Saturday, January 4, 2014

Myriah's WOD 1/4/14

My alone WOD. C was ill. And bratty. C being ill=C being bratty. But I think that's all men since you (B) get super super super super bratty when you're sick, especially with a headache.

Warm up:
1620m jog (yeah, not fond of this)
Stretch and mobility

WOD: EMOM for 5 minutes
5 back squats @ 70-80% of 1 RM

THEN, immediately following,

5 minute AMRAP:
5 burpee box jumps
10 push ups
15 kettlebell swings

THEN, immediately following,

Run 800m.

M: Back squat at 135
AMRAP: 2 rounds + 6
800m: 4:35

My blood blister ripped and it made the kettle bell swings IMPOSSIBLE. It was so bad. Going to have to tape it up if we got to open gym tomorrow. I hate having any cuts on my hands.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/3/14

Warm up:
800m jog

10 nose to wall with 5 second hold
10 minute pistol practice

A) 7-7-7-7 Push Press @ 70-80%

M: 65-70-70-70
C: 115-115-145(6)-135

C was told to put it up to 145#. His max was 155# so he clearly has a much higher max. We were both told we need to start using heavier weights.

B) AFAP: 21-15-9
3 rope climbs 12' from seated position (no jump or 10 burpee penalty)
21 kettlebell snatches (does not have to alternate hands-just as you see fit) 53#/35#
21 toes to bar
2 rope climbs 12' from seated
15 kettlebell snatches
15 toes to bar
1 rope climb from seated
9 kettlebell snatches
9 toes to bar

M: 11:27
C: 12:14

Kettlebell snatches=HARD
Ripped the crap out of my hands on toes to bar. Grip was gonezo.

Ben's WOD 1/4/14


I decided to hit the 9am class this morning. There were 5 of us plus Greg and Jeff.

We did a good warm-up followed by some strength work and then two WODs.


4 rounds:

2 Rope Walk-ups
4 Pistols
6 Chin-ups
8 Air Squats
15 second Handstand hold

WOD 1:

5 rounds with a 10 minute time cap:

8 T2B
8 Hollow Rocks
8 V-ups
20 Double Unders

- I finished all but the last few DU. The T2B took a while because Greg was working with me on them each time. My form on those isn't very good.

Partner WOD:

20 rounds with 20 minute time cap:

200m row
10 box jumps 24"
10 HR push-ups
10 Wall balls 14#

- Honestly, I'm not sure how many rounds we completed. Not the full 20, but no one else did either.

FaceTime later....

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/1/14

NEW YEAR!!!!!! 2014!!!!! TIME FOR GOALS!!!!!!!

C shared his goal of gaining 25# with the class. Pablo asked if he wanted to gain muscle or fat. So there's that...

200m run
14 shoulder to overhead
200m run
14 chest to bar pull ups
200m run
14 front squats
200m run
200m run
14 hang cleans
200m run
14 push ups
200m run
14 thrusters
200m run
14 toes to bar
200m run
14 deadlifts
200m run
14 burpees over bar

C: 25:14 115#
M: 25:30 75#

Ben's workout 1/1/14

Just wanted to get some squats in before the craziness of today starts. 

5 minutes DU practice
10 American KB swings 45#
10 reverse lunges 30#
1 x 5 hang clean 115#
5 x 5 front squats 115#

Ben's WOD 12/31/13


Stretching & Mobility
5 minutes DU practice

30 burpees for time: 1:33


5 rounds for time of:

12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Jerks

115# for first round, 95# for the last 4

time: 13:52

--underestimated this in every way possible. I need to work on my strength a lot. Looks like I have my 2014 goals now…

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/31/13

Of course our WOD got so messed up. That's what happens when you're on a team with 6 guys.

WOD: In teams, only 50% of people can be working at once (4 for us)
1600m run
60 kettlebell swings 1.5/1pd
60 burpees

You can break it up any way you want but we chose to have everyone do their own portion (which got messed up at the end anyways).

Our time was somewhere around 25 minutes. Will have to explain what happened tomorrow.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/30/13

Birthday WOD!! Not sure why I can't put videos up anywhere I try. If only I knew someone in emerging technologies... Ugh.

There were only five people in clas last night. It was SO nice! We got to spend an extra 15 minutes just learning snatching with Marco then he helped all of us on the barbell. It was very beneficial.

A) Work up to a 1RM snatch 

M: 75# (PR)
C: 105#

I'm not sure I'll ever quite understand the snatch technique. I will work on it forever though until I do.

B) 15-12-9
Clean and jerk 105/75
Reverse lunges with weight 105/75

M: 9:09
C: 9:35

Wow! The lunges were much harder than I imagined. Good glute worker. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

M & C's Off Day 12/29/13

My shoulders are definitely feeling the pain from yesterday's workout. Should mobilize a lot today but feeling pretty lazy. Was hoping someone would open the gym in the afternoon for us to go in and mobilize/light workout but no one did. Waiting on the grid to be posted now...

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/28/13

Did some wheelbarrow walking contests in the beginning of class.

30 heavy wall balls to 10'/9' target.

C: 25#
M: 20#

5 rounds for time
12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans
6 push jerks

C: 13:02 115#
M: 12:06 75#

We are planning on taking some 6am classes within the next few months before our Rookie Rumble. C needs to get his body to adjust to morning workouts so he doesn't feel like crap every time. Hopefully that will help him get used to it so he doesn't get sick after each workout since RR will start at 8am.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD: 12/27/13

Back at it today. Felt strange having an extra day off.

Back Squat: 3-2-1 3-2-1
@75%, 80%, 85%, 80%, 85%, 90% of 1 RM

M: 135, 145, 155, 145, 155, 165
C: 155, 165, 175, 165, 185, 195

After, Hooverball with a 14# ball. We had to squat every time before we threw it.

C deadlifted after.

He did 1 set of 5 at 285. He also got his first ring muscle up.

I worked on kipping HSPU and V ups. Can't remember what else we did.

Clyde's WOD: 12/26/13

C by himself. M was sick.

Strict press:
5x3 110#

Squat clean:
5x3 115, 135, 135, 145, 155

Tis all.

Ben's Workout 12/29/13

A.M. Workout:

1 hour hard swim. It was my last lesson with Kathy and it was a good one. I was really tired afterwards.

P.M. Workout:

Sidney Fitness for one last workout before my membership is up. I did everything with dumbbells today.

3 rounds of:
6 DB Clusters (40 - 45 - 50#)
6 (per side) Side Plank Shoulder Raise (25 - 25 - 25#)
30 Flutter Kicks

5 rounds of:
100m Farmers Carry (55#/arm)
15 decline med ball sit-up toss (10#)
10 Reverse Rows

3 rounds of:
6 Incline DB Chest Press (45 - 50 - 50#)
6 Tri Extension (45 - 50 - 50)
30 Bicycle Crunches

3 rounds of:
6 DB Curls (25 - 30 - 35#)
6 Low Pulley Cable Pulls (30 - 30 - 30#)
10 Hanging Leg Raises

10 Strict Pull-ups
10 Strict Dips