My alone WOD. C was ill. And bratty. C being ill=C being bratty. But I think that's all men since you (B) get super super super super bratty when you're sick, especially with a headache.
Warm up:
1620m jog (yeah, not fond of this)
Stretch and mobility
WOD: EMOM for 5 minutes
5 back squats @ 70-80% of 1 RM
THEN, immediately following,
5 minute AMRAP:
5 burpee box jumps
10 push ups
15 kettlebell swings
THEN, immediately following,
Run 800m.
M: Back squat at 135
AMRAP: 2 rounds + 6
800m: 4:35
My blood blister ripped and it made the kettle bell swings IMPOSSIBLE. It was so bad. Going to have to tape it up if we got to open gym tomorrow. I hate having any cuts on my hands.
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