Saturday, November 2, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/2/13

B really got up and at em today. Nice B!

Warm up:
Stretch and mobility 
400m jog
15 burpees
20 sit ups 
10 supermans
10 stomach sit up things (superman on your back) C just informed me these are called hollow rock 

A) 5-5-5-5-5 back squat

Everyone basically did the fitness one which was just three rounds so C and I never got to finish. 

B) 2 rounds- 30 minute time cap 
400m run with sandbag
50 burpees
400m run with sandbag
20 man makers
30 pull ups

M: Finished second round of burpees exactly but went on the second run wile everyone was finishing up. 
50#sandbag, 15#db, jumping pull ups

C: Got through second round of 32 burpees 
80# first run, switched to 50# after 25#db for half of first round, switched to 15# in the middle 

This was the reason I called. This was a brutal workout. No one finished in the 30 minute time cap. I don't think anyone even got close. Wow. It was terrible. You should definitely try it if you want a hard workout. Run with two 25# db instead of a sandbag. My shoulders were so done from snatches yesterday that the man makers were almost unbearable. So happy it's over. We are both in pain now. Going to go to open gym tomorrow and work on skills if we don't die before then. 

Ben's WOD 11/2/13


15 - 20 minutes of stretching and mobility work
DU practice
carry weights 3/4 mile to track


400m run
21 DB Thrusters 30#
21 Push-ups
21 Sit-ups

800m run
15 DB Thrusters 30#
15 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups

1200m run
9 DB Thrusters 30#
9 Push-ups
9 Sit-ups

time: 19:03

Definitely going to be playing some push-up tennis in the OC.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/1/13

You're lucky B, you're lucky. I almost gave up on this blog because of you. 

Warm up:
Stretch and mobility 
1200m jog

Overhead and snatch practice 

A) Heavy snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1

M: 55#
C: worked up to 95#

I don't know why I get so scared of gettin the bar from the ground over my head. I know I could go at least 10# more but I'm too scared. It's annoying because I haven't gotten scared of lifting like that in a while. Ugh. Definitely going to be doing snatch practice on off days when we go to the gym to just practice skills.

B) 5 rounds
30 double unders
15 power snatch 

C: 13:10 55#
M: 15:54 45#

Holy painful!!!! I thought I was going to have to cut the reps after the first round. I was so scared. And wait for it... Wait for it... I can string my double unders together!!!!!! I just had to go for it! The first round I was doing the first round with one to two singles in between and it was killing me. The second round I was determined and I got 8 together my first try. Then the next rounds I was getting between 10-15 together! So happy. But ugh they are so tiring especially mixed with lifting. Snatching is really hard. Also, we were taught the wrong thing so good thing we came to this gym and learned. Alright, enough rambling. Now on to cuddle my tute doll while watching Monk. Latazzzzz

Ben's Catch-up Post

Bad week for me and working out/blogging.

Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - 1 hour of ice hockey. We lost. Surprise, surprise...
Thursday - nothing except for a new car

Finally, Friday 11/1...

First workout with my trainer!

We worked on mobility and warm-up exercises for the first 30 minutes. Then we practiced proper form for the squat, push-up and row.

My squat and push-up form are great. My


Scaled Cindy (12 min AMRAP)

6 push-ups
8 ring rows
15 air squats

10 rounds, 6 push-ups

I learned that I have a huge weakness when it comes to pull strength. All that time off from pull-ups trying to heal my elbow has really hurt that area. I think I only did the first round of ring rows unbroken.

So, I was kind of disappointed with my score since the push-ups and squats were not a problem. I could do them all day long. But it's also good because now we are going to focus on strengthening that area, which will help me become much more rounded. We are also going to work on my hamstring flexibility since that is the one area I'm tight.

I really like the trainer. This is going to be very helpful. I picked up so many little tips on things in just one session already.

Swimming on Tuesday!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/30/13

WOD: Filthy Fifty
50 box jumps 24/20"
50 jumping pull ups
50 kettle bell swings 1/.75pd
50 walking lunges 
50 knees to elbows
50 push press 45/35#
50 supermans
50 wall ball shots 20/14#
50 burpees
50 double unders

M: 32:45
C: 36:36

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fran: C's commentary

Ugh. Just had to get my thoughts out while M posts for us (shoutout to M on a great workout!). Fran RXed is worse than any other crossfit workout I've done, by far. Wanted to die the entire time and could only concentrate on the easiest way to quit without being noticed. Took everything in me to finish.

Really underestimated you, F. I'll getcha next time.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/29/13

Warm up:
Little under a mile jog
Stretch and mobility 

A) 3 x 5 pull ups (any style that's hard for you)

M: worked on kipping and did some jumping 
C: chest to bar

B) work up to a heavy front squat

M: 115#
C: 140#

We both had never front squatted but did well. Ran out of time to keep going up.

C) Fran
Pull ups

M: 6:51, 55#, jumping pull ups
C: 13:24, 95# RX

Monday, October 28, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/28/13

Warm up: 
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 
HSPU work

A) work up to a heavy jerk

M: 75#
C: 165#

I did a lot of lifts up to this. I did not think I would get up to 75 because my max clean used to be 85. Also, I was starting from the ground so I was cleaning it every time where as Clyde was doing his from the rack. I could possibly have for more from the rack but was way too scared knowing is never cleaned over 85 before.

B) Diane

M: 7:41 125#, HSPU 
C: 9:55 205#, 35# db push press

Wow that was hard. Not looking forward to Fran tomorrow.

Ben's Workout 10/28/13

After yesterday's run, I really should have taken a rest day today. But I had to go to the gym for my assessment so I decided to get a little lifting in afterwards.


1000m row
stretch and mobility
handstand practice


3 x 6 Bench 135#
3 x 6 Cleans 85#
3 x 6 Press 75#
3 x 6 Side Plank Shoulder Raises 20#
3 x 10 Hanging Leg Raises
3 x 10 Tricep Extensions 50#
3 x 10 Rows 50#
3 x 10 V-ups

--My first official workout with the trainer is Friday at 6:30. 

I told him that I want to learn how to do the following lifts properly:
  • Cleans
  • Deadlifts
  • Push Press/Jerk
  • Front/Back/Overhead Squat
I also want to learn these movements:
  • Handstand
  • Rowing
  • Kettlebell variations 
  • Double Unders
  • Mobility 
  • Flexibility (especially in the hamstrings and lower back)
--Nothing on the swim lessons yet. I'm going to have to call the guy who does them tomorrow because he hasn't been there any of the nights that I have. Looks like the lessons will have to happen on the weekends. I'm anxious to get in the water now that I registered and paid for the triathlon on June 1st. You two should consider coming back that weekend and going down to PA with me. I'll do the race and then we can do some hiking for a day or two.

--Afterward the gym I had to stop at the grocery store for some bananas and treated myself to a Clif Builder Chocolate Mint bar. I'd never had a Clif Builder but I know C likes them. It was really tasty.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Rest Day 10/27/13

Rest. Can't wait for tomorrow to get back at it. Hopefully the grid gets put up soon.

Ben's Run 10/27/13


15 minutes of sun salutation yoga


I haven't done an LSD in a while but today felt great.

10.75 miles in 1:26:19