Saturday, September 21, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's WOD 9/21/13

Yikes, just want to double back on how sorry this September was. Looking forward to the new box and seeing the results from B's 'hibernation' strength gains in October. Gotta start getting ready for competition season, ya know?

A. Strength
Squat 3x5
M: 125#
C: 165#

Press 3x5
M: 55#
C: 105#

Power Clean 5x3
M: 75# (3x5)
C: 125#

B. Skills
M did a bunch of handstand pushups
3 x 5 strict pullups
3 x 5 t2b (3 x 15 C)
3 rounds of:
plank 1 min
left plank :30
right plank :30
rest :30

Climbing and metcons tomorrow. Gonna miss Bridges, our first gym love

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 9/20/13

Was suppose to go to the track. I easily talked us out of that. Can't wait for our box. 

Just did a few things at home. C did 25 one arm kettlebell swings on each arm. I did 25 all together. Both did some pull ups.

After we did 3 sets of planks.
Straight- 1 minute 
Right side: 30 seconds 
Left side: 30 seconds 
Rest 30 seconds

Ben's Workout 9/21/13

Glad to hear that we all are in agreement about September. Not the best workout month, but plan to hit it hard again in October.

Yesterday started my Recovery Week. I'm going to be at a conference most of next week so now is the perfect time.

Today I ran a slow 6 miles (47:50). I might do some yoga before the fight tonight, but probably not.

What else is there to do recovery-wise? Slow runs, mobility, light movement practice?

Also, my new go-to breakfast is:

1/2 cup quinoa
1 mashed banana
1 scoop almond butter
cinnamon to taste

I've been eating it all week. It's filling, has a great amino acid profile, and is a good alternative to oatmeal in the morning.

Thanks for the Vega. I feel so good since I've switched over to that product. Fast, lean and healthier. I'd strongly encourage you to try it out - especially the protein. There are lots of great videos from Brandon Brazier, the creator of Vega, on YouTube.

Also, the Rich Roll Podcast is one of my new favorites.

Ben's Recovery Day 9/20/13

Last night I walked for 45 minutes, made vegan gluten-free quesadillas, and watched World War Z (terrible). 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 9/19/13

We were suppose to go climb but I was too lazy. Whoops. Probably going to regret that when we leave the gym! Although we are so excited for the new gym so maybe I won't.  

So no workout tonight. C got some good mobility in tonight and I'm about to do mine since he is playing his game. One of the kids in our class last night did his workout early and left so he could get home and game. Yeah...

Body building order

Definitely going to look into vega one once this protein is gone. 

Not sure what we have planned for tomorrow yet. We usually either track it or C comes home and crashes. Probably going to be the latter. Going to get some good WODs in this weekend. I don't know how you do it without a gym. I get so unmotivated without class. I think you should just open your own box but that's just me...

C is talking out loud to the game. He's a cute-y. 

Good challenge ep. Can't believe how it ended. Won't say anything just in case you didn't get to it. 

Ben's Workout 9/19/13

Super embarrassing moment at the gym this morning. I failed on my first squat attempt...and it was only 135#. I was pretty tired and my legs felt heavy when I woke up this morning. Hockey takes more out of me than I realize. But I decided to go through with my plans for doing heavy 5 x 5's today.

I don't think anyone actually saw my fail. It wasn't like I fell or anything. I just had to stabilize myself at the bottom and get a little bounce to drive it back up.

In light of that, I decided to cut back and do an easier workout. I'm also thinking that I might take next week as a "rest week". I'll be at the conference anyway and probably won't have much time to get any good workouts in. So, I'm going to do some longer recovery runs this weekend and then try to focus on yoga, mobility and light stuff all next week. Then I'll hit the heavy 5 x 5 program in October.


1000m row


Deadlift 3 x 6 (165#)
Bench 3 x 6 (175#)
V-ups 3 x 15
Shoulder Press 3 x 8 (65#)
Side Plank Shoulder Raise Left & Right 3 x 8 (10#)
Sit-ups 3 x 15 (10#)
Underhand Lat Pulldown 3 x 8 (70#)
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Rope Extensions 3 x 8 (70#)
Bicep 21's 3 sets (65#)
Rotator Pull 3 x 6 (30#)
Overhead Extension 3 x 8 (45#)
Dips 3 x 12
Decline Sit-ups 3 x 15 (10# med ball toss)
Man Maker 1 x 5 (25#)

Again, not the best workout. I didn't have a good workout last Thursday morning after hockey either...

Working late so can't watch Challenge until 9 tonight.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 9/18/13

Warm up:
75 jump rope
10 pull ups
20 push ups 
30 sit ups
40 squats
75 jump rope

10 kettlebell swings
Burpee broad jumps about 15 yards
8 kb
Burpee broad jumps
6 kb
Burpee broad jumps
4 kb
Burpee broad jumps 
2 kb
Burpee broad jumps 

M: 12:24 #30 kb
C: 9:12 #40 kb

Got our shirts finally. Front is a guy doing a pull up on the bridge. Back is a T. rex trying to do a clean but he can't get his elbows up. Get it? Then it says crossfit strong at the bottom. Pretty nice. He gave them to everyone who finished his on ramp classes. 

Ben's Workout 9/18/13

Pre-posting my workout for today because it's HOCKEY NIGHT.

Game at 8:15. Should be a good one. Our new jerseys are in and Mackenzie will be making her debut.

FaceTime on the drive home? 9:40ish?

Ben's Rest Day 9/17/13

Last night I took Dan John's advice and had a rest day focused on buying and cooking food. I went to the market after work and got a lot of fruits and vegetables and then cooked a leisurely dinner while listening to a Rich Roll podcast. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 9/17/13

Gotcha. No workout. Nicks last night here. We are at the A's game as I type this. Nick and I have done a lottttttt of walking around the city the last two days though so my body's been moving. Pretty sore now in my legs from all that and deadlifts. 

FaceTime tomorrow night. Back to class and working out as well. Very excited.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 9/16/13

Warm up:
75 jump rope
10 pull ups
20 push ups
30 sit ups 
40 squats 
75 jump ropes

WOD: AMRAP 15 minutes 
12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans 

Cool down: 
One mile run 

Clyde: 8 rounds, 4 HSPU #65
Myriah: 8 rounds, 1 hang clean #65 deadlift, #45 hang cleans

We kicked butt. C had a little burrito bowl upchuck after sprinting the last part of the mile but hey, nothing new. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ben's Workout 9/16/13


Row 1000m
a few strict pull-ups


Bench Press 4 x 6 x (135 - 155 - 175 - 195#)
Decline Bench Press 4 x 8 (135 - 155 - 175 - 195#)
V-ups 3 x 15
Scissor Kicks 3 x 20
Scissor Kicks in/out 3 x 20
Dumbbell Shoulder Raise 3 x 6 (25#)
Hammer Curls 3 x 8 (25#)
Dips 3 x 12
Side Plank Shoulder Raise Left 3 x 8 (10#)
Side Plank Shoulder Raise Right 3 x 8 (10#)
Row 3 x 8 (50#)
Overhead Tri Extension 3 x 8 (50#)
Rope Abs 3 x 15 (80#)
Deadlift 2 x 5 x (135 - 155#)
Cleans 3 x 2 (75#)
Shoulder Press 3 x 6 (75#)
Decline Sit-up 3 x 15 with 10# med ball toss
Preacher Curl 3 x 6 (75#)
Strict Pull-ups 3 x 3
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Man Maker 2 x 5 (20#)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 9/15/13

Hiked Muir Woods today. Not sure how far because I had to turn my run keeper off during it since it was killing my battery. It was somewhere in the 4 mile range. Some steep grades though.

C doing unsafe things over a creek

Again, C doing unsafe things. Kipping pull ups 


Once again...

Darth vader pics 


Ben's WOD 9/15/13


Joined Dad on the Rail Trail this morning. He did his own thing (I think he's doing the Couch to 5k program) while I ran the 4 miles up and back. It felt like a good, fast run but I didn't have my watch to actually time it.


After a huge Korean lunch at Man Nam to celebrate Mark and Tammi's birthday, I came home and did some quick WODs.

Metcon #1

Wear a 15# vest
Run 100m
10 Burpees
15 Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
25 Mountain Climbers

3 rounds for time = 9:12

Metcon #2

40 Stairs
20 Dips
40 Stairs
20 Bicycle Crunches (2 count)

3 rounds for time = 5:22