Saturday, January 11, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/11/14

We went to our first Weekend Warrior's WOD. They told everyone competing in the brawl in two weeks that it would be best to come to that one to get more exposure. We both really, really enjoyed it and will most likely continue going to that one. It is two hours long (more like 2 1/2 hours) and really works on skills.

Warm up:
Warm up and mobilize on our own for 20 minutes

A) Barbell cycling- this took about an hour and a half

5 muscle snatch
5 power snatch without moving feet
5 squat snatch without moving feet

5 muscle cleans
5 power cleans w/o moving feet
5 squat cleans w/o moving feet

5 push press
5 push press-faster
5 push jerk

This was all done with light weight and focused on skill and speed. It was suppose to be quick movements so as soon as the bar hit your shoulder for S2O, you push it right back up.

Timed sessions: 75#/55#
10 snatch as quickly as possible using any snatch technique

C: 25 seconds
M: 23 seconds

10 clean and S2O(shoulder to overhead) any way as quick as possible
C: 22 seconds
M: 25 seconds

Our WOD was next. It is a marker for the Whole Life Challenge that people from our gym are competing in. We will be doing it again in two months when the challenge is over to see if we got quicker. We aren't doing the challenge but our doing our own type of thing so it will be interesting to see if our results change.

WOD: For time:
Run 800m
66 burpees to 6" target
33 russian kettlebell swings 1.5/1 pood
22 goblet squats (same kettlebell size)
11 jumping squats to 6" target
400m run

M: 13:58
C: 16:02

Like I said, we really enjoyed the weekend warrior's class. Everything was broken down and everyone was helpful.

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