Friday, June 21, 2013

Ben's Workout 6/21/13

Felt pretty good after the chiropractor and rest day.

Warm up:

100 S jump rope
100 running jump rope
400m run

WOD 1:

for time -
walking lunge 30 yards
30 ring pull ups
30 sit ups
30 push ups
30 squats

time: 5 min 23 sec

WOD 2:

Lucky 7s -
AMRAP 7 min
7 bench jumps
7 burpess
7 KB swings

AMRAP: 6 1/2

WOD 3:
3 sets of -
5 Turkish get ups with 25lbs KB
Bleachers (up and back)

This was not timed. I chose it mostly to get some practice with the Turkish Get up (way harder than I expected) and some extra cardio on the bleachers.


2 sets of 40 dips
about 15 minutes of various abs work

5K - 24 min 53 sec

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