to pack on 15 or 20 lbs of muscle over the winter. Of course, this is all riding on my shipment of goat milk whey...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Day Off: 9/5/13

It's 8:10pm and Clyde hasn't even got on the train home yet. So no workout today. 

Michael's Workout Plan

As requested, here is a beginning workout plan. Let's aim for the end of hockey season (8 months from now) to have you down 30 - 40lbs and ready for bikini weather by your new pool.

We will start out slow and build up at a comfortable pace to avoid burning out.

This post will cover the rest of September. All you'll need are some shoes, workout clothes, and a kettlebell (there are two in the office at Jodie). If you don't want to walk/jog outside, get the treadmill from Jodie as well. We'll add more weights after a few weeks. Increasing strength is going to be very important.

A few notes:

--I'll include links or videos to all the movements the first time they are done.

--You have to be active EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even if it's just a walk or some pushups and squats. Practice makes permanent.

--I'll make updates to the workouts over the next few weeks. We will start ramping up in October.

--I'll leave the diet part to Myriah since she eats meat and I don't. However, until she gets to it, I can offer some very basic advice:
  • Drink more water (at LEAST 8 glasses/day) and skip the juice and soda
  • Drink green tea with breakfast (full of antioxidants and some caffeine)
  • Lower your carbs
  • Eat vegetables and fruits at EVERY meal
  • Add Omega-3's (fish oil or flax seed)
  • Consider a Vitamin D supplement
I get most of my supplements from my VegaOne shake. However, I recently started adding more Omega 3 and will start taking Vitamin D as my time outside decreases with the cold weather. 

The A.M. workouts can be done before or after breakfast. It's just important that they are done earlier in the day to get the blood flowing and wake the body up. We won't ever go hard in the morning. Here's why:

The OTHER workouts can be done whenever you have free time during the day. They won't be long so before or after work, lunch, dinner, when Nico's napping, whatever. Just make sure you do them even if it's the last thing you want to do. Eventually, they will start to feel like something fun and not like a chore. Seriously.


A.M.  -> brisk 20 - 30 minute walk/jog around your neighborhood. Incorporate the hills and make sure you keep the pace just hard enough to make you work. Get some headphones and find music or a podcast that you like. Or take Nico out with you. Bonus points if he is in the front pack.


5 rounds of:
5 push-ups
5 sit-ups
5 air squats
5 kettle bell swings

Try to do these unbroken. If you have to rest, keep it short. However, don't sacrifice form to go quickly. Here's 4 how-to videos for the 4 movements above:


A.M. -> brisk 20 - 30 minute walk/jog around your neighborhood. Incorporate the hills and make sure you keep the pace just hard enough to make you work.


For this one we are going to do a scaled down Insanity-type workout.
Total Time: 15 minutes

  • Jog in place 1 minute
  • Jumping Jacks 30 seconds
  • High Knees 30 seconds
  • Butt Kicks 30 seconds 
  • Stretch 3 minutes (This is a time to rest but also make sure you stretch out really well. I'd suggest trying this routine. Feel free to add anything else you like in that 3 minutes.)
  • Jog in place 1 minute
  • Jumping Jacks 30 seconds
  • High Knees 30 seconds
  • Butt Kicks 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Plank 1 minute
  • Mountain Climber 30 seconds 
  • Squats 30 seconds
  • Heismans 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Jog in place 1 minute
  • Lunges 30 seconds
  • Jumping Jacks 30 seconds
  • Ski Jumps 30 seconds
  • Plank 1 minute
--Don't forget to stretch out afterwards too!


Hockey is enough. Some light cardio and stretching in the morning wouldn't be a bad idea though....


A.M. -> 10 minutes of Yoga. Start with these two videos:


Try to walk or do some more stretching to help the recovery process from last night's hockey game.


A.M. -> brisk 20 - 30 minute walk/jog around your neighborhood. Incorporate the hills and make sure you keep the pace just hard enough to make you work. 


21 - 15 - 9
Kettlebell Swings

Do 21 KB Swings, 21 Tri Dips, 21 Sit-ups, 15 KB Swings, 15 Tri....etc

Go for correct form and speed.


One of these days will be a rest day and one of these days will be a run. You can choose based on how you're feeling. Try to run for 30 minutes. If you have to stop and walk, that's fine. Just stay at it for 30 minutes.

Don't forget to warm-up, stretch, and cool down!

--How's that for an easy, beginning workout? Like I said earlier, we will start to scale up after a few weeks.

Ben's Workout 9/5/13


Bike 3.15 to gym
Row 1000m


Bench 5 x 8 x (45 - 135 - 155 - 175 - 185#) - only got 4 at 185
V-ups 3 x 10
Scissor Kicks 3 x 20
Scissor Kicks In/Out 3 x 20
Side Plank Shoulder Raise Left 3 x 8 15#
Side Plank Shoulder Raise Right 3 x 8 15#
Reverse Pull-ups 3 x 10
Butterfly Sit-ups 3 x 15
Bicep 21's 3 sets at 65#
Skull Crushers 3 x 8 65#
Decline Sit-ups with 10# Med Ball Toss 3 x 10
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 10 45#
Rear Delt Flys 3 x 10 70#
Overhead Triceps Raise 3 x 8 45#
Rows 3 x 8 50#
Strict Pull-ups 3 x 3
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Thrusters 1 x 10 45#

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's Workout 9/4/13

DUs (C was able to get a couple strings of 25-30 in a row, M is very consistently able to do DUs separated by a few singles)
Kipping pull ups and t2b

10 Deadlift
10 Snatch
5 rounds for time

M: 7:04 (45#)
C: 7:25 (65#)

Our coach (*redacted*) was asking about you tonight B. Wanted to know if you are getting stronger.

Ben's Workout 9/4/13

It doesn't matter how fit I am, the day after my first time playing hockey each season is always painful. My lower back, shoulders and quads are all pretty tight today.


20 minutes of
Double Unders (just as I'm able to string 10 - 15 together, my jump rope breaks...)
Frog Stands
Hand Stands


Death by Burpee
10 KBS buy-in each minute
Minute 1: 10 KBS, 1 burpee
Minute 2: 10 KBS, 2 burpees...
Continue until you can not complete the required amount of burpees
15 min time limit

I used a 25# kettlebell and wore a 15# vest. Burpees with a vest are not easy...
I got 9 full rounds but not enough time to start the 10th.


5k in 22:34


60 second plank
60 second plank left
60 second plank right
5 strict pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 sit-ups
20 air squats

mash, mash...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

M & C's Off Day: 9/3/13

Clyde has a fantasy football draft he has to tend to at 7pm so that didn't leave us much room for a workout. 

Probably do some mashing tonight. My traps are really sore from yesterday. 

Ben's Workout 9/3/13

Played an hour and a half of ice hockey today.

Did 20 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, 40 squats and some mashing afterwards.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Ben's Rest Day 9/2/13

Another easy vacation day.

Post-breakfast: 20 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, and 40 air squats

Post-lunch: 20 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, and 40 air squats

Also walked 4 miles with Mark. 

Clyde's & Myriah's Workout 9/2/13

A. Strength
Squat 3x5
M: 115#
C: 175#

Press 3x5
M: 55#
C: 105#

Power Clean 5x3
M: 75#
C: 125#

B. Metcon
Death by burpee
10 KBS buy-in each min (1pood/.75pd)
Minute 1: 10 KBS, 1 burpee
Minute 2: 10 KBS, 2 burpees...
Continue until you can not complete the required amount of burpees
15 min time limit

C: 7 rounds + 6 burpees
M: 8 full rounds (just missed starting round 9)

C. Skills
3x5 t2b
3x3 pull-up negatives

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Active Recovery: 9/1/13

Hiked 4.12 miles at Redwood Regional Park. We didn't stop the timer when we stopped and ate on the bench so the time isn't really a good representation. Lots of pistols.

Lots of mashing tonight. Lifting tomorrow with a metcon. 


Ben's Active Rest Day 9/1/13

Pre-breakfast: 20 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, and 40 air squats

Afternoon: 18 holes of disc golf

Post-dinner: 20 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, and 40 air squats