Can you ever get a date right?
M: 95-115-125-125-130 (PR)
C: 145-145-155-165-165
C worked more on the 30X1. I tried to do it that way but might not have been perfect as it got heavier.
B) AMRAP in 8 minutes
Max rep unbroken dumbbell push press 35/25
30 Russian kettle bell swings 1.5/1pd
M: 155
C: 130
I didn't realize we got to count the kettle bell swings. I thought it was just the push press. People were getting in the 100's and I was only at 35 so I was so confused. C told me it was the kettle bell swings also. I would have been able to get more if I knew that because I really took my time no those and waited a while to do my last db push press so I could be fresh and get as many reps as possible. In reality, my dumbbells were probably too light because I got one of the highest scores. I don't think I could have gone up to 35s though.