Friday, February 28, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/27 & 2/28


Open Gym:

Row 500m

Muscle up practice

5 x 5 Clean & Jerk 95#

5 rounds of:

Row 1 minute
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats



3 x 5 Strict Press 95#


10 min AMRAP:

7 Overhead Squats 85#
9 Ring Dips
12 Med Ball Pullover Sit-ups 20#

score: 5 full rounds (ring dips killed me after first two rounds...)



3 x 5 Front Squat 125#


400m sprint
25 Double Unders

4 rounds, 90 sec rest between. Best time is your score

best time: 1:54 (my other rounds were: 2:01, 2:08, 2:02 -- DU's still holding me back...)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

M & C's WODS 2/24, 2/25, 2/26

2/24 - Monday

A) EMOM for 5 minutes: 30 seconds of burpee over partner
B) EMOM for 5 minutes: 3 thrusters 

M: 51 burpees, 80-85x4
C: 38 burpees, 105-115-125-135-145

We didn't talk about the burpees but I'm assuming his partner was planked while my partner just laid flat so that's probably why I got a lot more.

C) 7 rounds for time
7 pull ups/ring rows

M: 8:58 with 65# - ring rows 
C: 8:28 with 75# - pull ups 


2/25 - Tuesday

A)  EMOM for 6 minutes
Minute 1-3-5 Wall Climbers 3(C)/2(M)
Minute 2-4-6 Toes to bar 10(C)/5(M) 

B) With a partner, for time:
5 rounds
16 dumbbell shoulder to overhead 45/25
32 russian kettle bell swings 2pd/1.5pd
64 double unders

No idea on times. C might know his but we both had different partners so giving a time wouldn't really be accurate. 


2/26 - Wednesday

A) 2 rounds of 5 pulls on rower under 1:30(C)/ 1:45(M)

B) "The Chief"
5 cycles of: AMRAP 3 minutes 
3 power cleans 135/90
6 push ups
9 air squats

M: 21 rounds, 2 cleans
C: 19 rounds 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/24 & 2/25



4 rounds, 20 seconds work per station

Ring Rows
Knees to Elbows


EMOM 10 minutes

2 Med Ball Cleans
1 Thruster 95#
2 Push Press 95#

3 Med Ball Cleans
2 Thrusters
3 Push Press

...etc until failure then begin working down until 10 min time cap

score: 4 rounds before failure (5, 4, 5)


Open Gym


Muscle up practice for 20 minutes. I worked on the technique of each part of the progression but couldn't quite get one today.

Also worked on deadlifts for about 20 minutes. Again, only used 135# but my form is MUCH better.

3 x 10 Wall Balls 20#
3 x 10 Med Ball Cleans 20#


5 - 3 - 1(+) Front Squat

145 - 165 - 185 (did 3 at 185)


5 rounds for time of:

200m run
9 pullups
15 pushups
21 walking lunges

time: 11:28

Monday, February 24, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/21/14

A) E2MOM 3 power snatches 

M: 55-60-65-70-70

B) E3MOM 25 burpees
Accumulate 45 pull ups
9 minute time cap

C: 4:43 -- 38 first round, 7 second 
M: finished my last set of burpees and had a ripped hand, had 5 pull ups left --- 26 first round, 14 second