Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ben's Workout 11/23/13

I had a really good workout today. It started with an hour of swimming. Kathy happened to be there and gave me lots of pointers. She also introduced me to two other people who were there swimming that have done triathlons. One guy used the Total Immersion method to learn to swim. His form was beautiful. He barely broke the water.

I'm not sure how far I swam during that hour but Kathy said it was at least a half mile, probably more. After the swim, I hit the bike for 30 minutes and then the treadmill for 30 minutes. I set them both to a random hill cardio workout. 

Adding it all up afterwards, my workout today was farther on each sport than a sprint triathlon distance. It's good to know that I could go out and do a sprint tomorrow and be comfortable. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/22/13

Wrong date. Once again. Really making me question why I'm still doing this blog.

Warm up: 
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 
Lax ball work

A) 3 sets of max strict chest to bar with supainated grip

M: 3-3-1
C: 10-6-3

B) Back Squat 4-4-4-4-4 30x1

C) Airdyne 1 min
Rest 1 min
Row 1 min 

We both went four times through. We are still both coughing two hours later. It's hard to catch your breath after.

15 burpees at the end.  

Lots of stories again. 

Ben's workout 11/22/13

Ok, didn't have time for a workout the last two days. I mashed for close to 45 last night because I'd been sitting and driving so much.

Tonight we didn't have time for a WOD. We worked on lifting techniques.

I was able to do pull-ups with correct form and they didn't bother my elbow at all. This is really good because I haven't been able to do them since July or August. 

Then we worked on the clean, strict press, push press, and push jerk (split and non). Definitely feel like my form is tighter on those now - especially because I was cleaning and push pressing 110#. 

I only had 15 minutes before the gym closed by the time we were done. I decided to do a 2k row. My time was 7:41. I think the last time I did a 2k row I was over 8 minutes?  

Tomorrow will be a swim, bike, run. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

M & C's Off Day 11/21/13

Off day. Much needed for Mr. Manager. 

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/20/13

B is too busy with all his hockey games and interviews to blog. Sometimes life just gets in the way.

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility

A) E3OM 3 Split Jerks

M: 65-70-75-80-80-80-80
C: 115-135-125-125-125-125-135

B) 15-12-9
Deadlift 225#/135#
Kettlebell Swings (Russian) 2 pood/1.5pood

M: 6:53
C: 9:43

It was scary swinging a 53# kettlebell since I had never done anything over 35#. Russian made it so much easier. The actual RX workout for this was insane. 315#/205#, 3pd/1.75pd. There's no way. No way.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/19/13

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 

A) 10-10-10 kettlebell snatches alternating arm throughout the 10

M: 26# kb
C: 35# kb

He can explain the story when we FaceTime next because he didn't get through all of his but I don't feel like writing it all down.

B) In teams of 5- 15 minutes for max reps
Wall balls 20/14# 
Man makers 35/25#
Row for cals 
200m run

M: no clue- it got all messed up- another story
C: 58 - yet another story 

C) 5 rounds 
30 second double unders
30 second rest

M: 88 
C: had to leave on fourth round- another story 

Ben's Workout 11/19/13

Just a quick stop down to Sidney Fitness for a short lift. I'm trying to hit the Starting Strength lifts 2 times a week.

3 x 5 Squat Clean 95#
3 x 5 Push Press 85#
3 x 5 Bench 160#
3 x 5 Deadlift 145#
3 x 40 Flutter Kick
3 x 8 Side Plank Shoulder Raise 15#
3 x 10 Hanging Leg Raises
3 x 15 Decline Sit-up with med ball toss 10#
1 x 10 Dumbbell Thruster 35#

Not sure what I'll have time for the next two days, though I do plan to hit the pool for at least a few laps...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/18/13

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 

A) 3 sets of 5-15 of kipping, c2b, or butterfly pull ups

M: 3x7 kipping
C: 15, 8, 7 c2b

B) 4-4-4-4 Front Squat

M: 85, 95, 105, 115
C: 115, 135, 135, 155

C) 4 rounds
9 burpees 
7 toes to bar
5 hang cleans

M: 5:57, 70#
C: 7:47, 115#

Much better class tonight now that we have a new system going. The fitness group stayed on there side and performance on the other. It was just much smoother. Also, the performance weights are now going to be much higher and sometimes competitor weights so most likely we will all be scaling. 

Myriah & Clyde's Off Day 11/17/13

Still confused why your other workout says 11/17... 

Off day.

Ben's workout 11/17 & 11/18


Ran 3.5 miles in 24:41. My intention was to make it a recovery run by keeping a low heart rate ( > 151 for me). 

Later in the day I went for an hour walk. 


Swam for 45 minutes. The trainer is really upping the intensity now. It was really good. After the swim I hit the bike for 15 minutes followed by a hard 15 on the treadmill at a 6 incline. 

--next Crossfit class is Friday.