Saturday, February 1, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 2/1/14

Longggg weekend warriors.  

Warm up/mobilize on own for 20 minutes

A) Bar muscle up drills

B) Work on technique for 10 minutes
20 kettlebell snatches 
50 double unders  

Clyde did it straight through. I worked more on form and didn't do it in rounds.

C) E2OM for 20 minutes (working on form again rather than weight):
1 Halting snatch deadlift
1 High hang snatch 

C: went up to 90
M: went up to 60

D) Minute 0: Row 500m
Max set Russian kettlebell swings
Minute 3: Rest

Minute 6: Row 500m
Max set toes to bar 
Minute 9: Rest

Minute 12: Row 500m
Max set burpees over rower
Minute 15: Done 

C: 28-10-20
M: 19-11-11

Ben's WOD 2/1/14


Jump rope


AMRAP 12 minutes

100m run
10 burpee pullups
25 double unders

4 rounds, 8 burpees

-I was getting really frustrated on the DU. I couldn't string them together very well.


Finally, I got to learn the snatch. We practiced for 15 minutes. I only went up to 95 but with more practice I can definitely do more weight.

Cool Down:

10 minutes of yoga

-Seriously, I love that we do yoga like this at the end of the class. Also, this was my first class that wasn't taught by Linda.

Open Gym:

I decided to go back for open gym to practice some things.

First I rowed a 2k to warm up. I did the first 1500 at a 2:05 pace then the last 500 staying below 1:45.

I then worked on power cleans for about 15 minutes doing 5x5 at 125#. After that I did 5 sets of ring dips where I would do 3 strict then kipping to failure. Then 5x5 front squats at 155#.

Then I practiced TTB and DU for 15 minutes or so before hitting the foam roller and stretching.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/31/14

A) 30 overhead squats with a dowel on trainers count

B) Find a 1RM overhead squat 

C: 130#
M: 80%

Omg. Freaked myself out. Dropped an 85# on my neck and couldn't mentally get any weight past that above my head. I am definitely capable of much heavier weight since my squat is my best lift but getting the bar up overhead from the back of the neck is a really scary thing. End rant.

C) Jackie!!
1000m row
50 thrusters 45/33# bar
30 pull ups

C: 9:46
M: 10:06

We both killed it. I was really hoping this one would be good for me but was nervous about the pull ups. I had to break them down into about 3s but realized after about 15 that I could take smaller breaks on them. I'm not tired it's just my arms give out. But still really happy with both our results.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/29/14

A) Strict pull ups from dead hang

M: Just did as many as I could. Usually around two with a slight wiggle.
C: 15# plate added on him 

B) AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 dead lifts
4 high hang cleans
3 front squats
2 push press
1 jerk
@ 95/65- Was all about cycling and not setting the bar down in between sets.

M: 8 rounds, 5 deadlifts
C: 100 reps (he refuses to change it to rounds for me)

Rest 7 minutes

C) AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 V-ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

M: Once again, couldn't tell ya. Somewhere around 7 rounds. Push ups really slowed me down.
C: 215 reps 

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/28/14

A) Push press
5x @ 65% 1RM
5x @ 75%
5x @ 80%
5x @ 85%

M: 65-75-75-80
C: 110-125-135-145

B) 5 rounds for time (10 minute time cap)
30 double unders
10 alternating arm dumbbell snatches 45/35
10 toes to bar

M: couldn't even tell ya if I tried. Possibly around my 4th round. It was so bad. I couldn't string together double unders and my toes to bar were so off. Pretty disappointed.
C: 8 toes to bar remaining 

Clyde's WOD 1/27/14

I'm down for the count with allergies. Probably for the best because my quads are super sore. Here is Clyde's workout:

A) Back squat
5x @65%
5x @ 75%
5x @ 80%
5x 85%

155, 165, 175, 185 (7)

B) For time:
Cleans 115#
Burpees over barbell


Myriah & Clyde's Comp 1/25/14

Comp day. Here come the workouts:

A) For time:
50 burpees
20 clean and jerks 115/75

M: 7:21 (4th)
C: 6:49 (7th)

B) AMRAP in 7 minutes:
20 American kettlebell swings 1.25/.75 pd
30 lateral jumps over barbell (with plates)

M: 295 (1st)
C: 265 (8th)

C) For time:
500m row
Then: 21-15-9
Front squats 65#

M: 6:35 (1st)

M- 1st ovearll
C- 7th overall

Ben's WOD 1/30/14


5 min on bike
1 min jump rope


4 rounds of:
5 air squats
5 sit-ups
5 jumping jacks



5x5 back squat 125#


800m run
10 TTB
10 goblet squats 55#
400m run
20 TTB
20 goblet squats
200m run
30 TTB
30 goblet squats

Time: 13:37

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/27/14

This morning was my first WOD at Hardcore Fitness and it was a good one. 



Spent a minute on DU
30 seconds on bear crawls
30 seconds on crab walks

4 rounds of:
5 air squats
5 supermans
5 v-ups


5x5 front squat at 75%
115# (not sure where my percentages are yet)


20 minute AMRAP 

5 ring rows (from floor)
10 push-ups (chest touch, quads elevated)
15 pistols (no support)

I got 13 rounds exactly. I had to push on the last set of pistols and finished them with 4 seconds left. Then collapsed.