Your last two workouts looked really good. Sprinting before Helen definitely affected your time. Also, according to your chart, the second WOD you did is called "Karen".
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Ben's Workout 6/29/13
I ran 7.79 miles in 1 hour 04 minutes for an 8:15 pace. I'm pretty happy with this since Fran shredded my quads last night.
Clyde & Myriah's Workout 6/29
We're already starting to turn heads and intimidate the other members of our CrossFit class when we are at the gym. Ran into Doug today who also teaches spin at Bridges. After we dapped up, he said, "you're working out a lot aren't you?" I could hear the fear in his voice, I'm hoping all our classmates drop out and refuse to compete against us in the next Bridges CrossFit Games.
75 Singles
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Situps
20 Squats
75 Singles
WOD 1:
Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
Clyde: 35lb-35-40-40-40 (each hand)
Myriah: 20-25-25-25-25
Active Rest:
45 Min Cave Climbing til arms fall off
M is really starting to improve in the Cave. Her strength work is definitely carrying over to climbing.
WOD 2:
75 Singles
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Situps
20 Squats
75 Singles
WOD 1:
Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
Clyde: 35lb-35-40-40-40 (each hand)
Myriah: 20-25-25-25-25
Active Rest:
45 Min Cave Climbing til arms fall off
M is really starting to improve in the Cave. Her strength work is definitely carrying over to climbing.
WOD 2:
150 Wall Balls AFAP
Clyde: 7:10 (12lb)
Myriah: 7:25 (10lb)
Lastly, I recommend adding this link to the home screen on your phone:
Benchmark Girls Poster
150 Wall Balls AFAP
Clyde: 7:10 (12lb)
Myriah: 7:25 (10lb)
Lastly, I recommend adding this link to the home screen on your phone:
Benchmark Girls Poster
Clyde & Myriah's Workout 6/28
Back to the track, first workouts with the new shoes. Already felt faster, but my calfs still kill from always wearing barefoot shoes now.
C & M just kind of did their own thing, look how independent we both are!
WOD 1:
100m Sprint x 10
20 sec rest b/w reps
Clyde & Myriah: 6reps each, we both knew we had to scale this down immediately after the first rep. I was definitely a bit too ambitious with my programming. I really wanted to do the extra 4 reps at the end but my body probably would've given out.
WOD 2:
3 Rounds
-400m Run
-21 Kettlebell Swings (.75 pood)
-12 Pull-ups
Clyde: 11:13
Myriah: 14:30 (Knees to chest, slight complaining during M's first round of kettlebells added a few extra minutes to her time, but once she switched to knees to chest instead of pull-ups she started cruising through)
Helen was very tough to do after the sprints, we definitely both weren't recovered enough. Look forward to shaving a few minutes off Helen next time.
C & M just kind of did their own thing, look how independent we both are!
WOD 1:
100m Sprint x 10
20 sec rest b/w reps
Clyde & Myriah: 6reps each, we both knew we had to scale this down immediately after the first rep. I was definitely a bit too ambitious with my programming. I really wanted to do the extra 4 reps at the end but my body probably would've given out.
WOD 2:
3 Rounds
-400m Run
-21 Kettlebell Swings (.75 pood)
-12 Pull-ups
Clyde: 11:13
Myriah: 14:30 (Knees to chest, slight complaining during M's first round of kettlebells added a few extra minutes to her time, but once she switched to knees to chest instead of pull-ups she started cruising through)
Helen was very tough to do after the sprints, we definitely both weren't recovered enough. Look forward to shaving a few minutes off Helen next time.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Myriah & Clyde's Workout 6/27/13
Climbed for about an hour and a half. Got some good V3s in and new cave problems.
Ben's Workout 6/28/13
Warm up:
75 S jump rope
75 R jump rope
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 air squats
WOD 1:
Modified Fran for time
15 - 9 - 6
Thrusters 65lbs
Ring Pull ups
time: 4:32
WOD 2:
30 Dips
20 Burpees
10 Sumo Dead Lifts 65lbs
5 Toes to Ring
10 Sumo Dead Lifts 65lbs
20 Burpees
30 Dips
time: 5:52
75 S jump rope
75 R jump rope
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 air squats
WOD 1:
Modified Fran for time
15 - 9 - 6
Thrusters 65lbs
Ring Pull ups
time: 4:32
WOD 2:
30 Dips
20 Burpees
10 Sumo Dead Lifts 65lbs
5 Toes to Ring
10 Sumo Dead Lifts 65lbs
20 Burpees
30 Dips
time: 5:52
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Ben's Workout 6/27/13
The chiropractor suggested I take it easy tonight after I saw him. So, I went for a short, slow 5K (in the rain). Pace 8:19 (24 min 59 sec)
I'm going to take it easy for the next few days and see if that helps my shoulder. Plus, I need to be fresh when you two are home next week so we can do some good WODs.
Also, please learn how to embed videos.
Myriah & Clyde's Workout 6/26/13
Not to toot our own horns but... be prepared.
WOD Bridges
Myriah warm up: climbing
Clyde warm up: who know??
Warm up:
75 S jump ropes
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 squats
75 S jump ropes
Skills to work on:
Double unders
Clean & jerk
Team WOD: work in partners
Push truck about 20 yards over speed bump
25 thrusters (M @ 45#, C at 65#)
push truck 20 yards over speed bump
25 hand release burpees
push truck on slight incline about 20 yards over speed bump
Myriah & Clyde: 4:55
There were 6 teams. 4 all boy, 1 all girl, 1 boy/girl (us)
We crushed everyones time. The rookies know what's up.
I need to work on getting double unders. I can't even get one right now so I want to work on that while we are home. Also, we should get a truck to push while we are home. Maybe Jumpys?
This is Clyde's problem. He may need you to rub his neck during the workouts like the video suggests. Thanks bro.
Here's Dan Bailey's Grace:
Also, why haven't we taught Rigby this?
WOD Bridges
Myriah warm up: climbing
Clyde warm up: who know??
Warm up:
75 S jump ropes
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 squats
75 S jump ropes
Skills to work on:
Double unders
Clean & jerk
Team WOD: work in partners
Push truck about 20 yards over speed bump
25 thrusters (M @ 45#, C at 65#)
push truck 20 yards over speed bump
25 hand release burpees
push truck on slight incline about 20 yards over speed bump
Myriah & Clyde: 4:55
There were 6 teams. 4 all boy, 1 all girl, 1 boy/girl (us)
We crushed everyones time. The rookies know what's up.
I need to work on getting double unders. I can't even get one right now so I want to work on that while we are home. Also, we should get a truck to push while we are home. Maybe Jumpys?
This is Clyde's problem. He may need you to rub his neck during the workouts like the video suggests. Thanks bro.
Here's Dan Bailey's Grace:
Also, why haven't we taught Rigby this?
Ben's Rest Day 6/26/13
Rest day yesterday. Posting for posterity's sake.
Started reading Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life the other day. I'm only about 50 pages into it but it's pretty much how I eat already. I hoping for some new information the more I read.
Started reading Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life the other day. I'm only about 50 pages into it but it's pretty much how I eat already. I hoping for some new information the more I read.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Myriah's Workout 6/25/13
There was a lacrosse game going on at the track. Came home and did my own workout.
Pull ups
Hand release burpees
sumo dead lift with 25lb kettle bell
Myriah: 9:10
100 arm exercises with medium band
3 sets of 10 kettle bell swings
3 sets of 10 squats
Pull ups
Hand release burpees
sumo dead lift with 25lb kettle bell
Myriah: 9:10
100 arm exercises with medium band
3 sets of 10 kettle bell swings
3 sets of 10 squats
Ben's Workout 6/25/13
Tough workout today. 90+ degrees on the track and underestimating the ladies led to my first DNF.
Warm up:
75 s jump rope
75 r jump rope
400m jog
WOD 1:
3 rounds for time
Run 400m
21 KB swings
12 pull ups
time: 8 min 59 sec
WOD 2:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
Rest 3 minutes
Repeat 5 rounds
Did one round and then DNF. Too hot and only gave myself 2 minute rest after Helen. Not good excuses, I know.
WOD 3:
2 rounds
Bleachers (up and back)
15 push ups
30 sit ups
40 dips
I then ran a 5K at a slow 8:29 pace (26 min 24 sec)
Myriah & Clyde's Workout 6/24/13
So before I start with our workout, I must add that I walked to the grocery store in the rain yesterday which gave me an extra 2 mile workout. Yes, I am including that.
First day in the advanced CrossFit class. Here is our workout:
Bridges WOD:
Warm up:
75 S jump rope
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 squats
75 S jump rope
Sumo dead lift
Front squat with weight
All of the skills we learned involved the weights so we will now be able to teach you everything correctly. I liked working with the weights a lot, I think CBAbell will agree. We did have to split up and work with other people which of course, for socially awkward people, was difficult. But it did help us learn how to lift properly (at least for me who has never lifted before).
50 double unders (250 singles) C used DU, M used S
40 sumo dead lifts (C at #95, M at #65)
30 hand release burpees
20 toes to ring/bar (C used rings, M used bar and did knee lifts)
10 hand stand push ups (we both us kick ups)
20 toes to ring/bar
30 hand release burpees
40 sumo dead lifts
50 double unders (x5 for singles)
Myriah: 22:32
Clyde: 23:08
Yes, I beat Clyde. I will attribute it to me using the bar and only doing knee lifts and the fact that I could get my single unders quicker at the end because it was really hard for the people doing DU to keep constant since they were so tired.
All in all, I enjoyed the work out. Definitely very sweaty at the end but glad we both did the full version instead of scaling down like our coach said we could do. It was also our first run at HSPU. We both did kick ups but I think C could definitely get 10 in but it would just take a while. The best tip our coach told me was to look across the room at something else instead of looking down. That way I don't freak myself out and look down and fall. It made them a lot easier.
Not sure if we are going to gym and doing WODS there tonight or just doing some at the track. Email us the ones you are going to do. It's pretty rainy and crappy so we might have to go to the gym.
Oh also, all of the people in our class are doing the Tough Mudder in Tahoe July 13 and invited us to come. If we weren't so weird, maybe we would. He said he will probably do the one in September too so we could do that one as with him.
Oh what are johnny bobs? Video?
First day in the advanced CrossFit class. Here is our workout:
Bridges WOD:
Warm up:
75 S jump rope
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 squats
75 S jump rope
Sumo dead lift
Front squat with weight
All of the skills we learned involved the weights so we will now be able to teach you everything correctly. I liked working with the weights a lot, I think CBAbell will agree. We did have to split up and work with other people which of course, for socially awkward people, was difficult. But it did help us learn how to lift properly (at least for me who has never lifted before).
50 double unders (250 singles) C used DU, M used S
40 sumo dead lifts (C at #95, M at #65)
30 hand release burpees
20 toes to ring/bar (C used rings, M used bar and did knee lifts)
10 hand stand push ups (we both us kick ups)
20 toes to ring/bar
30 hand release burpees
40 sumo dead lifts
50 double unders (x5 for singles)
Myriah: 22:32
Clyde: 23:08
Yes, I beat Clyde. I will attribute it to me using the bar and only doing knee lifts and the fact that I could get my single unders quicker at the end because it was really hard for the people doing DU to keep constant since they were so tired.
All in all, I enjoyed the work out. Definitely very sweaty at the end but glad we both did the full version instead of scaling down like our coach said we could do. It was also our first run at HSPU. We both did kick ups but I think C could definitely get 10 in but it would just take a while. The best tip our coach told me was to look across the room at something else instead of looking down. That way I don't freak myself out and look down and fall. It made them a lot easier.
Not sure if we are going to gym and doing WODS there tonight or just doing some at the track. Email us the ones you are going to do. It's pretty rainy and crappy so we might have to go to the gym.
Oh also, all of the people in our class are doing the Tough Mudder in Tahoe July 13 and invited us to come. If we weren't so weird, maybe we would. He said he will probably do the one in September too so we could do that one as with him.
Oh what are johnny bobs? Video?
Monday, June 24, 2013
Ben's Workout 6/24/13
Today was going to be an active rest day with a short 4 mile bike ride to the chiropractor. However, I had to drive because of the thunderstorms. So, I decided to stop off at the gym for a quick workout on my way home.
I feel like everyone there looks at me a little funny because I don't rest very much. I work my abs in between sets and try to keep my heart rate up the entire hour that I'm there. There used to be a back room that I wish they'd open up again so I could incorporate more Crossfit stuff while I'm there. I like the gym but it's just a bit too small to do anything but lift.
Bench 3 sets @ 155lbs
Decline Bench 3 sets @ 165lbs
Flys 3 sets @ 80lbs
Cable Crossovers Straight 3 sets @ 30lbs
Cable Crossovers Up 3 sets @ 30lbs
Dips 3 sets of 20
Dumbbell Rows 3 sets @ 55lbs
Rear Delt Flys 3 sets @ 70lbs
Lat Pull Downs 3 sets @ 70lbs
Rows 3 sets @ 90lbs
Johnny Bob's 3 sets @ 15lbs
Abs: Various between each set
Is tomorrow a rest day for you? I'm going to come up with 3 WODs to do at the track tomorrow.
I feel like everyone there looks at me a little funny because I don't rest very much. I work my abs in between sets and try to keep my heart rate up the entire hour that I'm there. There used to be a back room that I wish they'd open up again so I could incorporate more Crossfit stuff while I'm there. I like the gym but it's just a bit too small to do anything but lift.
Bench 3 sets @ 155lbs
Decline Bench 3 sets @ 165lbs
Flys 3 sets @ 80lbs
Cable Crossovers Straight 3 sets @ 30lbs
Cable Crossovers Up 3 sets @ 30lbs
Dips 3 sets of 20
Dumbbell Rows 3 sets @ 55lbs
Rear Delt Flys 3 sets @ 70lbs
Lat Pull Downs 3 sets @ 70lbs
Rows 3 sets @ 90lbs
Johnny Bob's 3 sets @ 15lbs
Abs: Various between each set
Is tomorrow a rest day for you? I'm going to come up with 3 WODs to do at the track tomorrow.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Ben's Workout 6/23/13
AM Workout:
Bike to gym 3.15 miles
Dumbbell Curl Twist 3 sets @ 25lbs
Dumbbell Curl Straight 3 sets @ 25lbs
21's 3 sets @ 30lbs Hammer Curl 3 sets @ 25lbs
Hammer Curls 3 sets @ 20lbs
Ropes 3 sets @ 70lbs
Skull Crushers 3 sets @ 30lbs
Dips 3 sets of 40
Abs: Various between each set
Row for 15 minutes (machine was broken so don't know the distance)
--I added some links to the side of the page. How has M gained 10lbs? I've only gained a few and I've been hitting the weights much harder....
PM Workout:
6.5 mile run @ 7:19 pace (47 min 31 sec)
Bike to gym 3.15 miles
Dumbbell Curl Twist 3 sets @ 25lbs
Dumbbell Curl Straight 3 sets @ 25lbs
21's 3 sets @ 30lbs Hammer Curl 3 sets @ 25lbs
Hammer Curls 3 sets @ 20lbs
Ropes 3 sets @ 70lbs
Skull Crushers 3 sets @ 30lbs
Dips 3 sets of 40
Abs: Various between each set
Row for 15 minutes (machine was broken so don't know the distance)
--I added some links to the side of the page. How has M gained 10lbs? I've only gained a few and I've been hitting the weights much harder....
PM Workout:
6.5 mile run @ 7:19 pace (47 min 31 sec)
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