Friday, January 24, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/24/14


Dynamic stretching and mobility


5 rounds of:
20 second hollow rocks
10 toes to bar

3 rounds of:
With a 14# med ball and partner
20 chest passes
20 squat passes
20 side passes
20 sit-up passes

6x5 back squat 115-135-145-165-165-165#

Deadlift 3-3-3-2-2 


5 rounds of:
20 overhead walking lunges 45#
10 hand release push-ups
5 box jumps 24"

Time: 6:24

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/22/14

First day back to the gym. Sucked so bad. Wasn't our normal class and I felt like I was rushing to get home to bomb (who wasn't even awake yet).

A) Broke down the kipping pull up

B) 5 rounds for time
5 deadlifts
10 hand release push ups
15 wall balls to 10' target 20/14"

M: 11:07
C: 14:19

This sucked.

Ben's WOD 1/23/14


Dynamic stretching and mobility


3 rounds of:

2 wall walk ups
4 strict pull-ups
6 push-ups
8 pistols
10 air squats
12 sit-ups

WOD 1:

Bring Sally Up 65#

- didn't miss a rep, will go up in weight next time

WOD 2:

8 minute AMRAP 

10 box step ups 24"
5 burpees
10 sit-ups

8 rounds, 2 step ups