Saturday, February 15, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/15/14

Worked on toes to bar in the beginning.

Air Force WOD:
20 thrusters
20 sumo dead lift high pull
20 push jerks
20 overhead squats
20 front squats 

20 minute time cap
RX= 95/65

EMOM you must perform 4 burpees. So to start, you do 4 burpees then start your thrusters. Say you do 7 thrusters and the next minute starts, you would stop and do 4 burpees then begin your thrusters again with 7 of them done. Get it?

M: 11:48 RX
C: 14:49 RX except for 17 of his overhead squats at 65

Really tough WOD. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/14/14

A) 5 sets of complex:
1 high hang squat clean
1 hang squat clean

Partner WOD!! There were only 6 people in class tonight so C actually got to be my partner!! Wooo! Valentines day workout.

B) 4 rounds for time: 
400m run 
30 burpees while partner planks on elbows
20 wall balls over pull up rig (we used a 20# ball)

C+M: 21:32

We broke the burpees up into fives each. The planking actually got really hard because you were out of breathe and trying to stay tight. 

Tomorrow's looks really fun/hard. We are going to the normal class.

Ben's WOD 2/13 & 2/14



Linda worked on deadlifts with me for about 20 minutes. I only used 165# for this. She said that when I deadlift I am almost doing a Romanian deadlift and that I need to bend my knees more. After the 20 minutes I felt like my form improved a ton. Engage those hammies!



Box Jumps
Handstand Pushups
400m run

time: 9:09

--that was the fastest of the day. I knew that since I struggled with some of the heavier WODs earlier in the week that this would be a good one for me. I was able to do all the HSPU unbroken and only had to kip the last few of each round.


My plan today was to hit open gym to do the WOD I missed on Tuesday and then stick around for the 4PM class and do today's WOD. However, I haven't been feeling well all day (cramps and body aches - hope it's not the flu). I went in a rowed, did some stretching, and then did Tuesday's WOD. I didn't stay for the class since I felt terrible.

3 rounds for time of:
40 Double Unders
30 Squats
20 Pushups
10 Pullups

time: 8:32

--only two people beat my time but they are both very good at DU and I was seriously struggling with them. Really, really frustrating since I did the first two rounds of everything else unbroken (much to my surprise on the pushups!)...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/13/14

Went to open gym to do yesterday's WOD.

Both warmed up rowing. C did some muscle ups on the rings.

A) 5 sets of:
High hang squat snatch
Hang sqaut snatch
M: 55 whole time

I was struggling on these tonight.

B) 10 minute AMRAP
40 wall balls
30 double unders
20 dead lifts 225/145
10 pull ups

C: 1 round, 36 wall balls = 136 total 
M: 1 round, 8 DUs = 148 total 

We both worked on some more DUs and toes to bar after. C also did a beautiful bar muscle up. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

M&C Catch up 2/7, 2/9, 2/10, 2/11

2/7-- Friday- so long ago

A) was suppose to be tabata DUs with L sits but of course we didn't do it... So we just worked on DUs

B) AMRAP 7 minutes (same as last week with more weight)
5 deadlifts
4 hang cleans
3 front squats
2 push press
1 jerk 

M: 5 rounds, 3 front squats at 80#
C: 5 rounds, 5 deadlifts #115

This was so much harder with more weight (my previous week I competed 8 rounds). We also agreed our bodies were really tired from a hard week.


2/9-- Sunday 

M: A) EMOM 10 minutes
5 push press #65

B) Front squats

C) worked on double unders

C: A) 10 sets of:
1 snatch 
20 DUs 

76x6, 85, 95

B) Front squat
3x5 135, 155, 165

C) Muscle ups- 5 total, 2 sets of 2 and almost had a set of 3


2/10- Monday

A) HSPU and handstand hold practice

B) Push press

C) 10-8-6-4-2
Strict pull ups

M: 5:55 at 75# (started with as many strict as possible- usually only 1-2 then went to kip)
C: 7:33 at 115#


2/11- Tuesday 

A) 10 minutes of pistol practice 

B) Back sqaut

C) Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes (hitting every station 5x)
Box jumps
American kettlebell swings 44#/35#
Push ups

M: 173
C: 201

Skipped class tonight 2/12 but will be doing tonight's work out tomorrow at open gym. Looks like a rough one. 

Ben's WOD 2/10 & 2/12


4 rounds of:
10 superman pushups
10 situps
10 sec bridge


Front Squat 5x3


400m run
12-11-10-9....etc to 1
Deadlift, Push Press, Medball Cleans
200m run

RX = 95# DL, PP and 20# MB

time: 19:06



12 min AMRAP
15 Hang Power Cleans
10 Front Rack Lunges
15 Weighted Situps

RX = 95# HPC, Lunges and 20# SU

score = 4 rounds + HPC + Lunges + 14 SU

Press 5x3

Snatch practice

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/9/14


Deadlift 5 x 5

135 - 185 - 195 - 195 - 195#


30 Hang Power Cleans 95#
30 Bar Burpees
20 Overhead Squats 55#
20 Box Jumps 24"
10 Handstand Pushups
10 Toes to Bar
5 Prisoner's Squats
5 Jumping Lunges

time: 9:19