Warm up:
75 jump rope
10 pull ups
20 push ups
30 sit ups
40 squats
75 jump rope
It's going to be interesting switching from a crappy jump rope to an actual RX jump rope.
Myriah & Clyde's Farewell WOD:
In pairs, complete the following. Each partner must do equal amount of reps.
Buy in: 800m run
150 wall balls
120 kettlebell swings
90 push press
60 hand release burpees
Myriah&Clyde: 23:18 (of course we got the fastest time)
M: 10# wall ball
25# kb
45# bar push press
C: 12# wall ball
35# kb
65# push press
We are limited on weights and sizes so that's what we used.
Sad to leave our last class. Hasn't sunk in yet. Probably won't until class tonight at CFEB. Yikessssss.
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