Saturday, August 31, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's Workout 8/31/13

Squat 3x5
M: 115#
C: 165#

Dip 3x5
M: sub push-ups
C: 25# weighted

Deadlift 1x5
M: 145#
C: 255#

C: 3x5 strict c2b
M: 3x3 pull-up negatives & some kipping

3 sets each

Ben's Workout 8/31/13

A.M. Workout

Ran 6 miles in 49:42. It was a HOT, humid run. The first two miles were basically an exercise in keeping my omelette down...

P.M. Workout

Played 18 holes of disc golf then walked Mark 2 miles. 

Ben and Harrison's Workout 8/30/13

Harrison joined me for a pre-dinner WOD. 

3 rounds for time:
5 Man Makers 30#
20 sit-ups

Ben: 4:36
Harrison: 5:24

Friday, August 30, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Off Day: 8/30/13

Chest tear. Can't do much. It's so hot here. C can barley take it. He has to get his too tight clothes off as soon as he gets home and lay in front of the fan. Lifting tomorrow is the plan.

Ben and Harrison's Workout 8/30/13

Harrison joined me for a pre-dinner WOD. 

3 rounds for time:
5 Man Makers 30#
20 sit-ups

Ben: 4:36
Harrison: 5:24

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Myriah and Clyde's Recovery Day: 8/29/13

Nothing. Just hung out. Can't wait til the new box where we have a set schedule and WODs already created for us.

On another note, can B pick it up with his blogs? I mean, look at his last date. Then look at how he must have gone back to the 26th and changed something. Now we're all out of order. 

Also, does he not care about us anymore? He never talks to us. Whatevs. Big weekend with Trud and nico coming up for him. 

Ben's Workout 8/29/13

A.M. Workout

20 minute Broadening Back Bend yoga session

P.M. Workout

6.75 mile run in 52:20

10 strict chin-ups
10 KB Swings
10 Sit-ups
30 second Plank
30 second Side Plank left
30 second Side Plank right

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 8/28/13

So we had our American Ninja Warrior obstacle course tonight. Here's what it was:

10 thrusters
Ring swings- these were at different lengths so you had to go kind of up and down
Rope climb 
Climb out the window
Tire flip
Tire drag
Scale the wall
10 pull-ups without getting off the bar

Here are some pics:

I won't say much other than I was disappointed. We did it with both classes so there were about 12 of us. Only Clyde and I wanted to do it for time. Then another guy from the first class said he would too. We were suppose to do it and if you didn't complete the obstacle, you would have to try that one again until you got it. So Clyde goes first and does well. Super awk cause everyone is just standing around watching him and clapping. He got something like 2:54. Then it's my turn and Kevin told me that if I can't do an obstacle I'm done. So if I jumped on the rope and then jumped off and tried again I was done. So I was like oh, no way I'm doing that in front of everyone then. One other person did it but couldn't get the pull ups without coming off the bar so he didn't get a time. Super dumb. Then everyone just walked around and tried different pieces of the workout. So I didn't even get a real WOD in. Whatevs. Clyde and I discussed it last night and I know he doesn't want to hear me rant on. So I'll end it here. Later.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ben's Workout 8/28/13

Crazy thunderstorms tonight so I decided to do BARBARA in the apartment. I did 3 rounds and on the 4th I kipped too hard or something and the pull-up bar came off the door and dropped me.

Here are my times for 3 rounds. 

Round 1: 5:28
Round 2: 5:42
Round 3: 6:32

After the fall, I decided that doing kipping pull-ups in the apartment is not a good idea. I probably should have done the last two with strict pull-ups but...oh well...

I then did 30 minutes on the exercise bike, which is a good cardio workout that also stretches the arms and legs. I don't do it enough. 

Then I did:
3 x 30 second plank
3 x 15 second side plank left
3 x 15 second side plank right

Then mashing, mashing, mashing. Foam roller = best purchase I've made since I got into Crossfit. 

I watched this classic episode of Sunny while riding the bike:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 8/27/13

Climbed for an hour. Watching American Ninja Warrior in prep for our obstacle course tomorrow at CrossFit.  

Ben's Rest Day 8/27/13

Chiropractor and mobility work today. That's all. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's Workout 8/26/13


50 DUs (x5 for singles)
200# tire flip ~20yd
200# tire deadlift/carry ~20yd

One partner works while the other rests. 5 rounds for time, each

M&C: 35:08 (I think...)

This one was cool, tire flipping was fun. M did a combo of single and double unders and did the HSPUs RXed. Our coach was shocked and really impressed with her tire flipping technique too. He told us he would buy a 500# tire if anyone had interest but I couldn't raise my hand, for obvious reasons.

Ben's Workout 8/26/13

Morning Yoga:

15 minute Strengthening Standing Poses session


Row 1000m


Bench 5 x 6 x (135 - 145 - 155 - 165 - 175#) I also did 2 reps at 185#
3 x 20 Scissor Kick
3 x 20 In & Out Scissor Kick
3 x 10 Leg Raises
3 x 8 Lat Pull Down 80#
3 x 15 Decline Sit-up with Med Ball Toss 10#
3 x 10 Triceps Extension 70#
3 x 10 Hammer Curls 25#
3 x 15 Hanging Leg Raises
2 x 5 Deadlift 135#
2 x 10 Push Press 75#
1 x 5 Cleans 75#
10 Dips
10 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's Workout 8/25/13

Squat 3x5
M: 115#
C: 165#

Press 3x5
M: 55#
C: 95#

Power Clean 5x3
M: 75#
C: 125#

M also did:
3x5 t2b (C too)
3x3 pull-up negatives (C too)
2 strict pull-ups *PR*
3 handstand push-ups *PR*

Also, had a good climb for about 45 minutes.

Now, we're laying in bed second-guessing our decision to join CFEB. Ugh, #BayAreaProblems

Ben's Workout 8/25/13

Only ended up playing 27 holes of disc golf yesterday. We went to the Ithaca Farmers' Market first and that took more time than expected. I got Chili Lime Peanut Noodles, a vegetarian samosa and a Summer Fresh Cooler (fresh orange juice, red zinger tea, agave). At the Commons an hour later I managed to eat a huge Gluten-free waffle with vegan ice cream on top.

Oh, Dave beat me by two strokes on the first course (9 holes) but I beat him by one stroke on the second course (18 holes). It was really good because it came down to the final hole and final putt. He missed it, I made it. Nice!

A.M. Workout:

20 minute Strengthening Sun Salutation yoga session

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 
Kettlebell Swings 25#
Goblet Squats 25#
Spider Push-ups

time: 10:24

Then lots of mashing...

P.M. Workout:

Hit the track for some afternoon WODs.


Double Unders
Handstand practice - I watched a few videos on it and did some wall walks this morning. I can get up and stay there for a few seconds. Now that I know a little more about proper form, the below picture looks terrible.

WOD 1:

Buy in: 1 mile run (6:19)
21 - 15 - 9
Bench Jumps

time: 12:41

- I'm not sure I've ever timed myself running ONLY 1 mile. WIth some work I think that I could get it down close to 6 minutes flat. That's going to be my new goal before winter sets in...

WOD 2:

3 rounds of
40 stairs
10 Bench push-ups
40 stairs
20 bicycle crunch (2 count)

time: 4:51

Need to keep the first leg that goes up much straighter...