Friday, November 8, 2013

Ben's WOD 11/8/13

Tonight was my second session with Chris. It's so nice to have someone else plan a workout and then encourage/check my form during it. 

We started with some mobility and dynamic stretches before going over proper rowing and deadlifting technique. I've always been scared of the deadlift since my low back is what I hurt in high school and then again in Mongolia. But everything I read says that the two most important lifts are the deadlift and the squat. So, I was excited to learn how to do it properly.

We kept the weight at 95lbs during the WOD. It's all he had for bumper plates and he wanted me to focus more on proper form. (M needs to remember that her and C are more experienced Crossfitters/weightlifters than I am. I just stumble around the gym doing stuff I've seen on YouTube...)

3 rounds for time:

500m row
15 deadlifts
21 box jumps

time: 12:23

After we did some dynamic stretching and a cool down.

--Unfortunately, the gym was closing so I had to leave. I really wish the training was 2 hours so that we had time to do more stuff. After one shorter WOD (like last week and this week) I'm just getting ready to go. 

--Swimming tomorrow!!!!! I can't explain how excited I am about this. 

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