Friday, December 27, 2013

Ben's WOD 12/27/13

A variation of the 12 Days WOD you did earlier in the week. 

1 200m run (driveway to end of bike path and back)
2 Handstand Push-ups
3 V-ups
4 Alternating arm DB Snatch 30#
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 45# KB
6 Alternating Reverse Lunge Steps 30# DB
7 Burpees
8 Jumping Air Squats
9  Russian Kettlebell Swings 45#
10 Push-ups
11 Wipers with 45# bar
12 DB Clusters 30#

time: 27:42

…yours was harder

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/24/13

Went to open gym. Did some mobilizing and then worked out.

M: 3x5 135 front squats 

Worked on snatch technique then did an AMRAP from the rookie rumble we went to.

AMRAP: snatch and balls
5 snatches 75/55#
10 wall balls 20/14#

M: 64 reps
C: 69 reps

Woooooie my legs were sore from just front squatting. It was hard to bend to throw the wall ball.

Kipping HSPU:

M: 5, 5, 10 

C worked on his back squat and benched.

C: don't know, don't care


C: Back squat 
5x5 175

5x3 135, 135, 145
2x 155
5x 145

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/23/13

12 Days of Christmas WOD:
To be done like the song on the first day of Xmas...

1 200m run
2 strict pull ups
3 v ups
4 alternating arm dumbbell snatch 35/25
5 box jump overs
6 alternating reverse lunge steps 35/25
7 burpees
8 wall balls
9 Russian kettle bell swings 1.5/1pd
10 push ups
11 knees to elbows
12 dumbbell clusters (clean into thruster)

So perform 1 first round (run)
2, 1 second round (2 pull ups, then run)
3, 2, 1 third round (3 v ups, 2 pull ups, run)

C: 37:42
M: 37:50

I passed C in the last round and of course he saw me run out the door so he bolted to me on the last sprint. The clusters were by far the hardest part. It was really tiring.

Ben's Workout 12/26/13

Last two days off, lots of food, lots of cheesecake...

This morning I did a quick barbell complex before driving back to Sidney for work.

3 x 5 barbell complex 95# (clean + push press + back squat + push press)
50 sit-ups
50 push-ups
50 air squats
20 side plank shoulder raise (per side)

coffee, banana, Master Amino Pattern, snowy drive to work...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ben's Workout 12/23/13


500m row


Squat Cleans 5 x 5 (85 - 95 - 105 - 115 - 125#)
Push Press 5 x 5 (85 - 95 - 105 - 115 - 125#)
Deadlift 5 x 5 (135 - 155 - 175 - 185 - 195#)
Bench Press 5 x 5 (115 - 135 - 155 - 165 - 165#)
V-ups 3 x 15
Hammer Curls 3 x 8 (35#)
Rope Extensions 3 x 8 (90#)
Flutter Kicks 3 x 40
Push-ups 3 x 10
Rear Delt Flys 3 x 8 (70#)
Bicycle Crunch 3 x 40
Reverse Row 3 x 10

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/22/13

M's Workout:

Warm up: 800m row

Stretch and mobility

5x145, 155
1x175, 185, 195, 200

5x5 skill work

C's workout:

Warm up: Airdyne

Stretch and mobility

Weighted pull ups:
3x15#, 3x25#, 3x25#, 2x35#, .5x45#


Ben's Workout 12/22/13


Warm-up: 50m slow crawl, 100m kick only, 25m left arm stroke, 25m right arm stroke

Intervals: 25m hard/10-15 second rest for 400m

I really need to get my aerobic water fitness level up. This killed me.


100 Single Unders

3 rounds of:
21 Russian KB Swings 50#
15 Goblet Squats 50#
9 Handstand Push-ups

100 Single Unders

time: 9:14 (should have done better...)