Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ben's WODs


5x3 Squat Cleans 145#

3 RFT of:
15 Broad Jumps
21 KB Swings 553



score: 159


5k row - 20:34
Muscle up progression and practice 45 minutes

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ben's WODs


Redid 14.2 with terrible results: 39

5 RFT of:
400m run
20 burpees
20 med ball clean wall balls 20#

time: 21:33


5 x 50 - 60 - 70% of 1RM

I did 14 on my 70% which tells me my 1RM is probably higher than I thought...


L1 workout

3 RFT of:
15 Thrusters 85#
12 burpees

time: 6:33


L1 workout

AMRAP 8 min of:
8 push-ups
10 med ball cleans
12 sit-ups

score: finished med ball cleans of 8th round


score: 69

5 x 10 back squat at 115#


5 x 3 hang squat snatch 95#

5 RFT of:
100m run
5 strict pull-ups
10 box jumps
15 double unders

time: 8:31

Thursday, March 13, 2014

M & C's WOD 3/12/14

So nice to take two days off after the comp. We got to make dinner together, catch up on some shows and get some good mobility in. But back at it today.

A) 7-7-7-7-7 strict press pausing 1 second at top each time

M: 55-60-65-70(5)-65
C: 95x5

B) AMRAP 12 minutes
30 kb swings 55/35
15 sit ups
100m farmers carry 55/35

M: 3 rounds, 1 swing
C: 3 rounds

Wooooo that smoked our forearms.

M & C COMP!! 3/9



For time:
50 forward lunges 35/25# plate overhead
40 kettlebell snatches 35/25#
30 alternating kb swings switching at top 35/25#
20 plate burpees-burpee on plate then stand up and lock it out 35/25#

C: 4:32 (14th)
M: 4:34 (4th)


AMRAP in 7 minutes
Thrusters 75/55
Floor wipers with barbell lockout

Starts with 2 reps and increases by 2 each time... 2-4-6-8-10...

C: 122 (25T)
M: 129 (9th)


For time:
800m row
50 goblet squats 53/35#
30 double unders

C: 6:17 (17th)
M: 6:56 (19th)



C: 15 out of 87
M: 7 out of 86

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ben's WOD 3/3, 3/6, 3/7, 3/8



8 minute AMRAP

10 air squats
5 burpees
10 sit-ups
5 ring rows


10 minute AMRAP

400m run
20 single arm DB press 45#
15 KB swings 55#

score: 3 full rounds



Establish 1RM for press & back squat

press: 120#
back squat: 205#


Run 200m
15 thrusters 95#
20 pull-ups
Run 400m
20 pull-ups
15 thrusters
Run 200m

time: 8:15


practice OHS & C2B


EMOM 12 min

Odd: 5 sit-ups, 5 burpees
Even: 5 jumping squats, 5 SDHP 75#

increase by 1 rep each minute until failure and then decrease by 1 rep

I made it to 12 reps



score: 61

Partner WOD:

While one team runs 400m, the other teams do Atomic Push-ups and Ring rows. Cycle through 4 times.

Friday, March 7, 2014

M & C's WOD 3/6/14

Took Tuesday and Wednesday off in prep for the open on Thursday and competition on Sunday. Did some skill work at home with the kettle bell to keep in comp mode.

3/6 - Thursday

Open 14.2

For as long as possible:

Minute 0-3
2 rounds of
10 OHS 95/65
10 C2B pull ups

Minute 3-6
2 rounds of
12 OHS
12 C2B

Minute 6-9
2 rounds of
14 OHS
14 C2B

And so on and so forth...

C: 64
M: 28

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

M & C's WODS 3/1, 3/2, 3/3

3/1 - Saturday

Open 14.1
10 minute AMRAP
30 double unders
15 G2O 75/55

C: 226
M: 156


3/2 - Sunday

Worked on the movements for the Hercules CrossFit Comp. Then we did the first WOD.

For time:
50 overhead lunges with plate 35/25
40 kettle bell snatches 35/25
30 alternating kettle bell swings (catch must be made at the top of the movement)
20 plate burpees - burpee then pick the plate up all the way to full lockout overhead

C: 5:45
M: 5:19


3/3 - Monday

E2MOM 5 front squats

C: 145x5
M: 125x5

5 rounds:
AMRAP 1 minute
10 burpees
5 dumbbell thrusters 35/25
Rest 1 minute

C: 114
M: 87

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ben's WOD 3/1 & 3/2



score: 164

As we discussed, I'm not happy with my score. I may or may not redo the workout on Monday. It might be more beneficial to redo it in a few months and practice double unders until then...



3 x 5 Back Squat @ 50%  - 135#

The goal was to go as low as possible and sit there for several seconds.


4 rounds for time of:

5 squat cleans 95#
10 handstand push-ups
15 pull-ups
25 box jumps
30 double unders

time: 18:50 - this was the fastest time of the day by a few minutes. It helps that I went unbroken on all the HSPU and that my DU were really good.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/27 & 2/28


Open Gym:

Row 500m

Muscle up practice

5 x 5 Clean & Jerk 95#

5 rounds of:

Row 1 minute
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats



3 x 5 Strict Press 95#


10 min AMRAP:

7 Overhead Squats 85#
9 Ring Dips
12 Med Ball Pullover Sit-ups 20#

score: 5 full rounds (ring dips killed me after first two rounds...)



3 x 5 Front Squat 125#


400m sprint
25 Double Unders

4 rounds, 90 sec rest between. Best time is your score

best time: 1:54 (my other rounds were: 2:01, 2:08, 2:02 -- DU's still holding me back...)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

M & C's WODS 2/24, 2/25, 2/26

2/24 - Monday

A) EMOM for 5 minutes: 30 seconds of burpee over partner
B) EMOM for 5 minutes: 3 thrusters 

M: 51 burpees, 80-85x4
C: 38 burpees, 105-115-125-135-145

We didn't talk about the burpees but I'm assuming his partner was planked while my partner just laid flat so that's probably why I got a lot more.

C) 7 rounds for time
7 pull ups/ring rows

M: 8:58 with 65# - ring rows 
C: 8:28 with 75# - pull ups 


2/25 - Tuesday

A)  EMOM for 6 minutes
Minute 1-3-5 Wall Climbers 3(C)/2(M)
Minute 2-4-6 Toes to bar 10(C)/5(M) 

B) With a partner, for time:
5 rounds
16 dumbbell shoulder to overhead 45/25
32 russian kettle bell swings 2pd/1.5pd
64 double unders

No idea on times. C might know his but we both had different partners so giving a time wouldn't really be accurate. 


2/26 - Wednesday

A) 2 rounds of 5 pulls on rower under 1:30(C)/ 1:45(M)

B) "The Chief"
5 cycles of: AMRAP 3 minutes 
3 power cleans 135/90
6 push ups
9 air squats

M: 21 rounds, 2 cleans
C: 19 rounds 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/24 & 2/25



4 rounds, 20 seconds work per station

Ring Rows
Knees to Elbows


EMOM 10 minutes

2 Med Ball Cleans
1 Thruster 95#
2 Push Press 95#

3 Med Ball Cleans
2 Thrusters
3 Push Press

...etc until failure then begin working down until 10 min time cap

score: 4 rounds before failure (5, 4, 5)


Open Gym


Muscle up practice for 20 minutes. I worked on the technique of each part of the progression but couldn't quite get one today.

Also worked on deadlifts for about 20 minutes. Again, only used 135# but my form is MUCH better.

3 x 10 Wall Balls 20#
3 x 10 Med Ball Cleans 20#


5 - 3 - 1(+) Front Squat

145 - 165 - 185 (did 3 at 185)


5 rounds for time of:

200m run
9 pullups
15 pushups
21 walking lunges

time: 11:28

Monday, February 24, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/21/14

A) E2MOM 3 power snatches 

M: 55-60-65-70-70

B) E3MOM 25 burpees
Accumulate 45 pull ups
9 minute time cap

C: 4:43 -- 38 first round, 7 second 
M: finished my last set of burpees and had a ripped hand, had 5 pull ups left --- 26 first round, 14 second 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/21 & 2/22


Open Gym:

Muscle ups on the bar and rings. Got 2 on the rings, very close on bar.


3x10 Strict Toes to Bar
Hollow Holds


200m run
15 Squat Clean 95#
300m run
20 Squat Clean
400m run
25 Squat Clean

time: 11:34



Again, deadlifts are holding me back. I should have been going for my 1RM but instead worked on form with Jessie for 20 minutes or so. I'm much better but still default to straight legs after a few reps.


2 rounds of:

40 Burpees
20 Deadlifts 135#
40 Single Arm Thrusters 45#

time: 11:something...

RX was 205 deadlift, 55 thruster. I could have gone heavier on the deadlift but because I'm still not quite there with the form, it was suggested I go easy to make sure every rep was perfect. It wasn't. Also, single arm thrusters suuuuck.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/19/14

A) 2-6 rope climbs

B) Open 13.2
10 minute AMRAP
5 shoulder to overheads
10 dead lifts 
15 box jumps


M: 221 (7rds, 6 DL)
C: 180 (6 rds)

C) Row 1000m

M: 4:20
C: 3:55

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/18 & 2/19



Tabata Hollow Holds & Supermans

Strict and Kipping Handstand Pushups


50 Double Unders
15 American KB Swings 55#
21 Handstand Pushups
50 DU
15 KB
50 DU
15 KB

time: 12:46



Power Clean & Jerk

Did a lot of form work with the Oly lifting coach. Remember when I was happy with a 145# squat clean at GSR last month? I was power clean and jerking that today. Next step is to learn the split jerk so I can go up in weight. I could clean more, especially if I squat clean, but I was maxing out with that weight for the jerk.



5 rounds of:
400m run
15 Overhead Squats 75#

time: 13:02

M & C's WOD 2/18/14

A) Push press:

3 attempts at a new 1RM

M: 55-65-75-80-85-90-95-100(PR)
C: 80-95-120-130-135-145 -failed at 165

B) During the first three sets, we did max pull ups. 

M: 8-7-7 kipping
C: 10-6-6 strict 

C) for time:
3 rounds of 
15 toes to bar
15 wall balls to 10' target 20#
3 rounds of
15 burpees
30 double unders

M: 14:56
C: 11:35

C's notes- wasn't feeling it tonight. Need more carbs tomorrow.
M's notes- I have a sinus infection. 

Confused on your "strict push press". Was it a strict press or a push press? Strict would be no movement of legs while push has a dip...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 2/17/14

A) Back Squat
5x50% old 1RM

3 attempts to make a new 1RM

M: 90-115-135-145-155-165-190-195(PR)
C: 235(PR)

I only got 2 attempts before we ran out of time but I definitely could have got to 200 or 205. Huge PRs for both of us.

B) 30-20-10
Russian kettle bell swings 2/1.5pd
Sit ups
Hand release push ups

C: 5:43
M: 6:37

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/17/14

Feeling much better after taking the weekend off - especially since I've been able to get back to eating something besides saltines.


5-3-1 strict press


4 rounds of 30 seconds max effort of

Jumping lunges
Power cleans 95#
Jumping lunges 

Total reps: 350

Saturday, February 15, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/15/14

Worked on toes to bar in the beginning.

Air Force WOD:
20 thrusters
20 sumo dead lift high pull
20 push jerks
20 overhead squats
20 front squats 

20 minute time cap
RX= 95/65

EMOM you must perform 4 burpees. So to start, you do 4 burpees then start your thrusters. Say you do 7 thrusters and the next minute starts, you would stop and do 4 burpees then begin your thrusters again with 7 of them done. Get it?

M: 11:48 RX
C: 14:49 RX except for 17 of his overhead squats at 65

Really tough WOD. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/14/14

A) 5 sets of complex:
1 high hang squat clean
1 hang squat clean

Partner WOD!! There were only 6 people in class tonight so C actually got to be my partner!! Wooo! Valentines day workout.

B) 4 rounds for time: 
400m run 
30 burpees while partner planks on elbows
20 wall balls over pull up rig (we used a 20# ball)

C+M: 21:32

We broke the burpees up into fives each. The planking actually got really hard because you were out of breathe and trying to stay tight. 

Tomorrow's looks really fun/hard. We are going to the normal class.

Ben's WOD 2/13 & 2/14



Linda worked on deadlifts with me for about 20 minutes. I only used 165# for this. She said that when I deadlift I am almost doing a Romanian deadlift and that I need to bend my knees more. After the 20 minutes I felt like my form improved a ton. Engage those hammies!



Box Jumps
Handstand Pushups
400m run

time: 9:09

--that was the fastest of the day. I knew that since I struggled with some of the heavier WODs earlier in the week that this would be a good one for me. I was able to do all the HSPU unbroken and only had to kip the last few of each round.


My plan today was to hit open gym to do the WOD I missed on Tuesday and then stick around for the 4PM class and do today's WOD. However, I haven't been feeling well all day (cramps and body aches - hope it's not the flu). I went in a rowed, did some stretching, and then did Tuesday's WOD. I didn't stay for the class since I felt terrible.

3 rounds for time of:
40 Double Unders
30 Squats
20 Pushups
10 Pullups

time: 8:32

--only two people beat my time but they are both very good at DU and I was seriously struggling with them. Really, really frustrating since I did the first two rounds of everything else unbroken (much to my surprise on the pushups!)...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

M & C's WOD 2/13/14

Went to open gym to do yesterday's WOD.

Both warmed up rowing. C did some muscle ups on the rings.

A) 5 sets of:
High hang squat snatch
Hang sqaut snatch
M: 55 whole time

I was struggling on these tonight.

B) 10 minute AMRAP
40 wall balls
30 double unders
20 dead lifts 225/145
10 pull ups

C: 1 round, 36 wall balls = 136 total 
M: 1 round, 8 DUs = 148 total 

We both worked on some more DUs and toes to bar after. C also did a beautiful bar muscle up. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

M&C Catch up 2/7, 2/9, 2/10, 2/11

2/7-- Friday- so long ago

A) was suppose to be tabata DUs with L sits but of course we didn't do it... So we just worked on DUs

B) AMRAP 7 minutes (same as last week with more weight)
5 deadlifts
4 hang cleans
3 front squats
2 push press
1 jerk 

M: 5 rounds, 3 front squats at 80#
C: 5 rounds, 5 deadlifts #115

This was so much harder with more weight (my previous week I competed 8 rounds). We also agreed our bodies were really tired from a hard week.


2/9-- Sunday 

M: A) EMOM 10 minutes
5 push press #65

B) Front squats

C) worked on double unders

C: A) 10 sets of:
1 snatch 
20 DUs 

76x6, 85, 95

B) Front squat
3x5 135, 155, 165

C) Muscle ups- 5 total, 2 sets of 2 and almost had a set of 3


2/10- Monday

A) HSPU and handstand hold practice

B) Push press

C) 10-8-6-4-2
Strict pull ups

M: 5:55 at 75# (started with as many strict as possible- usually only 1-2 then went to kip)
C: 7:33 at 115#


2/11- Tuesday 

A) 10 minutes of pistol practice 

B) Back sqaut

C) Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes (hitting every station 5x)
Box jumps
American kettlebell swings 44#/35#
Push ups

M: 173
C: 201

Skipped class tonight 2/12 but will be doing tonight's work out tomorrow at open gym. Looks like a rough one. 

Ben's WOD 2/10 & 2/12


4 rounds of:
10 superman pushups
10 situps
10 sec bridge


Front Squat 5x3


400m run
12-11-10-9....etc to 1
Deadlift, Push Press, Medball Cleans
200m run

RX = 95# DL, PP and 20# MB

time: 19:06



12 min AMRAP
15 Hang Power Cleans
10 Front Rack Lunges
15 Weighted Situps

RX = 95# HPC, Lunges and 20# SU

score = 4 rounds + HPC + Lunges + 14 SU

Press 5x3

Snatch practice

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/9/14


Deadlift 5 x 5

135 - 185 - 195 - 195 - 195#


30 Hang Power Cleans 95#
30 Bar Burpees
20 Overhead Squats 55#
20 Box Jumps 24"
10 Handstand Pushups
10 Toes to Bar
5 Prisoner's Squats
5 Jumping Lunges

time: 9:19

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ben's WOD 2/6 & 2/8



Strict Press 5x5 95#


AMRAP 15 minutes

200m run
10 TTB
15 Strict Ring Dips
20 KB Swings 50#

3 rounds


AM -


Snatches 5x5 95#


AMRAP 20 minutes

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

16 rounds + 6 squats

PM - I ran 2 miles and did some yoga and mobility

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 2/3, 2/4, 2/5


A) Power Clean: 3-2-1 3-2-1

M: 75-85-95, 95-105-105
C: 115-135-155-155-175-185

B) "Jeremy" 21-15-9
Overhead Squat 95/65#

M: 9:03
C: 12:06

I crushed this one mainly because I have a good squat. I dropped the bar on round one at rep 20. Didn't mean to obviously but it fell.

C) We were suppose to do HSPU and walking when class started but we didn't...

So M did 3x5 kipping HSPU after class



A) 2-6 rope climbs from seated position and ending in seated position (feet never touch ground)

B) Back Squat

M: 110-125-145-155-160-160(4)
C: 135-160-185-195-205-205(5)

C) Every 3 minutes for 9 minutes:
400m run
Max rep lunges with 35/25# above head in lockout position- any bent elbows =3 burpees

M: 76
C: 69



A) Strict pull ups 3-3-3-3-3-3

C did weighted with 15-15-20-25-30-35
I did just as many as I could and none were truly from dead hang

B) "Jack" Gone Bad
5 rounds for total reps
1 minute push press 115/75#
1 minute kettlebell swings 1.5/1pood
1 minute box jumps 24/20"

M: 242
C: 206

Ben's WOD 2/3, 2/4, 2/5



20 minutes of muscle up progressions


10 minute AMRAP

5 each arm 50# dumbbell snatch
5 ring push-ups
10 burpees

5 rnds + 6 burpees


I worked with Stefan for an hour on snatches, cleans, kipping handstand push-ups, and kipping pull-ups.




21 box jumps
15 thrusters 95#
9 pull-ups

time: 14:47

Oly Lifting:

30 minutes of snatch practice with Oly coach

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 2/1/14

Longggg weekend warriors.  

Warm up/mobilize on own for 20 minutes

A) Bar muscle up drills

B) Work on technique for 10 minutes
20 kettlebell snatches 
50 double unders  

Clyde did it straight through. I worked more on form and didn't do it in rounds.

C) E2OM for 20 minutes (working on form again rather than weight):
1 Halting snatch deadlift
1 High hang snatch 

C: went up to 90
M: went up to 60

D) Minute 0: Row 500m
Max set Russian kettlebell swings
Minute 3: Rest

Minute 6: Row 500m
Max set toes to bar 
Minute 9: Rest

Minute 12: Row 500m
Max set burpees over rower
Minute 15: Done 

C: 28-10-20
M: 19-11-11

Ben's WOD 2/1/14


Jump rope


AMRAP 12 minutes

100m run
10 burpee pullups
25 double unders

4 rounds, 8 burpees

-I was getting really frustrated on the DU. I couldn't string them together very well.


Finally, I got to learn the snatch. We practiced for 15 minutes. I only went up to 95 but with more practice I can definitely do more weight.

Cool Down:

10 minutes of yoga

-Seriously, I love that we do yoga like this at the end of the class. Also, this was my first class that wasn't taught by Linda.

Open Gym:

I decided to go back for open gym to practice some things.

First I rowed a 2k to warm up. I did the first 1500 at a 2:05 pace then the last 500 staying below 1:45.

I then worked on power cleans for about 15 minutes doing 5x5 at 125#. After that I did 5 sets of ring dips where I would do 3 strict then kipping to failure. Then 5x5 front squats at 155#.

Then I practiced TTB and DU for 15 minutes or so before hitting the foam roller and stretching.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/31/14

A) 30 overhead squats with a dowel on trainers count

B) Find a 1RM overhead squat 

C: 130#
M: 80%

Omg. Freaked myself out. Dropped an 85# on my neck and couldn't mentally get any weight past that above my head. I am definitely capable of much heavier weight since my squat is my best lift but getting the bar up overhead from the back of the neck is a really scary thing. End rant.

C) Jackie!!
1000m row
50 thrusters 45/33# bar
30 pull ups

C: 9:46
M: 10:06

We both killed it. I was really hoping this one would be good for me but was nervous about the pull ups. I had to break them down into about 3s but realized after about 15 that I could take smaller breaks on them. I'm not tired it's just my arms give out. But still really happy with both our results.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/29/14

A) Strict pull ups from dead hang

M: Just did as many as I could. Usually around two with a slight wiggle.
C: 15# plate added on him 

B) AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 dead lifts
4 high hang cleans
3 front squats
2 push press
1 jerk
@ 95/65- Was all about cycling and not setting the bar down in between sets.

M: 8 rounds, 5 deadlifts
C: 100 reps (he refuses to change it to rounds for me)

Rest 7 minutes

C) AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 V-ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

M: Once again, couldn't tell ya. Somewhere around 7 rounds. Push ups really slowed me down.
C: 215 reps 

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/28/14

A) Push press
5x @ 65% 1RM
5x @ 75%
5x @ 80%
5x @ 85%

M: 65-75-75-80
C: 110-125-135-145

B) 5 rounds for time (10 minute time cap)
30 double unders
10 alternating arm dumbbell snatches 45/35
10 toes to bar

M: couldn't even tell ya if I tried. Possibly around my 4th round. It was so bad. I couldn't string together double unders and my toes to bar were so off. Pretty disappointed.
C: 8 toes to bar remaining 

Clyde's WOD 1/27/14

I'm down for the count with allergies. Probably for the best because my quads are super sore. Here is Clyde's workout:

A) Back squat
5x @65%
5x @ 75%
5x @ 80%
5x 85%

155, 165, 175, 185 (7)

B) For time:
Cleans 115#
Burpees over barbell


Myriah & Clyde's Comp 1/25/14

Comp day. Here come the workouts:

A) For time:
50 burpees
20 clean and jerks 115/75

M: 7:21 (4th)
C: 6:49 (7th)

B) AMRAP in 7 minutes:
20 American kettlebell swings 1.25/.75 pd
30 lateral jumps over barbell (with plates)

M: 295 (1st)
C: 265 (8th)

C) For time:
500m row
Then: 21-15-9
Front squats 65#

M: 6:35 (1st)

M- 1st ovearll
C- 7th overall

Ben's WOD 1/30/14


5 min on bike
1 min jump rope


4 rounds of:
5 air squats
5 sit-ups
5 jumping jacks



5x5 back squat 125#


800m run
10 TTB
10 goblet squats 55#
400m run
20 TTB
20 goblet squats
200m run
30 TTB
30 goblet squats

Time: 13:37

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/27/14

This morning was my first WOD at Hardcore Fitness and it was a good one. 



Spent a minute on DU
30 seconds on bear crawls
30 seconds on crab walks

4 rounds of:
5 air squats
5 supermans
5 v-ups


5x5 front squat at 75%
115# (not sure where my percentages are yet)


20 minute AMRAP 

5 ring rows (from floor)
10 push-ups (chest touch, quads elevated)
15 pistols (no support)

I got 13 rounds exactly. I had to push on the last set of pistols and finished them with 4 seconds left. Then collapsed. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/24/14


Dynamic stretching and mobility


5 rounds of:
20 second hollow rocks
10 toes to bar

3 rounds of:
With a 14# med ball and partner
20 chest passes
20 squat passes
20 side passes
20 sit-up passes

6x5 back squat 115-135-145-165-165-165#

Deadlift 3-3-3-2-2 


5 rounds of:
20 overhead walking lunges 45#
10 hand release push-ups
5 box jumps 24"

Time: 6:24

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/22/14

First day back to the gym. Sucked so bad. Wasn't our normal class and I felt like I was rushing to get home to bomb (who wasn't even awake yet).

A) Broke down the kipping pull up

B) 5 rounds for time
5 deadlifts
10 hand release push ups
15 wall balls to 10' target 20/14"

M: 11:07
C: 14:19

This sucked.

Ben's WOD 1/23/14


Dynamic stretching and mobility


3 rounds of:

2 wall walk ups
4 strict pull-ups
6 push-ups
8 pistols
10 air squats
12 sit-ups

WOD 1:

Bring Sally Up 65#

- didn't miss a rep, will go up in weight next time

WOD 2:

8 minute AMRAP 

10 box step ups 24"
5 burpees
10 sit-ups

8 rounds, 2 step ups 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/16/14

Went to open gym and combined some of the workouts we are going to miss this week.

Here is my workout:

A) 3 rounds of 20 hand release push ups for time (rest two minutes between each set)

52, 1:10, 56

Much more tiring than I imagined. By the way, if you want to try this the men had to do 30.

B) 7-7-7(+) Dead lift 
First at 70% 1RM, 75%, 80%

Deadlifts are hard. But I love them.

C) 1-1-1-1-1 Hang clean + Clean (reset each time)

66, 85, 85, 90, 95

Wasn't sure how high I would be able to go with a hang clean. Turns out much higher than I thought. Also, started doing them at 2 reps each then C pointed put it was just 1 so I wish I had started higher.

D) 2x15 toes to bar trying to go unbroken as possible- rest 1 minute between rounds 

This was hard too. Definitely not even close to unbroken.

E) 3x5 kipping HSPU

First set with 10# plate then last round just abmat.

F) One set of five kipping pull ups to make sure I still got them. It's been a while. Wanted to do three sets but my hands were done at this point from the barbell.

C's workout:

A) 4x5 Back squat

B) 2x15 toes to bar unbroken- 1 minute rest in between 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/15/14


Dynamic stretching and mobility


2 rounds of 30:30 (30 seconds work/30 seconds rest)

  • Battle ropes
  • Air squats
  • Tire flip
  • abmat sit-ups with 15# kb

4 rounds of 8 reps wide leg squat lunges

  • 45 - 95 - 95 - 115
3 rounds of:
  • 5 kipping pull-ups
  • 5 strict dips + kipping until failure


splitting the work with a partner AMRAP 15 minutes of 

200m row
10 KB swings 55#
8 burpees
6 side shuffles (100m)

--I was going to do a different WOD since this is so similar to what I did last night but the group needed another person so I jumped in. I ended up doing all the swings and burpees for my partner, then splitting the side shuffles. We both had to row at the same time. I'm not sure why but with 5:30 left everyone started picking up their equipment. I got back on the rower and kept going until they realized we weren't supposed to stop until the time was over. So, not the best WOD but at least it was something. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/14/14

A) 7-7-7(+) Back Squat

M: 135-135-145(16 reps)
C: 155-165-175(14 reps)

Will have to tell you about that tomorrow. If you recalculate our 1RM with those mine would be over 220 and Clyde's would be at 300...

B) AMRAP 7 minutes - 1 minute rest between each minute and pick up where you left off
5 wall balls 25/20
5 burpees

M: 11 (or 12) round + 3 burpees
C: 12 rounds + 3 burpees

This was HARD! C said the 25# was insane. Definitely a crazy workout.

Ben's WOD 1/14/14


Dynamic stretching and mobility


3 rounds of:

2 wall walks
4 pull-ups
6 v-ups
8 hollow rocks
10 OHS squats with pvc
10 in/outs


Partner Train:

10 minute AMRAP for 3 rounds (2 minute rest between rounds)

200m row
15 KB swings 55#
10 Overhead lunge alternating with 45# plate
5 burpees over 45# plate

--You can't start a movement until your partner finishes it. My partner had to DNF after the first row of the 3rd round. I continued and ended up passing the other team.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/13/14

Really wanted to go into the gym yesterday but no one went in. Wish they were open better hours on Sunday.

A) 3-3-3-3 Overhead Squat
3-3-3-3 Split jerk

M: OHS:45-55-60-65 (First time ever overhead squatting)
Jerk: 55-75-85-95

C: OHS: 95-95-105-105
Jerk: 135-155-155-155

B) AMRAP 5 minutes
30 double unders
15 snatches

M: 1 round, 5 snatches (around that)
C: 1 round, 13 snatches

Could. Not. Get. DUs.To.Save.My.Life.

I was getting really frustrated. I honestly don't know if I even did 30 for the first round because it got to the point where I got so mad that I forgot to count.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/11/14

We went to our first Weekend Warrior's WOD. They told everyone competing in the brawl in two weeks that it would be best to come to that one to get more exposure. We both really, really enjoyed it and will most likely continue going to that one. It is two hours long (more like 2 1/2 hours) and really works on skills.

Warm up:
Warm up and mobilize on our own for 20 minutes

A) Barbell cycling- this took about an hour and a half

5 muscle snatch
5 power snatch without moving feet
5 squat snatch without moving feet

5 muscle cleans
5 power cleans w/o moving feet
5 squat cleans w/o moving feet

5 push press
5 push press-faster
5 push jerk

This was all done with light weight and focused on skill and speed. It was suppose to be quick movements so as soon as the bar hit your shoulder for S2O, you push it right back up.

Timed sessions: 75#/55#
10 snatch as quickly as possible using any snatch technique

C: 25 seconds
M: 23 seconds

10 clean and S2O(shoulder to overhead) any way as quick as possible
C: 22 seconds
M: 25 seconds

Our WOD was next. It is a marker for the Whole Life Challenge that people from our gym are competing in. We will be doing it again in two months when the challenge is over to see if we got quicker. We aren't doing the challenge but our doing our own type of thing so it will be interesting to see if our results change.

WOD: For time:
Run 800m
66 burpees to 6" target
33 russian kettlebell swings 1.5/1 pood
22 goblet squats (same kettlebell size)
11 jumping squats to 6" target
400m run

M: 13:58
C: 16:02

Like I said, we really enjoyed the weekend warrior's class. Everything was broken down and everyone was helpful.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/10/14

Now that I'm back, the blog will start being updated again. I guess we can forget about knowing what Clyde did yesterday. 

A) Tabata double unders:
M: 100
C: 114

Well that was exhausting. 

B) Clean and jerk 3-3-3-3-3
Reset each clean from the ground

M: 65-85-90-95-100(clean)
Then I went back and did skill work with 85-90#
C: 135# whole time

C) 2x 500m row recovering fully between each round

M: 2:04, 2:02
C: 1:47, 1:54

We both don't think we will ever be back to the crossfitters we once were. The flu took us down at 24 and we will never recover. Very frustrating. I really hope I get back to the way I was otherwise...

I'm out.

Ben (and Micheal's) WOD 1/11/14

Tough one at GSR today. Michael did a good job grinding it out.


Dynamic Stretching and Mobility


3 rounds of 25:

Flutter Kicks
Leg Levers


5 rounds of:

400m run
30 box jumps 24"
30 wall balls 14#

Ben's time: 24:59
Micheal's time: ??

--I finished about 5 minutes ahead of everyone else. I should have gone with a 20# ball but just used what everyone else was using instead.

After the WOD I stuck around and learned kipping pull-ups. Surprisingly, it went really well. I then did some work on kipping ring dips. I also ran a few more 400s with the next class.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ben's WOD (Harrison and Jenna too) 1/10/13


Row 5 minutes
Dynamic Stretching/Mobility


3 rounds of:

2 wall walk-ups
4 pull-ups
6 v-ups
8 pike ups
10 air squats


10 minutes double under practice
Snatch technique and practice


16 minute partner AMRAP

1 person rows 500m while second person completes as many rounds as possible of:
5 pull-ups
10 HR push-ups
15 jumping squats to target

Switch after first person finishes 500m and second person picks up where they left off. Score is total rounds of pull-ups, pushups, squats completed.

Ben & Matt - 11 rounds + 23
Harrison & Jenna - 14 rounds + 14

--Harrison and Jenna killed it and got the best score of the day so far. My partner was a bigger guy. He worked hard the whole time but was a bit slower, typically finishing 1 round to my 3. I was rowing faster too so he didn't have as much time to work though.

--Michael and I are going at 9am. Dad might join.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/9/14

I'm not going to get to GSR tonight. I want to go play with Nico and then walk with Mark before moving tomorrow. I'll go when I'm back next Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully, I can get rolling with Hardcore on Saturday or Sunday and get a few laps in at the pool then too.

Today I did a quick WOD in the garage. It's actually one that Greg suggested to help me start getting my front squat higher with the limited weight I have available.

EMOM (10 minutes) alternating between 

1 Hang Clean & 6 Front Squats 115#

25 Double Unders

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/8/13 (and Harrison, Michael, Randy too)


We did a long warm-up consisting of stretches and dynamic mobility exercises.


Spend 1 minute at each station for 3 rounds:

Double Unders
Air Squats
Reverse Rows
Plank Push-ups


Strict Press (about 10 minutes)


90 seconds work/90 seconds rest for 6 rounds

9 KB Swings (55# for Ben, 15# everyone else)
9 Box Jumps (20" box, Ben & Harrison did box jump overs)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

C's WOD 1/7/13

I passed on my flu to M, so she was stuck at home tonight while I went to class. It sucks that she's missing out, and I know how miserable her symptoms are. Since she's so fit, I'm sure she'll bounce back with a quick recovery!

My WOD was so-so tonight, and my body is still not 100%. My lifts were fine, but I gave myself a DNF again during the metcon. I don't want to push myself too early, and toning down the metcons can't hurt my weight gain.

A) 15 goblet squat @3211 tempo - 43lb kettlebell

B) OHS 5-5-5 reps 95-95-105#
===this was my first time doing OHS for weight

C) Push Press
9 reps @ 60% of 1RM


D) For time:
50 wall balls
rest 1 minute
25 wall balls (unbroken if possible)

I did the first 50 in 2:43 which was decent considering my condition. I rested the one minute and then started on my set of 25. After 8, I dropped the ball and called it quits.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/6/14

C still sick but pushed through to go to class.

A) Handstand + HSPU practice

B) Back squat 9-7-7-5(+)
9@60%, 7@70%, 7@75%, 5(+)@80% of 1 RM

M: 115-125-135-145(9)
C: 135-155-165-175(12)

C) 30-20-10
Box jumps 24"/20"
Russian kettlebell swings 2pood/1.5pood
Toes to bar

M: 11:48
C: Still sick- went until the end of second round but called it quits cause he couldn't breathe

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ben's WOD 1/6/14



800m row
dynamic stretching/mobility


12 rounds of:
Ring Roll-outs
Superman holds


Find 1RM clean


couldn't stand 155# up, need to work on my front squats





4 sets of Ring Dips
4 strict + kipping until failure


AMRAP (10 minutes)
5 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps

total: 6 rounds + 5 S2O + 10 Deadlifts + 14 Box Jumps (one box jump short of 7 full rounds)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

M & C's Rest Day 1/5/14

C still sickly. Doesn't think he's going to make it. So that means lots of Sunny and lots of rest. Oh and some crankiness. However, I did learn I can get into a handstand hold now. Only one loud fall onto the ground while practicing. Can't wait to try it out at the gym.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Myriah's WOD 1/4/14

My alone WOD. C was ill. And bratty. C being ill=C being bratty. But I think that's all men since you (B) get super super super super bratty when you're sick, especially with a headache.

Warm up:
1620m jog (yeah, not fond of this)
Stretch and mobility

WOD: EMOM for 5 minutes
5 back squats @ 70-80% of 1 RM

THEN, immediately following,

5 minute AMRAP:
5 burpee box jumps
10 push ups
15 kettlebell swings

THEN, immediately following,

Run 800m.

M: Back squat at 135
AMRAP: 2 rounds + 6
800m: 4:35

My blood blister ripped and it made the kettle bell swings IMPOSSIBLE. It was so bad. Going to have to tape it up if we got to open gym tomorrow. I hate having any cuts on my hands.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/3/14

Warm up:
800m jog

10 nose to wall with 5 second hold
10 minute pistol practice

A) 7-7-7-7 Push Press @ 70-80%

M: 65-70-70-70
C: 115-115-145(6)-135

C was told to put it up to 145#. His max was 155# so he clearly has a much higher max. We were both told we need to start using heavier weights.

B) AFAP: 21-15-9
3 rope climbs 12' from seated position (no jump or 10 burpee penalty)
21 kettlebell snatches (does not have to alternate hands-just as you see fit) 53#/35#
21 toes to bar
2 rope climbs 12' from seated
15 kettlebell snatches
15 toes to bar
1 rope climb from seated
9 kettlebell snatches
9 toes to bar

M: 11:27
C: 12:14

Kettlebell snatches=HARD
Ripped the crap out of my hands on toes to bar. Grip was gonezo.

Ben's WOD 1/4/14


I decided to hit the 9am class this morning. There were 5 of us plus Greg and Jeff.

We did a good warm-up followed by some strength work and then two WODs.


4 rounds:

2 Rope Walk-ups
4 Pistols
6 Chin-ups
8 Air Squats
15 second Handstand hold

WOD 1:

5 rounds with a 10 minute time cap:

8 T2B
8 Hollow Rocks
8 V-ups
20 Double Unders

- I finished all but the last few DU. The T2B took a while because Greg was working with me on them each time. My form on those isn't very good.

Partner WOD:

20 rounds with 20 minute time cap:

200m row
10 box jumps 24"
10 HR push-ups
10 Wall balls 14#

- Honestly, I'm not sure how many rounds we completed. Not the full 20, but no one else did either.

FaceTime later....

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 1/1/14

NEW YEAR!!!!!! 2014!!!!! TIME FOR GOALS!!!!!!!

C shared his goal of gaining 25# with the class. Pablo asked if he wanted to gain muscle or fat. So there's that...

200m run
14 shoulder to overhead
200m run
14 chest to bar pull ups
200m run
14 front squats
200m run
200m run
14 hang cleans
200m run
14 push ups
200m run
14 thrusters
200m run
14 toes to bar
200m run
14 deadlifts
200m run
14 burpees over bar

C: 25:14 115#
M: 25:30 75#

Ben's workout 1/1/14

Just wanted to get some squats in before the craziness of today starts. 

5 minutes DU practice
10 American KB swings 45#
10 reverse lunges 30#
1 x 5 hang clean 115#
5 x 5 front squats 115#

Ben's WOD 12/31/13


Stretching & Mobility
5 minutes DU practice

30 burpees for time: 1:33


5 rounds for time of:

12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Jerks

115# for first round, 95# for the last 4

time: 13:52

--underestimated this in every way possible. I need to work on my strength a lot. Looks like I have my 2014 goals now…