Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/17/13

It's getting really frustrating that we always change our mile run. This time it was off again. It was actually the person that was first to the turn around because they went further than they were suppose to and we all followed. 

So yeah. 

A) Max set of strict (no kip at all) chin over bar pull ups, then 2x50%

M: 1-1-1
C: 13-7-7

B) One mile run 

C: 7:10
M: 8:16

So frustrating that we don't have actual miles times now. Whatevs.

C) 3x10 weighted lunges

M: 3x35# dumbbells
C: 35, 45, 55

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