Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ben's WODs


5x3 Squat Cleans 145#

3 RFT of:
15 Broad Jumps
21 KB Swings 553



score: 159


5k row - 20:34
Muscle up progression and practice 45 minutes

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ben's WODs


Redid 14.2 with terrible results: 39

5 RFT of:
400m run
20 burpees
20 med ball clean wall balls 20#

time: 21:33


5 x 50 - 60 - 70% of 1RM

I did 14 on my 70% which tells me my 1RM is probably higher than I thought...


L1 workout

3 RFT of:
15 Thrusters 85#
12 burpees

time: 6:33


L1 workout

AMRAP 8 min of:
8 push-ups
10 med ball cleans
12 sit-ups

score: finished med ball cleans of 8th round


score: 69

5 x 10 back squat at 115#


5 x 3 hang squat snatch 95#

5 RFT of:
100m run
5 strict pull-ups
10 box jumps
15 double unders

time: 8:31

Thursday, March 13, 2014

M & C's WOD 3/12/14

So nice to take two days off after the comp. We got to make dinner together, catch up on some shows and get some good mobility in. But back at it today.

A) 7-7-7-7-7 strict press pausing 1 second at top each time

M: 55-60-65-70(5)-65
C: 95x5

B) AMRAP 12 minutes
30 kb swings 55/35
15 sit ups
100m farmers carry 55/35

M: 3 rounds, 1 swing
C: 3 rounds

Wooooo that smoked our forearms.

M & C COMP!! 3/9



For time:
50 forward lunges 35/25# plate overhead
40 kettlebell snatches 35/25#
30 alternating kb swings switching at top 35/25#
20 plate burpees-burpee on plate then stand up and lock it out 35/25#

C: 4:32 (14th)
M: 4:34 (4th)


AMRAP in 7 minutes
Thrusters 75/55
Floor wipers with barbell lockout

Starts with 2 reps and increases by 2 each time... 2-4-6-8-10...

C: 122 (25T)
M: 129 (9th)


For time:
800m row
50 goblet squats 53/35#
30 double unders

C: 6:17 (17th)
M: 6:56 (19th)



C: 15 out of 87
M: 7 out of 86

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ben's WOD 3/3, 3/6, 3/7, 3/8



8 minute AMRAP

10 air squats
5 burpees
10 sit-ups
5 ring rows


10 minute AMRAP

400m run
20 single arm DB press 45#
15 KB swings 55#

score: 3 full rounds



Establish 1RM for press & back squat

press: 120#
back squat: 205#


Run 200m
15 thrusters 95#
20 pull-ups
Run 400m
20 pull-ups
15 thrusters
Run 200m

time: 8:15


practice OHS & C2B


EMOM 12 min

Odd: 5 sit-ups, 5 burpees
Even: 5 jumping squats, 5 SDHP 75#

increase by 1 rep each minute until failure and then decrease by 1 rep

I made it to 12 reps



score: 61

Partner WOD:

While one team runs 400m, the other teams do Atomic Push-ups and Ring rows. Cycle through 4 times.

Friday, March 7, 2014

M & C's WOD 3/6/14

Took Tuesday and Wednesday off in prep for the open on Thursday and competition on Sunday. Did some skill work at home with the kettle bell to keep in comp mode.

3/6 - Thursday

Open 14.2

For as long as possible:

Minute 0-3
2 rounds of
10 OHS 95/65
10 C2B pull ups

Minute 3-6
2 rounds of
12 OHS
12 C2B

Minute 6-9
2 rounds of
14 OHS
14 C2B

And so on and so forth...

C: 64
M: 28

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

M & C's WODS 3/1, 3/2, 3/3

3/1 - Saturday

Open 14.1
10 minute AMRAP
30 double unders
15 G2O 75/55

C: 226
M: 156


3/2 - Sunday

Worked on the movements for the Hercules CrossFit Comp. Then we did the first WOD.

For time:
50 overhead lunges with plate 35/25
40 kettle bell snatches 35/25
30 alternating kettle bell swings (catch must be made at the top of the movement)
20 plate burpees - burpee then pick the plate up all the way to full lockout overhead

C: 5:45
M: 5:19


3/3 - Monday

E2MOM 5 front squats

C: 145x5
M: 125x5

5 rounds:
AMRAP 1 minute
10 burpees
5 dumbbell thrusters 35/25
Rest 1 minute

C: 114
M: 87

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ben's WOD 3/1 & 3/2



score: 164

As we discussed, I'm not happy with my score. I may or may not redo the workout on Monday. It might be more beneficial to redo it in a few months and practice double unders until then...



3 x 5 Back Squat @ 50%  - 135#

The goal was to go as low as possible and sit there for several seconds.


4 rounds for time of:

5 squat cleans 95#
10 handstand push-ups
15 pull-ups
25 box jumps
30 double unders

time: 18:50 - this was the fastest time of the day by a few minutes. It helps that I went unbroken on all the HSPU and that my DU were really good.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/27 & 2/28


Open Gym:

Row 500m

Muscle up practice

5 x 5 Clean & Jerk 95#

5 rounds of:

Row 1 minute
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats



3 x 5 Strict Press 95#


10 min AMRAP:

7 Overhead Squats 85#
9 Ring Dips
12 Med Ball Pullover Sit-ups 20#

score: 5 full rounds (ring dips killed me after first two rounds...)



3 x 5 Front Squat 125#


400m sprint
25 Double Unders

4 rounds, 90 sec rest between. Best time is your score

best time: 1:54 (my other rounds were: 2:01, 2:08, 2:02 -- DU's still holding me back...)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

M & C's WODS 2/24, 2/25, 2/26

2/24 - Monday

A) EMOM for 5 minutes: 30 seconds of burpee over partner
B) EMOM for 5 minutes: 3 thrusters 

M: 51 burpees, 80-85x4
C: 38 burpees, 105-115-125-135-145

We didn't talk about the burpees but I'm assuming his partner was planked while my partner just laid flat so that's probably why I got a lot more.

C) 7 rounds for time
7 pull ups/ring rows

M: 8:58 with 65# - ring rows 
C: 8:28 with 75# - pull ups 


2/25 - Tuesday

A)  EMOM for 6 minutes
Minute 1-3-5 Wall Climbers 3(C)/2(M)
Minute 2-4-6 Toes to bar 10(C)/5(M) 

B) With a partner, for time:
5 rounds
16 dumbbell shoulder to overhead 45/25
32 russian kettle bell swings 2pd/1.5pd
64 double unders

No idea on times. C might know his but we both had different partners so giving a time wouldn't really be accurate. 


2/26 - Wednesday

A) 2 rounds of 5 pulls on rower under 1:30(C)/ 1:45(M)

B) "The Chief"
5 cycles of: AMRAP 3 minutes 
3 power cleans 135/90
6 push ups
9 air squats

M: 21 rounds, 2 cleans
C: 19 rounds 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/24 & 2/25



4 rounds, 20 seconds work per station

Ring Rows
Knees to Elbows


EMOM 10 minutes

2 Med Ball Cleans
1 Thruster 95#
2 Push Press 95#

3 Med Ball Cleans
2 Thrusters
3 Push Press

...etc until failure then begin working down until 10 min time cap

score: 4 rounds before failure (5, 4, 5)


Open Gym


Muscle up practice for 20 minutes. I worked on the technique of each part of the progression but couldn't quite get one today.

Also worked on deadlifts for about 20 minutes. Again, only used 135# but my form is MUCH better.

3 x 10 Wall Balls 20#
3 x 10 Med Ball Cleans 20#


5 - 3 - 1(+) Front Squat

145 - 165 - 185 (did 3 at 185)


5 rounds for time of:

200m run
9 pullups
15 pushups
21 walking lunges

time: 11:28

Monday, February 24, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/21/14

A) E2MOM 3 power snatches 

M: 55-60-65-70-70

B) E3MOM 25 burpees
Accumulate 45 pull ups
9 minute time cap

C: 4:43 -- 38 first round, 7 second 
M: finished my last set of burpees and had a ripped hand, had 5 pull ups left --- 26 first round, 14 second 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/21 & 2/22


Open Gym:

Muscle ups on the bar and rings. Got 2 on the rings, very close on bar.


3x10 Strict Toes to Bar
Hollow Holds


200m run
15 Squat Clean 95#
300m run
20 Squat Clean
400m run
25 Squat Clean

time: 11:34



Again, deadlifts are holding me back. I should have been going for my 1RM but instead worked on form with Jessie for 20 minutes or so. I'm much better but still default to straight legs after a few reps.


2 rounds of:

40 Burpees
20 Deadlifts 135#
40 Single Arm Thrusters 45#

time: 11:something...

RX was 205 deadlift, 55 thruster. I could have gone heavier on the deadlift but because I'm still not quite there with the form, it was suggested I go easy to make sure every rep was perfect. It wasn't. Also, single arm thrusters suuuuck.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/19/14

A) 2-6 rope climbs

B) Open 13.2
10 minute AMRAP
5 shoulder to overheads
10 dead lifts 
15 box jumps


M: 221 (7rds, 6 DL)
C: 180 (6 rds)

C) Row 1000m

M: 4:20
C: 3:55

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/18 & 2/19



Tabata Hollow Holds & Supermans

Strict and Kipping Handstand Pushups


50 Double Unders
15 American KB Swings 55#
21 Handstand Pushups
50 DU
15 KB
50 DU
15 KB

time: 12:46



Power Clean & Jerk

Did a lot of form work with the Oly lifting coach. Remember when I was happy with a 145# squat clean at GSR last month? I was power clean and jerking that today. Next step is to learn the split jerk so I can go up in weight. I could clean more, especially if I squat clean, but I was maxing out with that weight for the jerk.



5 rounds of:
400m run
15 Overhead Squats 75#

time: 13:02