Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ben's workout 7/13/13

All cardio today. 

AM workout:

Bike 3.15 miles to gym
Row 5k in 22:17

PM workout:

Run 4.5 miles in 33:19

Clyde & Myriah's Workout 6/23/13

Rest day today but got a nice run in this morning:

Now on our way to Summerthing 2013, and then the C9 store for some more underwear-less shorts and possibly a movie. I'd link to all these but I haven't quite figured out the Blogger app yet.

Clyde & Myriah's Workout 7/13/13

Welcome back Myriah!!!!!

Bike/Row &

WOD 1:
Bottom Up KB Thruster (35#/25#)
Box Jump (24in)
Burpee Broad Jump

Clyde: 12:50
Myriah: 13:01 (21-21-9---9-9-9reps)

WOD 2 (Clyde):
5 rounds unbroken pull-ups at ~60% of max

WOD 2 (Myriah):
11 unbroken jumping pull-ups (Max)
30 Sit-ups
30 Push-ups
30 Squats
12 unbroken jumping pull-ups (Max)

Myriah: 4:05

Friday, July 12, 2013

Clyde's Workout 7/12/13

Climbing, treadmill, row

4 Min Tabata Hill Sprint
Treadmill at max incline, 8:20 pace

This will probably become a weekly add-on as well. Maybe this will be my warm up for Mon/Wed class.

M is busting out some pull-ups and resistance band work right now. Hopefully she is back healthy tomorrow

Ben's Workout 7/12/13

Bike 3.15 miles to gym

45 minutes of chest, back, abs

3 rounds of
bleachers (up and back)
10 hand-release burpees
10 dips

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Clyde's Workout 7/11/13

Finally back at it today, went to the gym for some climbing and a little bit of dumbbell work. Then did a workout back at the apartment:

30x Squats
30x Situps
30x Dips
30x Pull-ups
30x Bicycle crunch 2ct
30x KB snatches (30left, 30right)
30x Plank push ups
30x Russian twists (25lb)
30x Mtn climbers
10x HSPU (no way I had more in me)
30x Toes to bar
30x Lunges (30 each side)
30x Clapping push up
30sec Plank

Clyde: 27:12

P.S. not sure how to fix the font

Ben's workout 7/11/13

Bike to gym 3.15 miles

35 minutes of arms and abs

Run 4.5 miles in 37:10

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ben's Active Recovery Day7/10/13

Another recovery day. I'll hit it again tomorrow before taking a rest on Friday. Race on Saturday

30 pull ups
20 push ups
40 sit ups
20 dips

Now going to get iced cream with friends. Seriously.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ben's active recovery day 7/9/13

~30 bike ride through hills of Sidney to loosen the legs after 5 hours in the car. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Ben and Clyde's Interval Sprints 7/8/13

10 x 100m rest as needed

Ben, Myriah, Clyde, Harrison, and Jenna's MetCon 7/7/13

1 x lap around house holding weight overhead (Ben, Clyde, Harrison 25lbs & Myriah, Jenna 10lbs)
5 Ring Pull ups (Ben, Clyde, Harrison)
5 Dips (Myriah, Jenna)
10 Kettlebell Swings (Ben, Clyde, Harrison 25lbs & Myriah, Jenna 12lbs)
20 Sit ups
30 Push ups
20 Sit ups
10 Kettlebell Swings
5 Ring pull ups / 5 Dips
1 x lap around house holding weight overhead


Ben: 3:45
Clyde: 3:36
Harrison: 4:17
Myriah: 4:45
Jenna: 4:09

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ben, Clyde, Myriah 2nd Workout 7/7/13


6 x 30 second squat hold 95lbs


6 x 30 second squat hold 45lbs


3 sets of squats 95lbs

Clyde's Run 7/7/13

Early run to warmup for this evening's WOD. Set a new PR for pace, but crapped out and couldn't finish the last 1/4 mile uphill

Ben's Workout 7/7/13

Run 5k
10 Thrusters
10 Barbell Curls
10 Kettlebell Swings
75 jump rope

Ben's Workout 7/5/13

Run 4.5 miles in 34 minutes 14 seconds