Saturday, November 30, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/30/13

Warm up:
Mile jog- I took my phone and tracked the mile. Still bitter that we did a mile and a half yesterday.

Today was a stretch and mobility day. It started with a slow 10 minute warm up (we ran) and then was followed by 45 minutes of mobility and any skill you wanted to work on. We both mobilized then did a few minutes of lifting. Worked on pistols too. Then we did an AMRAP.

1000m row
Max rep burpees over the erg

M: 4:29row, 24 burpees
C: 3:59row, 29 burpees 

We are both really sore. Really sore. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/29/13

Warm up: 
C rowed, M did burpees and jump roping

Five rope climbs

Then, Murph

M: 53:53
C: 51:30

First mile for both of us was about 1.5 miles. C got back around 10:30 and M around 10:49. The last mile, M did two 800m loops and C did the same 1.5 mile loop. Estimated real times would have been around 45 mins for C, around 50 for M.

Ben's WOD 11/29/13


Dynamic Stretching/Mobility
easy 5 minute jog
20 burpees AFAP

WOD 1:

8 minute Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) of:

Max Effort Hill Sprints (Treadmill at 10 speed & 10 incline)

WOD 2:

8 minute Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) of:

Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches 

--1 hour break for some vegetable pizza and to watch the first period of the Rangers game--

WOD 3:

1/2 Murph

.5 mile run
50 DB Swings
100 Push-ups
150 Squats
.5 mile run

time: 17:27

(no way I could do full Murph right now so against M's urging I scaled…better to do 1/2 quality than full poorly…)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/28/13

Should have brought my phone with me to time/follow our run. Was told it was a 6k but everyone said it felt shorter. Maybe around a 5k. Who knows. Took us about 30 minutes. Actually less now that I think of it. It was around 32 minutes when we got back but we got lost for a few minutes in the beginning and then ran into some cows towards the end. We couldn't get past them. It was scary. Finally got through. Now onto lots of mobilizing for Murph tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/27/13

Warm up:
800m run
Stretch and mobility

A) EMOM Toes to bar 5-8

M: 5-5-5-5-5
C: 12-8-8-5-8

B) Work up to a heavy snatch

M: 70x2 (PR)
C: 95

Snatch is so unbelievably hard. It requires so much skill.

C) AMRAP 12 minutes
5 push ups
10 pull ups
5 push ups
15 kettlebell swings 1.75pood/1.2pood

M: 4 rounds, 5 push ups, 10 pull ups
C: 5 rounds, 5 push ups, 5 pull ups

I was exhausted. I've been very busy the last three days and all the squats caught up to me. I also did not want to rip my hands for Murph. I feel like I'm going to crash right now... Hopefully I can make it through the hike/run tomorrow morning.

Ben's Workout 11/27/13

Got to the gym just before the bad weather started again. Barely made it home...


500m row
stretch and mobility


Back Squat 5 x 5 (115-135-155-155-165#)
Clean & Push Press 5 x 5 (45-65-75-85-95-105#)
V-ups 3 x 10
Deadlift 3 x 5 (145-165-175#)
Side Plank Shoulder Raises 3 x 10 (17.5#)
Russian Twists 3 x 40 (17.5#)
Bench Press 5 x 5 (45-135-155-175-175#)
Flutter Kicks 3 x 40
Rows 3 x 8 (45-50-50#)
Tri Extensions 3 x 8 (45-50-50#)
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Bicep Curls 3 x 8 (25#)
Cable Rotator Pull 3 x 6 (30#)
Dips 3 x 15

-mini, un-timed WOD:
3 rounds:
15 Decline Sit-ups with 10# med ball
10 DB Thrusters 25#

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/26/13

Warm up: 
1200m run
Stretch and mobility 

A) 3 sets of 5-15 HSPU 

M: 6-6-5, plus 1-1 of kipping (PR)
C: 7-6-7

B) 3-3-3-3-3 3011 back squat

C) Last Ascent 
Back squat
Box jump

M: 4:15 105#
C: 5:18 135#

I thought I was doing it at 115 but it was only 105. I finished first. I have to go heavier next time. 

Ben's Rest Day 11/26/13

Since we are getting hit with a snow storm, I walked to and from work today - 45 each way in heavy snow.

I was thinking about doing an apartment WOD but am a bit tired from yesterday. Also, when I got home I felt really hungry and dizzy all of a sudden. I realized that because of the weird day I didn't eat or drink as much as normal (after I've been telling myself that I need to try to eat more during the day). All I had was a quinoa, banana, almond butter breakfast and a hummus wrap for lunch.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/25/13

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

A) 6x45 second handstand hold against wall

B) 10x 1 halting dead lift, 1 high hang clean, 1 squat clean and push jerk

M: 35, 55, 55, 65, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75
C: 45, 65, 65, 75, 85, 85, 95, 95, 105, 105

C) Grace
30 clean and jerk

C: 4:51, 95#
M: 8:15, 65#

Omg. So I did 50. I literally have a mental problem. How did I think it was 50? I'm so mad because I wanted my time. The only good thing is that it shows me I should have gone at a higher weight if I could finish 50 with no problem. Literally cried about it after when Clyde told me. He put my score up on the board and it was so bad so I was embarrassed cause everyone else's time was way shorter than mine. I got really mad that he wrote it up there because he smirked when he said it and told me he knew I wouldn't want it up there. Why would he put it up there then? Ugh. Really bad night. 

Ben's Workout 11/25/13

Another swim, spin, run day.

45 minutes in the pool.
30 minutes random hill circuit on spin bike.
30 minutes random hill circuit on treadmill.

I was getting a little frustrated during the pool session because I'm so close on some of the mechanics but just not quite where I want to be. Next lesson we are going to film it because Kathy wants to prove that I'm actually going really efficiently and quickly for a beginner.

I upped the pace on the bike and treadmill a bit today, which means I covered more ground than Saturday. I'm trying to stay away from looking at distances yet and just focus on the length of time.

Now it's 10 pm and I'm just getting dinner. I had a Vega Nutritional Shake and half a Clif Builder on the drive home though.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

M & C's Off Day 11/24/13

Hindu push ups?
Streamline squats?

See this is why I never believe you when you post. You make all these random things up. Just do normal workouts.

Recovery day.

Ben's Active Rest 11/24/13

It was really hard not to go to the gym today because I felt so good. However, I have swim lessons tomorrow and I want to be completely fresh for it. Last week we had to stop and do shoulder stretches because I'd done too much overhead pressing the day before. Plus, I know tomorrow's workout is going to be a killer.


I had a brisk 45 minute walk (in 16 degree weather) before doing:
10 Hindu push-ups
20 streamline squats
20 (per side) front plank taps
10 (per side) lunges with twists
20 side plank rotations
20 supermans
20 (per side) flutter kicks

I spent about 30 minutes on the foam roller and lacrosse ball this morning and will probably do that again before bed.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/23/13

Warm up:
Double unders/row/stretch- warm the body up

WOD: Kelly
5 rounds for time (capped at 25 today)
400m run
30 box jumps 24/20"
30 wall balls 20/14#

M & C: Both finished 4 full rounds (M about 4 seconds ahead of C)