Saturday, August 24, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout: 8/24/13

Can't see the bottom two of your pics... Huhhhh? I'll try to look tomorrow too but it's a lost cause right now. 

Can't believe we will be doing yoga together. Twinsies. Tried to do some free handstands in the living room tonight but C was not helping the right way. 

Anyways, here's our workout

Warm up: climb 45 mins 

50 wall ball shots 
40 burpees
30 barbell walking lunges
20 DU
10 HSPU/kick ups
800m run

Clyde: 16:50 (12# wall ball- that's the heaviest we got)
Myriah: 18:40 (10# wb- second heaviest)

3x5 toes to bar 

We were suppose to do AMRAP 10 burpees 25 DU but somebody (C) couldn't do DU because his calves hurt. He thinks its because he runs so hard (100%) on his sprints that he kills the muscles. We wouldn't know that feeling B cause we don't push past our limits. I did however (yes, I created this WOD) through 20 DU because I knew he would be able to do it under pressure. He also told me that he would be done with walking lunges before I got to mine because he is the king at burpees. Don't worry, I was only three behind. Also, not to trash him, but he loves to ask me what number I'm at so he can beat me. He does this all the time. I refused to tell him my burpee number because he uses it to his advantage to not let me pass him. Jerk. 

Lifting tomorrow. Later. Gotta give C a calf massage because he is crying from the pain. 

Ben's Active Rest Day 8/24/13

Seriously? M wants to do yoga. We're exactly the same....

Anyway, I did the 20 minute Power Restoration yoga session this morning. I was pretty stiff after my run last night so it was a good way to stretch out.

After yoga I did my 3 pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 9 sit-ups, 12 air squats morning ritual and then did some serious mashing.

I'm going to play disc golf with Mark and Dave today. Probably get in at least 36 holes, maybe more. 

This one's for C:

Friday, August 23, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Off Day 8/23/13

We took tonight off. M did some yoga during the day while C played some football at the park with his work people. Tomorrow we shall be back at it.

WOAH!!!! Just read your workout after posting this and seeing about your yoga. Man we are just so in sync bro. Check out my paleo blog to see what I mean. 

Ben's Workout 8/23/13

Ran 6.5 miles in 52:33.

Also, I've added foam rolling to my morning routine of 3 pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 9 sit-ups, 12 air squats. I feel so good and loose and ready for the day after this and a shower.

I took out Rodney Yee's Ultimate Power Yoga from the library today. It has 5 twenty minute sessions on it (Power Foundations, Strengthening Sun Salutations, Sculpting Standing Poses, Broadening Back Bends, Ultimate Power Restoration). I think I'm going to start doing them in the morning and on rest days. I used to do yoga every day when I was at BU. It would be nice to get more flexible again.

Juggling balls work really well for mashing. Why wasn't I doing this earlier?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 8/22/13

First let me start out by saying that I didn't know we were doing futuristic workouts on here. Cough B.

Anyways, here's our track workout:

Warm up:
800 meter run

10x100m runs 
Walk back to start in between

That's it. Nice little sprint work.

At home we did 3x30sec planks

Really thinking about East Bay crossfit. Look it up. It's the new one opening in Jack London Square which is a really cool area and close to our apartment. It is also brand new (it opens in October) so everyone will be new along with all the equipment. Lots of pros and cons or leaving our gym but we need to decide within the next week because there are only a select number of spots left open at this gym. Ugh. We finally make friends and now we might leave them. Such a tough decision.

Ben's Workout 8/22/13


Bike 5k to gym


Bench 4 x 8 x (135 - 155 - 175 - 185#)
3 x 15 V-ups
Decline Bench 3 x 8 x (155 - 175 - 195#)
3 x 20 Scissor Kick
3 x 20 Scissor Kick over/under
Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curls 3 x 8 (30#)
Triceps Rope Extension 3 x 10 (80#)
Abs Crunch with rope 3 x 15 (80#)
Dips 3 x 5
Pull-ups 3 x 5
Decline Med Ball Sit-ups with toss 3 x 15 (10#)
Reverse Pull-ups 3 x 10
Sit-ups 3 x 20
Russian Twists 3 x 25 (20#)
Preacher Curls 3 x 10 (70#)
Triceps Extension above the head 3 x 10 (50#)
Man Maker 2 x 5 (15#)

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 8/21/13

Foam roller finally arrived so we got some mashing in before going to the gym.

Warm up:
75 SU
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 squats
75 SU


WOD: 3 rounds -- No time 
15 mountain climbers (2count)
15 deadlift-clean-thruster

The killer part was having to put the deadlift down every time for the clean. I started out with 65# and C started out with #85 but we both ended up dropping 20#. It was much more work than we thought. Ended up sweating a lot too. 

C worked on front squats after the WOD as well.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ben's Workout 8/21/13


Double Under practice


21 - 15 - 9
Overhead Squats 65#
Ring Pull-ups
Bar Burpees

time: 15:45


5k in 25:37

-- That WOD was really hard. OHS are not my strong point and ring pull-ups are no fun right afterwards. Follow that with sit-ups and bar burpees...ouch. My 5k time was terrible because I didn't give myself much rest after the WOD.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 8/20/13

Climbed for 45 mins 

Ben's Workout 8/20/13


10 minutes double under practice

WOD 1:

Run 1200m - 800m - 400m
Push-ups 21 - 15 - 9
Sit-ups 21 - 15 - 9
Kettlebell Swings 21 - 15 - 9

time: 15:43

This one was a lot of fun.

WOD 2:

3 rounds of:
40 stairs
20 dips
40 stairs
10 goblet squats 25# KB

time: 6:14

Monday, August 19, 2013

Clyde and Myriah's Workout 8/19/13

Tonight's class had every movement geared toward improving bouldering skills. A very upper body focused class, that ended with a nice, intense couplet.


-Lock off (hold in chin-up position, but we did it on a ledge with just enough room for our fingers, as opposed to a pull up bar that you can grip with your whole hand)

Hand Release Burpees
OHS (overhead squat) 45#

C: 7:13
M: 9:35

Clyde's Lunch Break 8/19/13

Disclaimer: this is in no way considered a "workout" or "WOD". The exercises contained within the following post are not valid excuses to preclude me from subsequent PM workouts.

Row 2k ~8:30
Rest ~2:00
Row 2k ~9:00

L-sit 3x:30

C -- out.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's Workout 8/18/13

Squat 3x5
M: 115#
C: 165#

Dip 3x5
M: sub push-ups
C: 35# weighted

Deadlift 1x5
M:115# (plus a few singles at 135/45)
C: 255#

C: 35# strict weighted 3x5
M: 3x3 pull-up negatives

Felt good to be back today. We also worked on DUs, I'm finally starting to get them down consistently.

Ben's Workout 8/18/13

A.M. Workout:

Just a simple WOD in the apartment to get the blood flowing before shopping and lunch with Trud.

10 Strict Pull-ups
20 Hand-release push-ups
30 Kettlebell swings 25#
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

I'd like to post my time but I apparently missed the start button on my phone and didn't notice until I had already done my PU's. Oh well....

After lunch I had to go back to the library and move all the books and shelves back.

P.M. Workout:

Since I'm taking tomorrow off, I wanted to hit the gym for a bit tonight. I was pretty tired from moving so much stuff yesterday and today so it was a bit uninspired. Also, I need to pick some sort of strength or weightlifting plan and go with it. I don't want to do the bodybuilding, work one muscle group a day thing. But I also can't do a lot of the olympic/crossfit weightlifting there either. I REALLY wish there was a Crossfit box near me.


500m Row


3 x 6 Bench (145 - 165 - 175#)
3 x 15 Abs Scissor Kicks
3 x 15 Abs Over Under Kicks
2 x 8 Thruster 75#
2 x 8 Cleans 75#
2 x 8 Push Press 75#
3 x 30 Russian Twists 25#
3 x 8 Dumbbell Row 55#
5 x 15 Hanging Leg Raises
3 x 15 Rope Abs Crunch 80#
2 x Bicep 21's 70#
2 x Skull Crushers 70#
2 x Dumbbell Extensions 50#
2 x 8 Shoulder Raise 20#
2 x 8 Shoulder Press Down 20#
2 x 8 Lat Pull Down 80#
3 x 10 Abs Crunch 90#