To be done like the song on the first day of Xmas...
1 200m run
2 strict pull ups
3 v ups
4 alternating arm dumbbell snatch 35/25
5 box jump overs
6 alternating reverse lunge steps 35/25
7 burpees
8 wall balls
9 Russian kettle bell swings 1.5/1pd
10 push ups
11 knees to elbows
12 dumbbell clusters (clean into thruster)
So perform 1 first round (run)
2, 1 second round (2 pull ups, then run)
3, 2, 1 third round (3 v ups, 2 pull ups, run)
C: 37:42
M: 37:50
I passed C in the last round and of course he saw me run out the door so he bolted to me on the last sprint. The clusters were by far the hardest part. It was really tiring.
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