Saturday, December 14, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/14/13

Skill/Mobility: With a dowel and then, if comfortable, an empty barbell, on trainer’s count:
3 Behind-the-neck snatch-grip push-presses
3 High-hang muscle snatches
3 High-hang power snatches
3 Overhead Squats
3 Drop Snatches
A: Snatch 2-2-2-2-2
Drop the barbell and re-set for each rep
M: Went up to 65# and worked strictly on technique
C: 110# (PR)
B: “Death by” Burpees w/ 2 Power Clean (155/105lb) buy-in
15-minute time cap
M: 11 rounds, 2 cleans, 10 burpees 85#
C: 13 rounds, 2 cleans, 11 burpees 135#

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/13/13

A) 3-6 rope climbs (any way it is hard)

C: 5 seated
M: 3 standing (no jump to start)

B) 15 minutes to reach a 1RM Front Squat

C: 175#
M: 155#

C) For time:
Row 500m
40 Russian Kettle Bell Swings 2pd/1.5pd
30 box jumps 24"/20"
20 Push ups
10 Ring Dips

C: 7:35
M: 7:55

Didn't even know I could do ring dips. My arms gave out during the WOD and I had to go to just jumping and pulling as much as I could.

Ben's Workout 12/14/13

I was planning on a long swim, bike, run today. However, the winter decided to dump many inches of snow on us this morning and Kathy rescheduled the lesson. Instead, I went down to Sidney Fitness for a little workout. I kind of just jumped around with no plan but it was better than sitting home. My shoulders are still killing me from the WOD on Wednesday night...


500m row
10 Thrusters 45#


  • Overhead Squats 3 x 6 (65#) 
  • Hang Cleans 1 x 10 (95#)
    • work up to 1RM of Squat Cleans (95 - 105 - 115 - 125#). I failed the first attempt at 135 but not by much. I think I could have hit it but when I failed I had to drop the bar in front of me during the squat. It hit one the stupid wooden benches and broke it. Luckily, no one else was in the gym. Let's hope the camera didn't catch it...
  • Bicep 21's 2 sets (55#)
  • Skull Crushers 2 x 8 (55#)
  • Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
  • Reverse Rows 3 x 10
  • Bicycle Crunches 3 x 40
  • Bench 3 x 5 (135 - 155 - 165#) 
    • Yes, on the Smith Machine...

Bring Sally Up! (45#)
- Wow, way harder than I expected since I was just doing the bar. I had to take a few breaks or stand up early a few times. I can't wait to try it with push-ups sometime.

Cool Down:

5 Minutes on the bike

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ben's Workout 12/12/13

I hate Thursdays. I had to be to work at 8 a.m and didn't get done until 8 p.m. I did take an hour lunch and an hour dinner though.

Anyway, I did a brief workout before work to be sure I got something done.

20 Lunge Twists
20 Plank Leg Taps
20 Side Plank Shoulder Raise
40 Flutter Kicks
40 Bicycle Crunches

for time:
KB Swings 45#
DB Snatch 30#

time: 5:25

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/11/13

A) 3 rounds for weights (resting between each round)
10 alternating dumbbell snatches 
45 second plank hold with weight 
30 double unders in 30 seconds 

M: 35# db, 35# plate on back
C: 35,45, 55# db, 35# plate on back

B) The Cheif 
5 rounds of:
AMRAP 3min/1 min rest 
3 cleans 135/75#
6 push ups
9 air squats 

Pick up exactly where you left off after the round. So if you got through 3 rounds and 5 push ups during the 3 mins, you pick up on the 6th push up the next round.

M: 15 rounds, 6 push ups
C: 15 rounds, 1 clean 

The squats really killed people after the
Workouts we had the last two days. We both just felt really off too. I didn't push myself at all. If I wanted a break, I took it. Everyone seemed to be down in the dumps. Hopefully having a rest day will help get everyone back on it for Friday.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ben's WOD 12/11/13


Dynamic Stretching and Mobility


45 minutes of Power Cleans and Hang Cleans


10 minute AMRAP of:

5 Push Press 65#
5 Push ups
5 Front Squats 65#

completed: 10 rounds


3 x 6 Deadlift 165#

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/10/13

Warm up:
800m run
Stretch and mobility
10 push ups, sit ups, squats and burpees 

A) Max set T2B, then two sets of 50% of that

M: 12-6-6
C: 17-9-9

B) 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 back squat trying to reach a 1RM

M: 180 (PR)
C: 205 (PR)

Will have to give you the story on mine tomorrow. 

C) EMOM 7min 
3 man makers with no push ups 35/25#
Max set Russian kettle bell swings 2/1.5pd

C: 60
M: 48

You should try this one. It was so hard. I didn't get any kettlebells during the last 2-3 rounds. My arms were gone. 

Ben's Workout 12/10/13

Each swim workout is exponentially better than the previous. Today's was no exception. I did an hour and fifteen minutes in the pool and made some strong forward progress with the few things I'm trying to smooth out. Also, I learned the flip turn. It's super fun.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/9/13

Warm up:
810m (yes) jog
Stretch and mobility 
10 squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 burpees, 10 good mornings 

A) 5 wall walks (nose to wall)

B) 15 mins to establish 1 RM push press

M: 90
C: 155

C) AMRAP 10 mins 95/65#
1 strict press
2 push press
3 push jerk
10 sdhp kettlebell 2/1.5pood

M: 6 rounds, 1 press
C: 7 rounds, all the presses

This was extremely hard. By the fifth round, our arms were giving out and we had to go push press. My arms were definitely feeling it tonight. 

M&C's Rest Day 12/8/13

Rest day. Went to Rookie Rumble 3. Pretty cool. 

Ben's Workout 12/8/13

Yesterday was exhausting and I felt it when I woke up this morning. 7 hours of moving old electronics. 

Today I swam some pretty hard intervals for an hour or so. I was already tired going into the swim but this was definitely the most taxing pool workout I've done. After the pool I rode for 20 minutes and ran for 20 minutes. Not the workout I had in mind but I was too beat up to accomplish anything more.