Saturday, November 9, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/9/13

I like how you drop K Starrs barbell shrugged acting as if C didn't let us know he was on...

The whole swim video to the coffee... Weird. Just weird.

Anyways, I'm here to post a WOD:

Fight Gone Bad: 3 rounds
Wall balls to 10' target 
Row for calories
Push press 75#/55#
Box jumps 24"/20"
Sumo dead lift high pull 75#/55#

C: 215
M: 198

Someone met pukie. It was hard. 

Ben's Workout 11/9/13

I had my first swim lesson today. It was awesome. I've got some good things going for me (strong kick and nice streamline) and have some things to work on (keeping my head down and breathing properly).

The hardest part is getting used to the breathing. The coach had me doing a few different things to just get used to the water while inhaling and exhaling. That's the part that comes from getting comfortable in the pool (I swam once last summer and probably only once the summer before...).

She also told me that I cut through the water very well and don't try to muscle through it like a lot of people do. We practiced gliding with the head down so that I'd start to understand how to move less and go farther.

Overall, it was a lot of fun. Swimming feels a lot more natural to me than I expected and the coach said that I'll be putting up some fast times very quickly. I'm going to get to the pool at least once this week to practice before the next lesson.

Even though I was tired after the lesson I decided to lift a little since I was already up in Oneonta anyway.


Swim lesson
Stretching & Mobility
1500m row


Leg Raised Bench 3 x 6 135#
Side Plank Shoulder Raises 3 x 6 20#
Seal Fit Flutter Kicks 3 x 30
Hang Clean and Press 3 x 6 85#
Reverse Rows 3 x 6
Russian Twists 2 x 20 20#
Preacher Curls 3 x 8 50#
Skull Crushers 3 x 8 50#
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Russian KB Swings 3 x 20 35#

I'm not sure how many podcasts you two listen to but there were some really good fitness ones the last few weeks that you should check out. I listen when I cook/eat my meals and when I'm driving to hockey or the gym. You have someone to talk to when cooking/eating and probably aren't in the car as much as I am so...

Anyway, this week was good. Check these out if you have time:

Morning Coffee Swim from Endurance Planet on Vimeo.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's WOD 11/8/13

A: In groups of 2,
4 rounds for weight/quality:
5 Back Squats
Rest 2 minutes
15/10 Ring Push-ups
Rest 2 minutes
C: 135, 155, 165, 175
M: 95, 105, 115, 125
Really excited about both of our squat numbers. This was the # I wanted to get up the most at the new gym. I've gone up 10# each week thus far and it feels easier every time. Will be really happy when we see 200/150 in a few weeks/months.
B: For time:
50 Russian KB swings 1.5/1p

4 rounds:
200m Sandbag carry 80/50lb
10 Burpees

50 Russian KB swings 1.5/1p

M: 12:22
C: 14:31

This one suckkked. M killed it and was right on the heels of Athlete of the Month the whole workout. She said it was the closest she's come to meeting Pukie though.

Going to drink some goat protein and write out my Crossfit goals right now. Gotta get some rest tonight for FGB tomorrow morning. Latez

Ben's WOD 11/8/13

Tonight was my second session with Chris. It's so nice to have someone else plan a workout and then encourage/check my form during it. 

We started with some mobility and dynamic stretches before going over proper rowing and deadlifting technique. I've always been scared of the deadlift since my low back is what I hurt in high school and then again in Mongolia. But everything I read says that the two most important lifts are the deadlift and the squat. So, I was excited to learn how to do it properly.

We kept the weight at 95lbs during the WOD. It's all he had for bumper plates and he wanted me to focus more on proper form. (M needs to remember that her and C are more experienced Crossfitters/weightlifters than I am. I just stumble around the gym doing stuff I've seen on YouTube...)

3 rounds for time:

500m row
15 deadlifts
21 box jumps

time: 12:23

After we did some dynamic stretching and a cool down.

--Unfortunately, the gym was closing so I had to leave. I really wish the training was 2 hours so that we had time to do more stuff. After one shorter WOD (like last week and this week) I'm just getting ready to go. 

--Swimming tomorrow!!!!! I can't explain how excited I am about this. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

M & C's Rest Day 11/7/13

Rough night of sleep. Rough night. C woke me up in the middle of REM by going to the bathroom. Well actually, let's be more specific. He woke up and started making the bed (which is strange cause he never does that). He picked up his second pillow off the ground and put it all set up on the bed. I asked him where he was going and he didn't respond. We have many "fights" over me asking him things and him thinking he's responding by nodding his head or not speaking up. I figured I was in trouble for asking him where he was going cause he hates when I nag. He went the bathroom and walked back in the room. I can't remember if he got in the bed but next thing I knew he was walking out again. I figured maybe he grabbed his phone and had to go number two. Then I heard the shower come on. I thought I should go see if he was okay but like I said, I'm constantly in trouble for nagging and being too overprotective of him (sorry I just Love him so much). I figured he was mad at me cause he was complaining about how he kept sweating through his sheets so maybe he was sweaty and wanted to shower. Soooo then he came back in the room after a quick shower. Yes, I would have went out and checked on him if the shower lasted longer than a few minutes. I asked him if he was okay and he took forever to respond. He finally admitted he did a little sleep walking. My poor baby!! I wish I had woken him up but he HATES how I wake him up out of his sleep walking state. He thinks I yell at him when I'm really just saying hey, what are you doing? Come back to bed. You're not awake. He gets SO mad at it! But anyways, he's okay. This all comes down to one thing...

Vega one.

I'll never let him take that stuff again. Not after all the scary side effects. They need to write all that stuff on the package. 


Rest day. Mobility. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ben's workout 11/6/13

Hockey. We were short skaters so I got lots of ice time. 

Also had a maitenance visit to the chiro this afternoon. Pretty sure all the rolling and mashing is what has made the biggest difference though. 

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/6/13

Warm up: 
800m jog
Stretch and mobility
Musical med balls
Junkyard dogs

Don't worry, C won musical med balls. I mean come on, who else would win? 

Now he just made me mad so I want to take back the whole who else would win part. Such a jerk sometimes.

WOD: E3MOTM for 27 minutes 
30 wall balls
15 pull ups 
400m jog

M: 14lb ball
C: 20lb ball

I did all my pull ups kipping. Yup, that's right. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/5/13

Yikes! 10 lessons must be costing you a fortune. Good thing you have a brand new car to drive up to those lessons. Ya know?

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility

A) In groups of 3
5 Front Squats
Rest 1 minute
10 Toes to bar
Rest 1 minute
10 box jumps

M: 65#, 20" box
C: worked up to 145#, 30" box

I never changed weight because the person I was with couldn't go higher. We also did the workout wrong so we weren't resting the full 1 minute in between so I didn't think I had time to change my weights. C is going to start telling me the exact workout beforehand. I think that will be for the best...

B) With a partner
60 squat clean and jerks

C: 7:26, 35# dumbbells
M: 10:44, 25# dumbbells


We never talked about a few things:
1) On Saturday, some random guy kept taking C and my stuff during the workout. Max is extremely picky about everyone being on a platform and in rows. It's hard to explain but everyone has a specific spot they HAVE to stand on while working out. So I had put my dumbbells and my sandbag down and was getting a box for my jumping pull ups when I walked back and this kid was just standing on my platform where all my equipment was. I was thinking hmmmm this is weird but just ignored him and put my box on my platform. We went for the sandbag run and we got back and started doing burpees (C was on the platform next to me) and this kid gets back and goes on the rubber mats in between us! There's literally ten platforms available plus space on the astro turf (he was doing the fitness workout so he had NO need to be on the platforms since he wasn't doing pull ups) and this kid goes right in between us. Since he was doing fitness he only did 25 burpees while we did 50 so he finished first and he grabbed C's sandbag and took off!!!!!! HAHAHAHA so we were like ummmm okay? So he obviously gets back first and what does he do? He goes on Clyde's platform and starts using his dumbbells!!!! So I'm doing my burpees seeing this and Clyde gets back from his run and grabs a different pair and goes to a new platform. It was so weird. I couldn't stop laughing. It'd be funnier if you understood how OCD Max is and how he won't let ANYONE work out on the rubber mats. I wish he was our coach that day so he could have lost it on that kid.

2) The day we did Filthy Fifty some kid asked Max a question or questioned Max about jumping pull ups. We don't know what exactly happened but all of the sudden Max stopped class and made everyone look while this kid did 50 jumping pull ups. Everyone was like what is going on? He wouldn't explain he just kept saying tell me that jumping pull ups aren't a lot a work so I'm assuming this kid questioned why we didn't do regular ones. In front of everyone this kid is doing these pull ups and Max is giving him no reps for not doing full extension. It was so awkwatrdly funny.

I feel like there was more stories but I can't remember right now. Good night.

Ben's Workout 11/5/13

Swim assessment day!

I swam in front of the instructor for about 15 minutes doing different strokes and kicks. She said that I streamline very well and that I've got "a lot to work with" and that I'll be really "efficient once we tweak some minor things".

So, that is a positive. I signed up for 10 lessons with her starting this Saturday at noon.

After the assessment I did some strength work.


2000m row
stretch and mobility


Front Squats 5 x 6 (115#)
Cleans 5 x 5 (95#)
Inverted Rows 3 x 8
Side Plank Shoulder Raise 3 x 6 (15#)
Seal Fit Flutter Kick 3 x 50
Tri Rope Extensions 3 x 10
Leg Raise Bench Press 5 x 5 (115#)
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Dips 3 x 5
KB Swings 3 x 20 (35#)
Sit-ups 3 x 20
Man Makers 1 x 10 (25#)

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/4/13

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility

A) 7 sets of complex:
1 Halting Clean Deadlift + 1 Power Cleans

M: 65-75-85-85-85-85-85
C: 95-115-115-125-135-135-145

I had to feel what it was like to be the weakest in the group for the first time. Well, not really the weakest but the least skilled. I literally get scared of cleans every single time we do them. I don't know why other than the fact that I pull it half way up to my shins then freak out. 85 is easy for me but I just can't get over the fear to go up. Something I will definitely work on during off days.

B) 1 round
500m row
100 double unders
800m run

C: 9:24, 1:47 row
M: 11:35

I didn't look at my row since but I would think it was somewhere around 2 minutes. I wish I had thought about looking now. Double unders were really tricky. I could only get about 2-3 at a time. C said he had the same problem. It was really frustrating.  Yet again, another thing I need to work on.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ben's laziness continues...

Ugh, another "rest" day. I've been at work for 12 hours and don't feel like doing anything serious. I forced myself to do:

20 push-ups
20 goblet squats 25#
20 kb swings 25#
20 leg raises
20 scissor kicks (both sides)
20 russian twists 25# (both sides)
20 dips

Now I'm going to mash while watching Homeland.

Also, I started working on my triathlon training schedule. I'll share when I'm finished. I won't really start "training" until 3 months out, which is going to be end of February.

I should have done this.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 11/3/13

Went to open gym today. We were scared it would be really awkward. Luckily there wasn't many people there.

Warm up:
500m row

Kipping pull ups (M)
Bar muscle ups (C)

I got my kip and C got his bar muscle ups. He was so happy he couldn't stop smiling. Such a cutie. Can't wait til he pops one out in front of a class and everyone goes nuts around him. I would add a YouTube video right here but I don't know how...

EMOM: 10 mins 
3 cleans 

M: 55#

Cool down:
500m row 

Ben's rest day

I have excuses for why I didn't work out today but none of them are any good. 

I did a lot of work with the lacrosse ball (over an hour) while watching a movie tonight though.