1200m jog
Stretch and mobility
A: 3 sets of 10 dumbbell snatches on each arm (60 altogether)
M: 25, 25, 25#
C: 35, 35, 45#
B: Back Squat 5-5-5-5
Build to a heavy set
M: 75, 100, 100, 115
C: 155, 155, 155, 155
My partner could only do 75 and that was hard for her so it kind of messed us all up. I wanted to do a few more at 115 or 125 but never got to it. We are going to have to go on off days and work on things like squats and lifts.
C: 1200m run
50 kettle bell swings (Russian)
30 toes to bar
M: 11:51, 35# kb
C: 9:53, 53# kb
Toes to bar was super hard when tired. Callouses are going to be starting again. Can't wait to get on the bar and keep working on my pull ups/toes to bar.
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