Monday, October 14, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/14/13

Okay can you start getting your dates right on your workouts? You seem to slip about every few weeks and it's really annoying. Fix the last two or three. Thanks.

Warm up:
Stretch and mobility (lots of running warm up stuff)
Two 400m jogs

400m run

C: 1:12
M: 1:23

There are many twists and turns and we go from pavement to gravel to sand to grass all in one run. When we actually map out a straight 400 from the gym we should have about 5-7 seconds cut off. 

4 rounds 
400m run
12 man makers

C: 20: 05 #25
M: 21:35 #15

This one was killer!! My shoulders are in pain. 

So you might not be able to show your face at the gym now. The fastest heat of runners got around 1:03 for their 400m so I asked our coach what a really good 400 would be. I told him and most of the class that you said you ran the first 400 in 47 seconds. They all said that was pretty much impossible. So we all just picked on you. It was great and a good bonding time for us. BLOL. You did say that, right? 

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