Friday, November 1, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/1/13

You're lucky B, you're lucky. I almost gave up on this blog because of you. 

Warm up:
Stretch and mobility 
1200m jog

Overhead and snatch practice 

A) Heavy snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1

M: 55#
C: worked up to 95#

I don't know why I get so scared of gettin the bar from the ground over my head. I know I could go at least 10# more but I'm too scared. It's annoying because I haven't gotten scared of lifting like that in a while. Ugh. Definitely going to be doing snatch practice on off days when we go to the gym to just practice skills.

B) 5 rounds
30 double unders
15 power snatch 

C: 13:10 55#
M: 15:54 45#

Holy painful!!!! I thought I was going to have to cut the reps after the first round. I was so scared. And wait for it... Wait for it... I can string my double unders together!!!!!! I just had to go for it! The first round I was doing the first round with one to two singles in between and it was killing me. The second round I was determined and I got 8 together my first try. Then the next rounds I was getting between 10-15 together! So happy. But ugh they are so tiring especially mixed with lifting. Snatching is really hard. Also, we were taught the wrong thing so good thing we came to this gym and learned. Alright, enough rambling. Now on to cuddle my tute doll while watching Monk. Latazzzzz

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