Saturday, October 12, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/12/13

Warm up and skills:
Carry 80/50# sandbags to workout area
Stretch & mobility 
90 second plank hold on four different sides
Review clean and jerk

Run 800m with sandbag on back

Myriah: 6:24 50#
Clyde: 6:55 80#

WOD B) Grace
30 clean and jerk

Clyde: 4:40 80#
Myriah: 4:49 50#

Ben's WOD 10/12/13



Carry all the weights down 3 flights and across parking lot...
Frog Stand practice
Hand Stand practice
Double Under practice

--While my DUs seem to have regressed, I'm getting much better at the HS

Barbell Complex:

3 x 3 x (Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press) 95#

Every Minute on the Minute (10 minutes)

1 Snatch 65#
3 Overhead Squats 65#
6 Push-up Jacks
9 Sit-ups


21 - 15 - 9

Kettlebell Swings 45#
KB Sumo Deadlift 45#
HR Burpees

time: 6:21

--Not a bad workout. I expected it to be a bit harder, actually. The weather is really nice so I hope to pop out on the bike for a trail ride after lunch.

Also, Ironman World Championship is on today. You can watch it online.

Here's my workout area in the lawn across from my apartment. I know people watch me because several have commented about it when I see them around. At least they are positive comments....


Took my bike out on the trails for about an hour. I've lived here for a year and just found out that there are some pretty good trails very close to me. I bit it hard going downhill once though. The leaves were slipperier than I expected. All good though...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's WOD 10/11/13

Woooo it feels good to be back in the blogosphere!

Skill/Mobility: CFEB Dynamic Mobility + 75 Second Front, Side, Back, Side Plank Test

A: Pushing Refresher: Push-Ups
Pulling B Refresher: the Clean

B: “Tabata Something”
Sandbag Cleans 80/50
Air Squats

M: 259 reps
C: 300 reps

Latez y'all 

Ben's Workout 10/11/13

Just a quick 5k (19:13) before dinner. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Rest Day 10/10/13

Rest day. Can't imagine we will do anything except mobility. B you really need to start lacrosse balling.

A's game is on at 6 tonight so that will be stressful for C. 

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/9/13

Warm up and skills:
800m run 
Mobility and stretch 
Good mornings 
Kb swings
How to scale WODs

WOD: Burpee Eva
5 rounds 
800m run
30 kb swings
30 burpees 

The class all split up and did different scaling methods for it. C and I both did half of everything. So we did a 400m run, 15 kb swings and 15 burpees for 5 rounds. 

C: 24:12
M: 24:46

C is such a little sneaker. He used to do this all the time to Martin at our old gym. I was beating him the whole time until the very last set of kb swings and burpees. Ugh!! He just pushes so hard, ya know? 

Ben's Workout 10/10/13


Row 1000m


Bench Press with legs lifted 3 x 10 (135 - 155 - 165)
V-ups 3 x 20
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 20 30#
Overhead Extension 3 x 10 50#
Side Plank Shoulder Raise (both sides) 3 x 8 20#
Russian Twists 3 x 20 20#
Lat Pull Down 3 x 8 80#
Underhand Cable Crossovers 3 x 8 30#
Dips 3 x 8
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 15
Bicep 21's 3 x 55#
Rope Extensions 3 x 10 80#
Rope Crunches 3 x 15 80#
Rows 3 x 10 90#
Deadlift 2 x 8 135#
Spider Monkeys 3 x 10 200#

--Really tired this morning. I had to get up for a staff meeting before the gym.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ben's Workout 10/9/13

Hockey night. We won. I had a couple of goals and assists and Michael had a sweet snipe from the hash marks. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD: 10/8/13

Huhhh? Sick day? What?! You'd think your body would be efficient enough to fight off those things...

C thinks you have rhabdo.

Warm up and skills:
Mobility and stretch 
45 second plank hold on all four sides 
Box jumps, kb swings, good mornings 

WOD: Murph
1 mile run
100 pull ups (we had to sub kb swings since we aren't inside yet)
200 push ups 
300 squats
1 mile run 

M: 36:24 25# kb (he let me scale today cause I was sore)
C: 43:45 44# kb 

Before you freak out at our times, we realized I only did 200 squats. I did 5-5-5-10 but should have been doing 5-5-5-15. Push ups, kb swings, push ups, squats. I was so mad when we figured it out. So we think I probably would have finished somewhere around 45 which is still really good. Especially compared to my 1:03 without partition. Also, I started with an 8 minute mile exactly. I couldn't believe it. I never thought I would be able to run and now I'm doing so much better. Go me. So only about seven of us out of thirty five actually did the full murph. I thought so many more people were gonna do it. So again, go us. I also need to tell you a story about what happened during the work out. Let me just say it involves me being super pis*** about "rep shavers" as froning would call them. So annoying. Maybe get a phone call in on your way home from hockey tomorrow if you go. The workout tomorrow is going to be brutally long so probs not til like 7:30-8ish. If you're up. Or we can do our off day on Thursday. I just need to get this story off my chest because it's eating me alive. UGH!!  

Ben's Sick Day 10/8/13

Left work after 45 minutes today. Tired, achy, fever, headache....

So, I slept most of the day. I'm feeling much better now and even did 25 minutes of Sun Salutation yoga this afternoon to help stretch out. I'm going out for a 20 - 30 minute walk now. I've been cramped inside most of the day and need to get some fresh air.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/7/13

What a good little subber you are. What did you want when you called? I got in trouble for saying we were walking in downtown oakland. But we were. It's a fact. Anyways, were over that so let's not dwell on it (I was right).

Warm up and skills:
Jog- maybe 200m
Mobility and stretch
30 second plank hold on front, 30 on side, 30 on back, 30 on other side
V-ups and burpees 
Cleans, dead lifts, bench press

Linda- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... Etc 
Bench press

It sucked because we didn't have enough equipment so I got stuck with dumbbells. I did not want 25# but that's what he wanted me to use (coach). I didn't mind it so much for the deadlifts and cleans but it was extremely hard for me to bench press them. 

M: 11:31 or 11:51 #25 dumbbells 
C: 13:25 #80 sandbag 

Missed the bus and had to walk home 3 miles. Suppose to have the car back tomorrow so I cannot wait.

Murph tomorrow- will be researching what partition I want to do.

Ben's Workout 10/7/13

I was asked to sub for someone in the Monday night league tonight. Wow, what a difference between this league and the one I play in on Wednesdays. Mondays are so much more intense with a lot more skill and contact. My team won 4-3. I had a goal and an assist. I'll probably end up subbing more often. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Rest Day 10/6/13

Rest day. Walked a mile to Trader Joes and a mile back. Lots of mobility. Still sore.

Next week does NOT look fun. It is going to be brutal. Not sure I am looking forward to it like I was before...

Ben's WOD 10/6/13


Woke up at 7am, ate an apple and had a glass of water before running a hilly 4 miles in 31:33.



Frog Stands
Hand Stands
DU practice
Farmer Carry 30# dumbbells down 3 flights of stairs and across parking lot...


200 Single Unders
21 DB Thrusters 30#
150 Single Unders
15 DB Thrusters 30#
100 Single Unders
9 DB Thrusters 30#

Every Minute on the Minute (15 minutes)

3 DB Hang Cleans 30#
6 Push-ups
9 Butterfly Sit-ups