Saturday, January 11, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/11/14

We went to our first Weekend Warrior's WOD. They told everyone competing in the brawl in two weeks that it would be best to come to that one to get more exposure. We both really, really enjoyed it and will most likely continue going to that one. It is two hours long (more like 2 1/2 hours) and really works on skills.

Warm up:
Warm up and mobilize on our own for 20 minutes

A) Barbell cycling- this took about an hour and a half

5 muscle snatch
5 power snatch without moving feet
5 squat snatch without moving feet

5 muscle cleans
5 power cleans w/o moving feet
5 squat cleans w/o moving feet

5 push press
5 push press-faster
5 push jerk

This was all done with light weight and focused on skill and speed. It was suppose to be quick movements so as soon as the bar hit your shoulder for S2O, you push it right back up.

Timed sessions: 75#/55#
10 snatch as quickly as possible using any snatch technique

C: 25 seconds
M: 23 seconds

10 clean and S2O(shoulder to overhead) any way as quick as possible
C: 22 seconds
M: 25 seconds

Our WOD was next. It is a marker for the Whole Life Challenge that people from our gym are competing in. We will be doing it again in two months when the challenge is over to see if we got quicker. We aren't doing the challenge but our doing our own type of thing so it will be interesting to see if our results change.

WOD: For time:
Run 800m
66 burpees to 6" target
33 russian kettlebell swings 1.5/1 pood
22 goblet squats (same kettlebell size)
11 jumping squats to 6" target
400m run

M: 13:58
C: 16:02

Like I said, we really enjoyed the weekend warrior's class. Everything was broken down and everyone was helpful.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/10/14

Now that I'm back, the blog will start being updated again. I guess we can forget about knowing what Clyde did yesterday. 

A) Tabata double unders:
M: 100
C: 114

Well that was exhausting. 

B) Clean and jerk 3-3-3-3-3
Reset each clean from the ground

M: 65-85-90-95-100(clean)
Then I went back and did skill work with 85-90#
C: 135# whole time

C) 2x 500m row recovering fully between each round

M: 2:04, 2:02
C: 1:47, 1:54

We both don't think we will ever be back to the crossfitters we once were. The flu took us down at 24 and we will never recover. Very frustrating. I really hope I get back to the way I was otherwise...

I'm out.

Ben (and Micheal's) WOD 1/11/14

Tough one at GSR today. Michael did a good job grinding it out.


Dynamic Stretching and Mobility


3 rounds of 25:

Flutter Kicks
Leg Levers


5 rounds of:

400m run
30 box jumps 24"
30 wall balls 14#

Ben's time: 24:59
Micheal's time: ??

--I finished about 5 minutes ahead of everyone else. I should have gone with a 20# ball but just used what everyone else was using instead.

After the WOD I stuck around and learned kipping pull-ups. Surprisingly, it went really well. I then did some work on kipping ring dips. I also ran a few more 400s with the next class.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ben's WOD (Harrison and Jenna too) 1/10/13


Row 5 minutes
Dynamic Stretching/Mobility


3 rounds of:

2 wall walk-ups
4 pull-ups
6 v-ups
8 pike ups
10 air squats


10 minutes double under practice
Snatch technique and practice


16 minute partner AMRAP

1 person rows 500m while second person completes as many rounds as possible of:
5 pull-ups
10 HR push-ups
15 jumping squats to target

Switch after first person finishes 500m and second person picks up where they left off. Score is total rounds of pull-ups, pushups, squats completed.

Ben & Matt - 11 rounds + 23
Harrison & Jenna - 14 rounds + 14

--Harrison and Jenna killed it and got the best score of the day so far. My partner was a bigger guy. He worked hard the whole time but was a bit slower, typically finishing 1 round to my 3. I was rowing faster too so he didn't have as much time to work though.

--Michael and I are going at 9am. Dad might join.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/9/14

I'm not going to get to GSR tonight. I want to go play with Nico and then walk with Mark before moving tomorrow. I'll go when I'm back next Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully, I can get rolling with Hardcore on Saturday or Sunday and get a few laps in at the pool then too.

Today I did a quick WOD in the garage. It's actually one that Greg suggested to help me start getting my front squat higher with the limited weight I have available.

EMOM (10 minutes) alternating between 

1 Hang Clean & 6 Front Squats 115#

25 Double Unders

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/8/13 (and Harrison, Michael, Randy too)


We did a long warm-up consisting of stretches and dynamic mobility exercises.


Spend 1 minute at each station for 3 rounds:

Double Unders
Air Squats
Reverse Rows
Plank Push-ups


Strict Press (about 10 minutes)


90 seconds work/90 seconds rest for 6 rounds

9 KB Swings (55# for Ben, 15# everyone else)
9 Box Jumps (20" box, Ben & Harrison did box jump overs)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

C's WOD 1/7/13

I passed on my flu to M, so she was stuck at home tonight while I went to class. It sucks that she's missing out, and I know how miserable her symptoms are. Since she's so fit, I'm sure she'll bounce back with a quick recovery!

My WOD was so-so tonight, and my body is still not 100%. My lifts were fine, but I gave myself a DNF again during the metcon. I don't want to push myself too early, and toning down the metcons can't hurt my weight gain.

A) 15 goblet squat @3211 tempo - 43lb kettlebell

B) OHS 5-5-5 reps 95-95-105#
===this was my first time doing OHS for weight

C) Push Press
9 reps @ 60% of 1RM


D) For time:
50 wall balls
rest 1 minute
25 wall balls (unbroken if possible)

I did the first 50 in 2:43 which was decent considering my condition. I rested the one minute and then started on my set of 25. After 8, I dropped the ball and called it quits.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/6/14

C still sick but pushed through to go to class.

A) Handstand + HSPU practice

B) Back squat 9-7-7-5(+)
9@60%, 7@70%, 7@75%, 5(+)@80% of 1 RM

M: 115-125-135-145(9)
C: 135-155-165-175(12)

C) 30-20-10
Box jumps 24"/20"
Russian kettlebell swings 2pood/1.5pood
Toes to bar

M: 11:48
C: Still sick- went until the end of second round but called it quits cause he couldn't breathe

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/6/14



800m row
dynamic stretching/mobility


12 rounds of:
Ring Roll-outs
Superman holds


Find 1RM clean


couldn't stand 155# up, need to work on my front squats





4 sets of Ring Dips
4 strict + kipping until failure


AMRAP (10 minutes)
5 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps

total: 6 rounds + 5 S2O + 10 Deadlifts + 14 Box Jumps (one box jump short of 7 full rounds)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

M & C's Rest Day 1/5/14

C still sickly. Doesn't think he's going to make it. So that means lots of Sunny and lots of rest. Oh and some crankiness. However, I did learn I can get into a handstand hold now. Only one loud fall onto the ground while practicing. Can't wait to try it out at the gym.