Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 6/24/13

So before I start with our workout, I must add that I walked to the grocery store in the rain yesterday which gave me an extra 2 mile workout. Yes, I am including that.

First day in the advanced CrossFit class. Here is our workout:

Bridges WOD:

Warm up:
75 S jump rope
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 squats
75 S jump rope

Sumo dead lift
Front squat with weight

All of the skills we learned involved the weights so we will now be able to teach you everything correctly. I liked working with the weights a lot, I think CBAbell will agree. We did have to split up and work with other people which of course, for socially awkward people, was difficult. But it did help us learn how to lift properly (at least for me who has never lifted before).

50 double unders (250 singles) C used DU, M used S
40 sumo dead lifts (C at #95, M at #65)
30 hand release burpees
20 toes to ring/bar (C used rings, M used bar and did knee lifts)
10 hand stand push ups (we both us kick ups)
20 toes to ring/bar
30 hand release burpees
40 sumo dead lifts
50 double unders (x5 for singles)

Myriah: 22:32
Clyde: 23:08

Yes, I beat Clyde. I will attribute it to me using the bar and only doing knee lifts and the fact that I could get my single unders quicker at the end because it was really hard for the people doing DU to keep constant since they were so tired.

All in all, I enjoyed the work out. Definitely very sweaty at the end but glad we both did the full version instead of scaling down like our coach said we could do. It was also our first run at HSPU. We both did kick ups but I think C could definitely get 10 in but it would just take a while. The best tip our coach told me was to look across the room at something else instead of looking down. That way I don't freak myself out and look down and fall. It made them a lot easier.

Not sure if we are going to gym and doing WODS there tonight or just doing some at the track. Email us the ones you are going to do. It's pretty rainy and crappy so we might have to go to the gym.

Oh also, all of the people in our class are doing the Tough Mudder in Tahoe July 13 and invited us to come. If we weren't so weird, maybe we would. He said he will probably do the one in September too so we could do that one as with him.

Oh what are johnny bobs? Video?

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