Saturday, November 16, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/16/13

Can you ever get a date right?

A) Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 @ 30X1 using 70-75% of 1 RM

M: 95-115-125-125-130 (PR)
C: 145-145-155-165-165

C worked more on the 30X1. I tried to do it that way but might not have been perfect as it got heavier.

B) AMRAP in 8 minutes
Max rep unbroken dumbbell push press 35/25
30 Russian kettle bell swings 1.5/1pd

M: 155
C: 130

I didn't realize we got to count the kettle bell swings. I thought it was just the push press. People were getting in the 100's and I was only at 35 so I was so confused. C told me it was the kettle bell swings also. I would have been able to get more if I knew that because I really took my time no those and waited a while to do my last db push press so I could be fresh and get as many reps as possible. In reality, my dumbbells were probably too light because I got one of the highest scores. I don't think I could have gone up to 35s though.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/15/13

Warm up:
800m jog
Human knot
Stretch and mobility

A) 7 sets of complex: High hang clean + clean

M: 65-70-75-75-75-75
C: up to 135

B) E3M for 24 minutes
400m run
10 burpees

M + C- All eight rounds

Ben's Workout 11/17/13

Wow, my swim lesson today was a lot harder than last week. But it was also really good. We started incorporating more of the arm stroke (lead with the elbow!) and gliding into it. I felt like I was struggling a bit with some of the drills but the trainer said that I'm way ahead of what she would normally expect and that her biggest advice to me is to "slow down". I've got the speed and the endurance but need to focus more on the form. Next lesson is Monday night and we will continue to do more one arm and head positioning drills. I can't wait. This is a lot more fun than I expected.

After the swim I did a quick strength session.

3 x 5 Barbell Complex (Clean + Front Squat + Push Press) 85#
3 x 20 Flutter Kick
3 x 6 Deadlift 145#
3 x 10 Side Plank Shoulder Raise 15#
3 x 20 Russian Twists 15#
3 x 8 DB Chest Press 45#
3 x 6 Tri Extension 45#
3 x 15 Hanging Leg Raises
3 x 8 DB Bicep Curls 30#
3 x 8 Reverse Rows

Friday, November 15, 2013

Ben's Catch-up

Wednesday I played hockey. We actually won. It was a pretty good game. Then I decided to hit a deer on the drive home. Less than 1000 miles on the car and already over $2000 in damage...

Thursday I didn't have time to do anything between work and driving to Binghamton to do the estimate and insurance stuff.

Today I did what I'm calling Fight Gone Mild. I didn't leave work until close to 6 (an hour after I should have left) and was starving since I forgot a snack. Going from 12:30 - 6 without food is not easy for me.

So, I started some soup and did an apartment WOD while it cooked. Not the best workout.

Fight Gone Mild (3 rounds)

KB Swings 45#
Push Press 30#

total: 376

Swimming and lifting tomorrow. Probably another long run on Sunday. I am thinking that I might toss in a long run (10 miles) every few weeks just to be sure that I keep a decent aerobic base during the next few months before I jump into triathlon training in earnest.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Off Day 11/14/13

Off Day.

Shopping day for C.

He just can't stop gaining weight.

Going to have to start carrying chimichongas in his pockets.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/13/12

Deer day for B.

Warm up:
800m jog

Prowler Conga: Boys vs. Girls 10min
Boys pushed from down low and girls pushed from on top. Both sets of teams had (2) 10 burpee penalties (it was like hot potato).

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5+

C: 225-225-255-255-255(7)
M: 95-115-125-135-145

Clearly M (me) didn't get it. No one else really did either... We were suppose to get to a weight and then do as many reps as possible on the last one. I just went up in weight.

6-3-1 rope climb from seated
21-15-9 thrusters 75/55

M: 9:11 - I did 3-2-1 rope climbs and not from seated
C: 11:35

The WOD was originally 9-6-3 but he realized that was excessive so it moved to 6-3-1. Or scale to what you're capable of. We both have some bad rope burn. Going to have to buy socks for it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/12/13

Pretty sure you say you haven't done that in a while every time...

Warm up:
800m jog
3 sets of 20 second rope hang

A) 7 sets of (1) High hang power snatch + squat snatch

C: 65-65-65-75-75-85-85
M: 45-55-55-55-55-55-60

Snatch is so hard to do. It also gets really confusing throwing in the squat right after the high hang. Gonna have to work on those.

B) Helen
3 rounds for time
400m run
21 kettle bell swings 1.5pd/1pd
12 pull ups

C: 13:17

Clyde had to swing such a huge kettle bell. Props to him. Still can't believe that I am doing pull ups during these workouts. I'm so happy I got them because we can only do RX workouts if we have every single move. So if you don't have a pull up, you're doing the burpee Helen. No way I wanted to do that. My hands are pretty ripped up so doing rope climbs and dead lifts tonight will not be fun.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ben's Workout 11/12/13

Ok, dates should be correct now. I haven't done that in a while...

I was going to swim tonight but it's 25 and snowy and driving to Oneonta did not sound appealing - especially when I have to drive to Binghamton tomorrow and Oneonta again Friday and Saturday.

So, I did a workout in the apartment. Nothing great but it definitely got the muscles pumping and blood flowing.

3 rounds for quality (no resting but focusing on form) of:

10 Hindu push-ups EXAMPLE
20 Streamline squats EXAMPLE
10 Lunge Twists with arms extended (per side)
20 Front Plank Taps (per side)
20 Side Plank Rotations (per side)
20 Supermans
40 Flutterkicks (per side)

--This was more work that I expected and I plan to start implementing at least one round of it per day to work on my swimming muscles.

10-8-6-4-2 of:
Thrusters 35# DB

time: 5:21

--I ate my Vega Protein Bar afterwards. Then I got this in my email. The bar was delicious anyway...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/11/13

Nice try on your date. I mean really, is it that hard to write the correct date? 

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 

Birthday WOD!
75-your age (51 for us)
These can be done in any order. You must complete the whole movement before moving on. 

Snatch 65#/45#
Toes to bar
Row for calories 
Dumbbell push press 35#/25#
Push ups
Kettlebell swings 35#

M: 37:27
C: 39:08 

Drenched in sweat by the end. 

Ben's WOD 11/11/13

Early morning WOD before the omelette station…


Foam Roll
Dynamic Mobility
1 round of Ben Greenfield's Swim Workout w/o the Pool


1600m run (treadmill)
21 Russian KB Swings 45#
21 Burpees
21 KB Sumo Deadlift High PUll 45#

1200m run
15 Russian KB
15 Burpees

800m run
9 Russian KB
9 Burpees

time: 21:43

--The treadmill doesn't go fast enough to run a sub-6 minute mile…

Off to eat omelets, get my phone fixed, and get the windows tinted. Have to fit in a lunch with Sneakers too…

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/10/13

Went to open gym. So awk.

Warm up:
C &M: 500m row

M: 5 x 3 kipping pull ups

Work up to a heavy clean- 85#

EMOM for 10 mins
3 cleans #65
5 HSPU with 10# plate under ab mat



C: Barbell complex
15 reps, 75#

Mobility work

One muscle up

Cool down:
C-500m row