Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/31/13

Of course our WOD got so messed up. That's what happens when you're on a team with 6 guys.

WOD: In teams, only 50% of people can be working at once (4 for us)
1600m run
60 kettlebell swings 1.5/1pd
60 burpees

You can break it up any way you want but we chose to have everyone do their own portion (which got messed up at the end anyways).

Our time was somewhere around 25 minutes. Will have to explain what happened tomorrow.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/30/13

Birthday WOD!! Not sure why I can't put videos up anywhere I try. If only I knew someone in emerging technologies... Ugh.

There were only five people in clas last night. It was SO nice! We got to spend an extra 15 minutes just learning snatching with Marco then he helped all of us on the barbell. It was very beneficial.

A) Work up to a 1RM snatch 

M: 75# (PR)
C: 105#

I'm not sure I'll ever quite understand the snatch technique. I will work on it forever though until I do.

B) 15-12-9
Clean and jerk 105/75
Reverse lunges with weight 105/75

M: 9:09
C: 9:35

Wow! The lunges were much harder than I imagined. Good glute worker. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

M & C's Off Day 12/29/13

My shoulders are definitely feeling the pain from yesterday's workout. Should mobilize a lot today but feeling pretty lazy. Was hoping someone would open the gym in the afternoon for us to go in and mobilize/light workout but no one did. Waiting on the grid to be posted now...

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/28/13

Did some wheelbarrow walking contests in the beginning of class.

30 heavy wall balls to 10'/9' target.

C: 25#
M: 20#

5 rounds for time
12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans
6 push jerks

C: 13:02 115#
M: 12:06 75#

We are planning on taking some 6am classes within the next few months before our Rookie Rumble. C needs to get his body to adjust to morning workouts so he doesn't feel like crap every time. Hopefully that will help him get used to it so he doesn't get sick after each workout since RR will start at 8am.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD: 12/27/13

Back at it today. Felt strange having an extra day off.

Back Squat: 3-2-1 3-2-1
@75%, 80%, 85%, 80%, 85%, 90% of 1 RM

M: 135, 145, 155, 145, 155, 165
C: 155, 165, 175, 165, 185, 195

After, Hooverball with a 14# ball. We had to squat every time before we threw it.

C deadlifted after.

He did 1 set of 5 at 285. He also got his first ring muscle up.

I worked on kipping HSPU and V ups. Can't remember what else we did.

Clyde's WOD: 12/26/13

C by himself. M was sick.

Strict press:
5x3 110#

Squat clean:
5x3 115, 135, 135, 145, 155

Tis all.

Ben's Workout 12/29/13

A.M. Workout:

1 hour hard swim. It was my last lesson with Kathy and it was a good one. I was really tired afterwards.

P.M. Workout:

Sidney Fitness for one last workout before my membership is up. I did everything with dumbbells today.

3 rounds of:
6 DB Clusters (40 - 45 - 50#)
6 (per side) Side Plank Shoulder Raise (25 - 25 - 25#)
30 Flutter Kicks

5 rounds of:
100m Farmers Carry (55#/arm)
15 decline med ball sit-up toss (10#)
10 Reverse Rows

3 rounds of:
6 Incline DB Chest Press (45 - 50 - 50#)
6 Tri Extension (45 - 50 - 50)
30 Bicycle Crunches

3 rounds of:
6 DB Curls (25 - 30 - 35#)
6 Low Pulley Cable Pulls (30 - 30 - 30#)
10 Hanging Leg Raises

10 Strict Pull-ups
10 Strict Dips

Friday, December 27, 2013

Ben's WOD 12/27/13

A variation of the 12 Days WOD you did earlier in the week. 

1 200m run (driveway to end of bike path and back)
2 Handstand Push-ups
3 V-ups
4 Alternating arm DB Snatch 30#
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 45# KB
6 Alternating Reverse Lunge Steps 30# DB
7 Burpees
8 Jumping Air Squats
9  Russian Kettlebell Swings 45#
10 Push-ups
11 Wipers with 45# bar
12 DB Clusters 30#

time: 27:42

…yours was harder

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/24/13

Went to open gym. Did some mobilizing and then worked out.

M: 3x5 135 front squats 

Worked on snatch technique then did an AMRAP from the rookie rumble we went to.

AMRAP: snatch and balls
5 snatches 75/55#
10 wall balls 20/14#

M: 64 reps
C: 69 reps

Woooooie my legs were sore from just front squatting. It was hard to bend to throw the wall ball.

Kipping HSPU:

M: 5, 5, 10 

C worked on his back squat and benched.

C: don't know, don't care


C: Back squat 
5x5 175

5x3 135, 135, 145
2x 155
5x 145

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/23/13

12 Days of Christmas WOD:
To be done like the song on the first day of Xmas...

1 200m run
2 strict pull ups
3 v ups
4 alternating arm dumbbell snatch 35/25
5 box jump overs
6 alternating reverse lunge steps 35/25
7 burpees
8 wall balls
9 Russian kettle bell swings 1.5/1pd
10 push ups
11 knees to elbows
12 dumbbell clusters (clean into thruster)

So perform 1 first round (run)
2, 1 second round (2 pull ups, then run)
3, 2, 1 third round (3 v ups, 2 pull ups, run)

C: 37:42
M: 37:50

I passed C in the last round and of course he saw me run out the door so he bolted to me on the last sprint. The clusters were by far the hardest part. It was really tiring.

Ben's Workout 12/26/13

Last two days off, lots of food, lots of cheesecake...

This morning I did a quick barbell complex before driving back to Sidney for work.

3 x 5 barbell complex 95# (clean + push press + back squat + push press)
50 sit-ups
50 push-ups
50 air squats
20 side plank shoulder raise (per side)

coffee, banana, Master Amino Pattern, snowy drive to work...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ben's Workout 12/23/13


500m row


Squat Cleans 5 x 5 (85 - 95 - 105 - 115 - 125#)
Push Press 5 x 5 (85 - 95 - 105 - 115 - 125#)
Deadlift 5 x 5 (135 - 155 - 175 - 185 - 195#)
Bench Press 5 x 5 (115 - 135 - 155 - 165 - 165#)
V-ups 3 x 15
Hammer Curls 3 x 8 (35#)
Rope Extensions 3 x 8 (90#)
Flutter Kicks 3 x 40
Push-ups 3 x 10
Rear Delt Flys 3 x 8 (70#)
Bicycle Crunch 3 x 40
Reverse Row 3 x 10

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/22/13

M's Workout:

Warm up: 800m row

Stretch and mobility

5x145, 155
1x175, 185, 195, 200

5x5 skill work

C's workout:

Warm up: Airdyne

Stretch and mobility

Weighted pull ups:
3x15#, 3x25#, 3x25#, 2x35#, .5x45#


Ben's Workout 12/22/13


Warm-up: 50m slow crawl, 100m kick only, 25m left arm stroke, 25m right arm stroke

Intervals: 25m hard/10-15 second rest for 400m

I really need to get my aerobic water fitness level up. This killed me.


100 Single Unders

3 rounds of:
21 Russian KB Swings 50#
15 Goblet Squats 50#
9 Handstand Push-ups

100 Single Unders

time: 9:14 (should have done better...)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/21/13

A) Wall walks

B) Fran
Thrusters 95/65#
Pull ups

M: 7:23
C: 8:16

C) EMOM heavy Russian kettle bell swings

M: 5,5,7,7,7 at 2 pood/70#
C: 12,12,10,10,10 at 2.5 pood/88#

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/20/13

A) worked on ring muscle up transitions 

B) 5-4-3-2-1 back squat (keeping in mind that tomorrow's Fran)

C) Tabata - 8 rounds, 20 on/10 off, 1 minute rest between each station 
Wall balls
Double unders

M: 200 reps
C: 216 reps 

Ben's Workout 12/21/13

1 hour hard swim

After the swim, Kathy and I worked on handstands for about 30 minutes. I then did 3x10 handstand push-ups and 3x10 pistol squats. 

Also, my new iPhone case is great. I'm typing this in the shower while listening to the Barbell Shrugged episode on swimming. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

M&C's Off Day 12/19/13

Recovery day.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/18/13

Super lazy with the blog lately. They shut down our beyond the whiteboard so it's hard for me to keep track of Clyde's numbers. I was used to just looking at his posts. It also sucks because I liked comparing myself to the numbers at the gym. They are supposed to get a new website sometime next year but who knows when. I am going to keep a journal of my lifts and main workouts. Clyde bought a new WOD app so if he really likes it then I may get it too.

Anyways, Wednesday's workout was:

A) 20 minutes to get a 1RM clean

M: 110
C: 185

Finallyyyyy moving up in my clean. I was stuck at 85# for so long. I'm trying to get over my fear when I lift it. I got through 110 easily then could not psych myself up enough to lift 115 without getting scared.

B) CrossFit Open 13.4
7 minute AMRAP
3 clean and jerk
3 toes to bar
6 clean and jerk
6 toes to bar
9 clean and jerk
9 toes to bar

And continue adding 3 reps through out the workout

M: 58 reps (12 clean and jerk, 10 toes to bar) 75#
C: 56 reps (12 clean and jerk, 8 toes to bar)

It was really hard to keep our hands from getting sweaty on the toes to bar coming right from clean and jerks. That part got frustrating because we would end up going 1 or 2 toes to bar towards the end because we simply couldn't keep from slipping on the bar.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ben's Workout 12/19/13

45 minutes in the pool working on the crawl and flip turns.

Squat Cleans 5 x 5 (65 - 85 - 95 - 105 - 115#)
Push Press 5 x 5 (65 - 85 - 95 - 105 - 105#)
Deadlifts 5 x 5 (85 - 135 - 155 - 175 - 195#)
Dumbbell Chest Press 5 x 5 (45 - 45 - 50 - 50 - 50#)
Dumbbell Tri Extension 3 x 8 (45 - 45 - 50#)
Side Plank Shoulder Raise 3 x 8 (25#)
Flutter Kicks 3 x 40
Bicycle Crunch 3 x 40
Kettlebell Swings 3 x 20 (50#)
Goblet Squats 3 x 10 (50#)

Ben's Workout 12/18/13

Played my last hockey game before the move. We lost. Surprise, surprise. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/17/13

It's getting really frustrating that we always change our mile run. This time it was off again. It was actually the person that was first to the turn around because they went further than they were suppose to and we all followed. 

So yeah. 

A) Max set of strict (no kip at all) chin over bar pull ups, then 2x50%

M: 1-1-1
C: 13-7-7

B) One mile run 

C: 7:10
M: 8:16

So frustrating that we don't have actual miles times now. Whatevs.

C) 3x10 weighted lunges

M: 3x35# dumbbells
C: 35, 45, 55

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/16/13

A) 4 rounds
Front plank 1 minute
30 second rest
Back plank 1 minute
30 second rest

B) 15 minutes to find a 1RM split jerk

C: 180 (PR)
M: 100 (PR)

C) With a partner:
Row 2k
60 push press 95#/65#
60 Box jumps 24"/20"

C&M team: 14:04

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ben's WOD 12/16/13


Stretching & Mobility


Russian and American Kettlebell Swings

Handstands and Handstand Push-ups


10 rounds for time of:

2 Handstand Push-ups
6 Rope Pull-ups
8 American KB Swings

time: 11:16

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD: 12/15/13

Good thing you had some pink goggles for your flip turn. Can't believe you're leaving Kathy and Chris. They are going to be so sad. 

Went to open gym today and just kind of mobilized and worked on a few things. 

We started with an easy 2k row. 

M: 9:30
C: 9:26

C taught me how to string toes to bar together so I did 3x5 sets. It was pretty exciting.

C worked on strict banded muscle ups.

Both of us worked on double unders for a little bit. We also did some handstand holds catching each other at the top and trying to hold ourselves up alone.

Andddd lots of mobilization. 

Ben's Workout 12/15/13

Swam for an hour and fifteen minutes. Practiced a lot of one arm catch up drills and spent the last 15 minutes working on the flip turn. 

After the swim I jumped on the bike for 30 minutes of hill intervals. It was painful. All the squatting yesterday left my legs pretty tired. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/14/13

Skill/Mobility: With a dowel and then, if comfortable, an empty barbell, on trainer’s count:
3 Behind-the-neck snatch-grip push-presses
3 High-hang muscle snatches
3 High-hang power snatches
3 Overhead Squats
3 Drop Snatches
A: Snatch 2-2-2-2-2
Drop the barbell and re-set for each rep
M: Went up to 65# and worked strictly on technique
C: 110# (PR)
B: “Death by” Burpees w/ 2 Power Clean (155/105lb) buy-in
15-minute time cap
M: 11 rounds, 2 cleans, 10 burpees 85#
C: 13 rounds, 2 cleans, 11 burpees 135#

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/13/13

A) 3-6 rope climbs (any way it is hard)

C: 5 seated
M: 3 standing (no jump to start)

B) 15 minutes to reach a 1RM Front Squat

C: 175#
M: 155#

C) For time:
Row 500m
40 Russian Kettle Bell Swings 2pd/1.5pd
30 box jumps 24"/20"
20 Push ups
10 Ring Dips

C: 7:35
M: 7:55

Didn't even know I could do ring dips. My arms gave out during the WOD and I had to go to just jumping and pulling as much as I could.

Ben's Workout 12/14/13

I was planning on a long swim, bike, run today. However, the winter decided to dump many inches of snow on us this morning and Kathy rescheduled the lesson. Instead, I went down to Sidney Fitness for a little workout. I kind of just jumped around with no plan but it was better than sitting home. My shoulders are still killing me from the WOD on Wednesday night...


500m row
10 Thrusters 45#


  • Overhead Squats 3 x 6 (65#) 
  • Hang Cleans 1 x 10 (95#)
    • work up to 1RM of Squat Cleans (95 - 105 - 115 - 125#). I failed the first attempt at 135 but not by much. I think I could have hit it but when I failed I had to drop the bar in front of me during the squat. It hit one the stupid wooden benches and broke it. Luckily, no one else was in the gym. Let's hope the camera didn't catch it...
  • Bicep 21's 2 sets (55#)
  • Skull Crushers 2 x 8 (55#)
  • Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
  • Reverse Rows 3 x 10
  • Bicycle Crunches 3 x 40
  • Bench 3 x 5 (135 - 155 - 165#) 
    • Yes, on the Smith Machine...

Bring Sally Up! (45#)
- Wow, way harder than I expected since I was just doing the bar. I had to take a few breaks or stand up early a few times. I can't wait to try it with push-ups sometime.

Cool Down:

5 Minutes on the bike

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ben's Workout 12/12/13

I hate Thursdays. I had to be to work at 8 a.m and didn't get done until 8 p.m. I did take an hour lunch and an hour dinner though.

Anyway, I did a brief workout before work to be sure I got something done.

20 Lunge Twists
20 Plank Leg Taps
20 Side Plank Shoulder Raise
40 Flutter Kicks
40 Bicycle Crunches

for time:
KB Swings 45#
DB Snatch 30#

time: 5:25

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/11/13

A) 3 rounds for weights (resting between each round)
10 alternating dumbbell snatches 
45 second plank hold with weight 
30 double unders in 30 seconds 

M: 35# db, 35# plate on back
C: 35,45, 55# db, 35# plate on back

B) The Cheif 
5 rounds of:
AMRAP 3min/1 min rest 
3 cleans 135/75#
6 push ups
9 air squats 

Pick up exactly where you left off after the round. So if you got through 3 rounds and 5 push ups during the 3 mins, you pick up on the 6th push up the next round.

M: 15 rounds, 6 push ups
C: 15 rounds, 1 clean 

The squats really killed people after the
Workouts we had the last two days. We both just felt really off too. I didn't push myself at all. If I wanted a break, I took it. Everyone seemed to be down in the dumps. Hopefully having a rest day will help get everyone back on it for Friday.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ben's WOD 12/11/13


Dynamic Stretching and Mobility


45 minutes of Power Cleans and Hang Cleans


10 minute AMRAP of:

5 Push Press 65#
5 Push ups
5 Front Squats 65#

completed: 10 rounds


3 x 6 Deadlift 165#

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/10/13

Warm up:
800m run
Stretch and mobility
10 push ups, sit ups, squats and burpees 

A) Max set T2B, then two sets of 50% of that

M: 12-6-6
C: 17-9-9

B) 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 back squat trying to reach a 1RM

M: 180 (PR)
C: 205 (PR)

Will have to give you the story on mine tomorrow. 

C) EMOM 7min 
3 man makers with no push ups 35/25#
Max set Russian kettle bell swings 2/1.5pd

C: 60
M: 48

You should try this one. It was so hard. I didn't get any kettlebells during the last 2-3 rounds. My arms were gone. 

Ben's Workout 12/10/13

Each swim workout is exponentially better than the previous. Today's was no exception. I did an hour and fifteen minutes in the pool and made some strong forward progress with the few things I'm trying to smooth out. Also, I learned the flip turn. It's super fun.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/9/13

Warm up:
810m (yes) jog
Stretch and mobility 
10 squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 burpees, 10 good mornings 

A) 5 wall walks (nose to wall)

B) 15 mins to establish 1 RM push press

M: 90
C: 155

C) AMRAP 10 mins 95/65#
1 strict press
2 push press
3 push jerk
10 sdhp kettlebell 2/1.5pood

M: 6 rounds, 1 press
C: 7 rounds, all the presses

This was extremely hard. By the fifth round, our arms were giving out and we had to go push press. My arms were definitely feeling it tonight. 

M&C's Rest Day 12/8/13

Rest day. Went to Rookie Rumble 3. Pretty cool. 

Ben's Workout 12/8/13

Yesterday was exhausting and I felt it when I woke up this morning. 7 hours of moving old electronics. 

Today I swam some pretty hard intervals for an hour or so. I was already tired going into the swim but this was definitely the most taxing pool workout I've done. After the pool I rode for 20 minutes and ran for 20 minutes. Not the workout I had in mind but I was too beat up to accomplish anything more. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/7/13

Warm up:
800m jog
10 burpees
Stretch and mobility

A) 5 Free Standing Handstand Holds with Partner

C and I paired up. Oh yeah. Took my first two steps. Pretty scary.

B) 4 rounds
1 minute front plank
30 second rest
1 minute back plank
30 second rest

C) Prowler Hot Potato (just push it back and forth)
20 burpees all together from losing 2 rounds

D) Karen
150 wall balls 20#/14# 10'/9' target

M: 9:27
C: 13:10

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ben's Workout 12/6/13


500m Row


Back Squat 5 x 5 (135 - 155 - 175 - 135 - 135#)
Reverse Row 3 x 10
Cleans 5 x 5 (95 - 105 - 105 - 115 - 115#)
Russian Twists 3 x 30
Flutter Kicks 3 x 30
Push Press 5 x 5 (85 - 85 - 105 - 105 - 105#)
V-ups 3 x 10
Deadlift 5 x 5 (135 - 155 - 175 - 175 - 155)
Flys 3 x 8 (90 - 90 - 110#)
Rear Delt Flys 3 x 8 (70#)
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10

--I just don't understand how you lift so much.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/6/13

Morning class. 

Warm up:
Lots of mobility and stretch (Zach was our coach)

A) 3 nose to wall handstand holds within 6 minutes- rest in between sets for at least a minute 

B) 5-4-3-2-1 Front squat

Ugh why the heck did I write RX on mine????? Ugh. I was in a fog when I wrote it. Anyways,

M: 75-95-115-125-140 (PR)

Only the third time we've ever front squatted so pretty good for us! 

C) Run 800m
Superman rocks
Push ups
V ups
Run 800m

M: 13:36
C: 14:30

This would be a really good one for you to do sometime since you don't need any equipment. 

M & C's Rest Day 12/5/13

I like how you sai it was warm there when it was in the mid 50s yesterday and we were freezing. 


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ben's WOD 12/5/13

I didn't get out of work until 8pm. Since it was 50 degrees outside I grabbed my KB and went to the track for a quick WOD, which I felt like I absolutely crushed...

5 rounds for time of:

400m run
15 Kettlebell Swings 45#
15 Burpees

time: 16:10

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/4/13

Warm up: 
800m jog in the freezing cold
Stretch and mobility

A) Max rep strict chest to bar pull ups

C: 7-5-4
M: 1-2-1 (not full chest to bar)

B) 3-2-1 3-2-1 split jerk 

M: 65-75-85, 75-85-90 (10#PR)

C) 12 min AMRAP in groups of four, switch when the person at kettle bells finishes 

30 kettle bell swings 2pd/1.5pd
Double unders 
Rope climbs 

Only count the double unders and burpees.

C: 65 
M: 107


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/3/13

Six months what what!! Cray Cray.

Warm up:
800m run
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 burpees
10 players club
stretch and mobility

A) Pistol practice

M: 3x10 alternating legs
C: 3x5 (more or less)

B) 2-2-2-2-2 Back squat

M: 130-135-145-150-155 (Huge PR)
C: 165-175-185-195x2

C) 21-15-9
Thruster 75/55
Sumo Deadlift High Pull

M: 8:07
C: 7:52

Ben's Workout 12/3/13

Can you believe we've been doing this blog for over 6 months?

Also, C cleaned 165#? That's insane.


45 minute swim lesson. Wasn't allowed to rest at all between laps. Everything is coming along nicely in the pool. Have I mentioned how much I like swimming?

After the pool I decided to do 15 minutes of hard hill intervals on the bike before a strength session of:

Squat Clean and Jerk 3 x 5 (95 - 115 - 125#)
Deadlift 3 x 5 (155 - 175 - 185#)
Bicycle Crunch 3 x 40
Reverse Row 3 x 10
Flutter Kicks 3 x 40
Dumbbell Chest Press 3 x 8 (45 - 50 - 55#)
Overhead Tricep Extension 3 x 6 (45 - 50 - 55#)
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
DB Thrusters 3 x 5 (35#)
Sit-ups 3 x 20
Russian Kettlebell Swings 3 x 12 (50#)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 12/2/13

Warm up:
29 burpees (it was someone's 29th bday)
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 players club 
15 kb swings 
Stretch and mobility 

Marco was our coach so we got a lot of good instruction in tonight. Practiced our clean technique a lot.

A) 2-2-2-2-2 power cleans
7-7-7 deadlifts with the highest clean from your last set

M: 65-75-85-90-95, 95x3

M with a 10# PR
C with a 30# PR (firebreather) 

B) 4 rounds for time
200m run
10 alternating DB snatches 55/35#
10 toes to bar

M: 9:59
C: 10:45

We both absolutely killed this. RX'd. Also, note that I was doing more weight with my DB snatches than you... Just like to throw that in your face.

M & C's Rest Day 12/1/13


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ben's WOD 12/1/13


Dynamic Stretching and Mobility
Frog Stands 3 x 15 seconds
Double Under practice
easy 5 minute jog on treadmill


12 minute AMRAP of:

5 DB Thrusters
5 Burpees
150 Single Unders

6 full rounds, 5 Thrusters, 5 Burpees, 58 SU


4 Rounds for time of:

400m run
10 Renegade Rows
15 V-ups

time: 15:20

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/30/13

Warm up:
Mile jog- I took my phone and tracked the mile. Still bitter that we did a mile and a half yesterday.

Today was a stretch and mobility day. It started with a slow 10 minute warm up (we ran) and then was followed by 45 minutes of mobility and any skill you wanted to work on. We both mobilized then did a few minutes of lifting. Worked on pistols too. Then we did an AMRAP.

1000m row
Max rep burpees over the erg

M: 4:29row, 24 burpees
C: 3:59row, 29 burpees 

We are both really sore. Really sore. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/29/13

Warm up: 
C rowed, M did burpees and jump roping

Five rope climbs

Then, Murph

M: 53:53
C: 51:30

First mile for both of us was about 1.5 miles. C got back around 10:30 and M around 10:49. The last mile, M did two 800m loops and C did the same 1.5 mile loop. Estimated real times would have been around 45 mins for C, around 50 for M.

Ben's WOD 11/29/13


Dynamic Stretching/Mobility
easy 5 minute jog
20 burpees AFAP

WOD 1:

8 minute Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) of:

Max Effort Hill Sprints (Treadmill at 10 speed & 10 incline)

WOD 2:

8 minute Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) of:

Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches 

--1 hour break for some vegetable pizza and to watch the first period of the Rangers game--

WOD 3:

1/2 Murph

.5 mile run
50 DB Swings
100 Push-ups
150 Squats
.5 mile run

time: 17:27

(no way I could do full Murph right now so against M's urging I scaled…better to do 1/2 quality than full poorly…)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/28/13

Should have brought my phone with me to time/follow our run. Was told it was a 6k but everyone said it felt shorter. Maybe around a 5k. Who knows. Took us about 30 minutes. Actually less now that I think of it. It was around 32 minutes when we got back but we got lost for a few minutes in the beginning and then ran into some cows towards the end. We couldn't get past them. It was scary. Finally got through. Now onto lots of mobilizing for Murph tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/27/13

Warm up:
800m run
Stretch and mobility

A) EMOM Toes to bar 5-8

M: 5-5-5-5-5
C: 12-8-8-5-8

B) Work up to a heavy snatch

M: 70x2 (PR)
C: 95

Snatch is so unbelievably hard. It requires so much skill.

C) AMRAP 12 minutes
5 push ups
10 pull ups
5 push ups
15 kettlebell swings 1.75pood/1.2pood

M: 4 rounds, 5 push ups, 10 pull ups
C: 5 rounds, 5 push ups, 5 pull ups

I was exhausted. I've been very busy the last three days and all the squats caught up to me. I also did not want to rip my hands for Murph. I feel like I'm going to crash right now... Hopefully I can make it through the hike/run tomorrow morning.

Ben's Workout 11/27/13

Got to the gym just before the bad weather started again. Barely made it home...


500m row
stretch and mobility


Back Squat 5 x 5 (115-135-155-155-165#)
Clean & Push Press 5 x 5 (45-65-75-85-95-105#)
V-ups 3 x 10
Deadlift 3 x 5 (145-165-175#)
Side Plank Shoulder Raises 3 x 10 (17.5#)
Russian Twists 3 x 40 (17.5#)
Bench Press 5 x 5 (45-135-155-175-175#)
Flutter Kicks 3 x 40
Rows 3 x 8 (45-50-50#)
Tri Extensions 3 x 8 (45-50-50#)
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Bicep Curls 3 x 8 (25#)
Cable Rotator Pull 3 x 6 (30#)
Dips 3 x 15

-mini, un-timed WOD:
3 rounds:
15 Decline Sit-ups with 10# med ball
10 DB Thrusters 25#

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/26/13

Warm up: 
1200m run
Stretch and mobility 

A) 3 sets of 5-15 HSPU 

M: 6-6-5, plus 1-1 of kipping (PR)
C: 7-6-7

B) 3-3-3-3-3 3011 back squat

C) Last Ascent 
Back squat
Box jump

M: 4:15 105#
C: 5:18 135#

I thought I was doing it at 115 but it was only 105. I finished first. I have to go heavier next time. 

Ben's Rest Day 11/26/13

Since we are getting hit with a snow storm, I walked to and from work today - 45 each way in heavy snow.

I was thinking about doing an apartment WOD but am a bit tired from yesterday. Also, when I got home I felt really hungry and dizzy all of a sudden. I realized that because of the weird day I didn't eat or drink as much as normal (after I've been telling myself that I need to try to eat more during the day). All I had was a quinoa, banana, almond butter breakfast and a hummus wrap for lunch.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/25/13

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

A) 6x45 second handstand hold against wall

B) 10x 1 halting dead lift, 1 high hang clean, 1 squat clean and push jerk

M: 35, 55, 55, 65, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75
C: 45, 65, 65, 75, 85, 85, 95, 95, 105, 105

C) Grace
30 clean and jerk

C: 4:51, 95#
M: 8:15, 65#

Omg. So I did 50. I literally have a mental problem. How did I think it was 50? I'm so mad because I wanted my time. The only good thing is that it shows me I should have gone at a higher weight if I could finish 50 with no problem. Literally cried about it after when Clyde told me. He put my score up on the board and it was so bad so I was embarrassed cause everyone else's time was way shorter than mine. I got really mad that he wrote it up there because he smirked when he said it and told me he knew I wouldn't want it up there. Why would he put it up there then? Ugh. Really bad night. 

Ben's Workout 11/25/13

Another swim, spin, run day.

45 minutes in the pool.
30 minutes random hill circuit on spin bike.
30 minutes random hill circuit on treadmill.

I was getting a little frustrated during the pool session because I'm so close on some of the mechanics but just not quite where I want to be. Next lesson we are going to film it because Kathy wants to prove that I'm actually going really efficiently and quickly for a beginner.

I upped the pace on the bike and treadmill a bit today, which means I covered more ground than Saturday. I'm trying to stay away from looking at distances yet and just focus on the length of time.

Now it's 10 pm and I'm just getting dinner. I had a Vega Nutritional Shake and half a Clif Builder on the drive home though.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

M & C's Off Day 11/24/13

Hindu push ups?
Streamline squats?

See this is why I never believe you when you post. You make all these random things up. Just do normal workouts.

Recovery day.

Ben's Active Rest 11/24/13

It was really hard not to go to the gym today because I felt so good. However, I have swim lessons tomorrow and I want to be completely fresh for it. Last week we had to stop and do shoulder stretches because I'd done too much overhead pressing the day before. Plus, I know tomorrow's workout is going to be a killer.


I had a brisk 45 minute walk (in 16 degree weather) before doing:
10 Hindu push-ups
20 streamline squats
20 (per side) front plank taps
10 (per side) lunges with twists
20 side plank rotations
20 supermans
20 (per side) flutter kicks

I spent about 30 minutes on the foam roller and lacrosse ball this morning and will probably do that again before bed.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/23/13

Warm up:
Double unders/row/stretch- warm the body up

WOD: Kelly
5 rounds for time (capped at 25 today)
400m run
30 box jumps 24/20"
30 wall balls 20/14#

M & C: Both finished 4 full rounds (M about 4 seconds ahead of C)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ben's Workout 11/23/13

I had a really good workout today. It started with an hour of swimming. Kathy happened to be there and gave me lots of pointers. She also introduced me to two other people who were there swimming that have done triathlons. One guy used the Total Immersion method to learn to swim. His form was beautiful. He barely broke the water.

I'm not sure how far I swam during that hour but Kathy said it was at least a half mile, probably more. After the swim, I hit the bike for 30 minutes and then the treadmill for 30 minutes. I set them both to a random hill cardio workout. 

Adding it all up afterwards, my workout today was farther on each sport than a sprint triathlon distance. It's good to know that I could go out and do a sprint tomorrow and be comfortable. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/22/13

Wrong date. Once again. Really making me question why I'm still doing this blog.

Warm up: 
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 
Lax ball work

A) 3 sets of max strict chest to bar with supainated grip

M: 3-3-1
C: 10-6-3

B) Back Squat 4-4-4-4-4 30x1

C) Airdyne 1 min
Rest 1 min
Row 1 min 

We both went four times through. We are still both coughing two hours later. It's hard to catch your breath after.

15 burpees at the end.  

Lots of stories again. 

Ben's workout 11/22/13

Ok, didn't have time for a workout the last two days. I mashed for close to 45 last night because I'd been sitting and driving so much.

Tonight we didn't have time for a WOD. We worked on lifting techniques.

I was able to do pull-ups with correct form and they didn't bother my elbow at all. This is really good because I haven't been able to do them since July or August. 

Then we worked on the clean, strict press, push press, and push jerk (split and non). Definitely feel like my form is tighter on those now - especially because I was cleaning and push pressing 110#. 

I only had 15 minutes before the gym closed by the time we were done. I decided to do a 2k row. My time was 7:41. I think the last time I did a 2k row I was over 8 minutes?  

Tomorrow will be a swim, bike, run. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

M & C's Off Day 11/21/13

Off day. Much needed for Mr. Manager. 

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/20/13

B is too busy with all his hockey games and interviews to blog. Sometimes life just gets in the way.

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility

A) E3OM 3 Split Jerks

M: 65-70-75-80-80-80-80
C: 115-135-125-125-125-125-135

B) 15-12-9
Deadlift 225#/135#
Kettlebell Swings (Russian) 2 pood/1.5pood

M: 6:53
C: 9:43

It was scary swinging a 53# kettlebell since I had never done anything over 35#. Russian made it so much easier. The actual RX workout for this was insane. 315#/205#, 3pd/1.75pd. There's no way. No way.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/19/13

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 

A) 10-10-10 kettlebell snatches alternating arm throughout the 10

M: 26# kb
C: 35# kb

He can explain the story when we FaceTime next because he didn't get through all of his but I don't feel like writing it all down.

B) In teams of 5- 15 minutes for max reps
Wall balls 20/14# 
Man makers 35/25#
Row for cals 
200m run

M: no clue- it got all messed up- another story
C: 58 - yet another story 

C) 5 rounds 
30 second double unders
30 second rest

M: 88 
C: had to leave on fourth round- another story 

Ben's Workout 11/19/13

Just a quick stop down to Sidney Fitness for a short lift. I'm trying to hit the Starting Strength lifts 2 times a week.

3 x 5 Squat Clean 95#
3 x 5 Push Press 85#
3 x 5 Bench 160#
3 x 5 Deadlift 145#
3 x 40 Flutter Kick
3 x 8 Side Plank Shoulder Raise 15#
3 x 10 Hanging Leg Raises
3 x 15 Decline Sit-up with med ball toss 10#
1 x 10 Dumbbell Thruster 35#

Not sure what I'll have time for the next two days, though I do plan to hit the pool for at least a few laps...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/18/13

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 

A) 3 sets of 5-15 of kipping, c2b, or butterfly pull ups

M: 3x7 kipping
C: 15, 8, 7 c2b

B) 4-4-4-4 Front Squat

M: 85, 95, 105, 115
C: 115, 135, 135, 155

C) 4 rounds
9 burpees 
7 toes to bar
5 hang cleans

M: 5:57, 70#
C: 7:47, 115#

Much better class tonight now that we have a new system going. The fitness group stayed on there side and performance on the other. It was just much smoother. Also, the performance weights are now going to be much higher and sometimes competitor weights so most likely we will all be scaling. 

Myriah & Clyde's Off Day 11/17/13

Still confused why your other workout says 11/17... 

Off day.

Ben's workout 11/17 & 11/18


Ran 3.5 miles in 24:41. My intention was to make it a recovery run by keeping a low heart rate ( > 151 for me). 

Later in the day I went for an hour walk. 


Swam for 45 minutes. The trainer is really upping the intensity now. It was really good. After the swim I hit the bike for 15 minutes followed by a hard 15 on the treadmill at a 6 incline. 

--next Crossfit class is Friday. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/16/13

Can you ever get a date right?

A) Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 @ 30X1 using 70-75% of 1 RM

M: 95-115-125-125-130 (PR)
C: 145-145-155-165-165

C worked more on the 30X1. I tried to do it that way but might not have been perfect as it got heavier.

B) AMRAP in 8 minutes
Max rep unbroken dumbbell push press 35/25
30 Russian kettle bell swings 1.5/1pd

M: 155
C: 130

I didn't realize we got to count the kettle bell swings. I thought it was just the push press. People were getting in the 100's and I was only at 35 so I was so confused. C told me it was the kettle bell swings also. I would have been able to get more if I knew that because I really took my time no those and waited a while to do my last db push press so I could be fresh and get as many reps as possible. In reality, my dumbbells were probably too light because I got one of the highest scores. I don't think I could have gone up to 35s though.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/15/13

Warm up:
800m jog
Human knot
Stretch and mobility

A) 7 sets of complex: High hang clean + clean

M: 65-70-75-75-75-75
C: up to 135

B) E3M for 24 minutes
400m run
10 burpees

M + C- All eight rounds

Ben's Workout 11/17/13

Wow, my swim lesson today was a lot harder than last week. But it was also really good. We started incorporating more of the arm stroke (lead with the elbow!) and gliding into it. I felt like I was struggling a bit with some of the drills but the trainer said that I'm way ahead of what she would normally expect and that her biggest advice to me is to "slow down". I've got the speed and the endurance but need to focus more on the form. Next lesson is Monday night and we will continue to do more one arm and head positioning drills. I can't wait. This is a lot more fun than I expected.

After the swim I did a quick strength session.

3 x 5 Barbell Complex (Clean + Front Squat + Push Press) 85#
3 x 20 Flutter Kick
3 x 6 Deadlift 145#
3 x 10 Side Plank Shoulder Raise 15#
3 x 20 Russian Twists 15#
3 x 8 DB Chest Press 45#
3 x 6 Tri Extension 45#
3 x 15 Hanging Leg Raises
3 x 8 DB Bicep Curls 30#
3 x 8 Reverse Rows

Friday, November 15, 2013

Ben's Catch-up

Wednesday I played hockey. We actually won. It was a pretty good game. Then I decided to hit a deer on the drive home. Less than 1000 miles on the car and already over $2000 in damage...

Thursday I didn't have time to do anything between work and driving to Binghamton to do the estimate and insurance stuff.

Today I did what I'm calling Fight Gone Mild. I didn't leave work until close to 6 (an hour after I should have left) and was starving since I forgot a snack. Going from 12:30 - 6 without food is not easy for me.

So, I started some soup and did an apartment WOD while it cooked. Not the best workout.

Fight Gone Mild (3 rounds)

KB Swings 45#
Push Press 30#

total: 376

Swimming and lifting tomorrow. Probably another long run on Sunday. I am thinking that I might toss in a long run (10 miles) every few weeks just to be sure that I keep a decent aerobic base during the next few months before I jump into triathlon training in earnest.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Off Day 11/14/13

Off Day.

Shopping day for C.

He just can't stop gaining weight.

Going to have to start carrying chimichongas in his pockets.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/13/12

Deer day for B.

Warm up:
800m jog

Prowler Conga: Boys vs. Girls 10min
Boys pushed from down low and girls pushed from on top. Both sets of teams had (2) 10 burpee penalties (it was like hot potato).

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5+

C: 225-225-255-255-255(7)
M: 95-115-125-135-145

Clearly M (me) didn't get it. No one else really did either... We were suppose to get to a weight and then do as many reps as possible on the last one. I just went up in weight.

6-3-1 rope climb from seated
21-15-9 thrusters 75/55

M: 9:11 - I did 3-2-1 rope climbs and not from seated
C: 11:35

The WOD was originally 9-6-3 but he realized that was excessive so it moved to 6-3-1. Or scale to what you're capable of. We both have some bad rope burn. Going to have to buy socks for it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/12/13

Pretty sure you say you haven't done that in a while every time...

Warm up:
800m jog
3 sets of 20 second rope hang

A) 7 sets of (1) High hang power snatch + squat snatch

C: 65-65-65-75-75-85-85
M: 45-55-55-55-55-55-60

Snatch is so hard to do. It also gets really confusing throwing in the squat right after the high hang. Gonna have to work on those.

B) Helen
3 rounds for time
400m run
21 kettle bell swings 1.5pd/1pd
12 pull ups

C: 13:17

Clyde had to swing such a huge kettle bell. Props to him. Still can't believe that I am doing pull ups during these workouts. I'm so happy I got them because we can only do RX workouts if we have every single move. So if you don't have a pull up, you're doing the burpee Helen. No way I wanted to do that. My hands are pretty ripped up so doing rope climbs and dead lifts tonight will not be fun.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ben's Workout 11/12/13

Ok, dates should be correct now. I haven't done that in a while...

I was going to swim tonight but it's 25 and snowy and driving to Oneonta did not sound appealing - especially when I have to drive to Binghamton tomorrow and Oneonta again Friday and Saturday.

So, I did a workout in the apartment. Nothing great but it definitely got the muscles pumping and blood flowing.

3 rounds for quality (no resting but focusing on form) of:

10 Hindu push-ups EXAMPLE
20 Streamline squats EXAMPLE
10 Lunge Twists with arms extended (per side)
20 Front Plank Taps (per side)
20 Side Plank Rotations (per side)
20 Supermans
40 Flutterkicks (per side)

--This was more work that I expected and I plan to start implementing at least one round of it per day to work on my swimming muscles.

10-8-6-4-2 of:
Thrusters 35# DB

time: 5:21

--I ate my Vega Protein Bar afterwards. Then I got this in my email. The bar was delicious anyway...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/11/13

Nice try on your date. I mean really, is it that hard to write the correct date? 

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 

Birthday WOD!
75-your age (51 for us)
These can be done in any order. You must complete the whole movement before moving on. 

Snatch 65#/45#
Toes to bar
Row for calories 
Dumbbell push press 35#/25#
Push ups
Kettlebell swings 35#

M: 37:27
C: 39:08 

Drenched in sweat by the end. 

Ben's WOD 11/11/13

Early morning WOD before the omelette station…


Foam Roll
Dynamic Mobility
1 round of Ben Greenfield's Swim Workout w/o the Pool


1600m run (treadmill)
21 Russian KB Swings 45#
21 Burpees
21 KB Sumo Deadlift High PUll 45#

1200m run
15 Russian KB
15 Burpees

800m run
9 Russian KB
9 Burpees

time: 21:43

--The treadmill doesn't go fast enough to run a sub-6 minute mile…

Off to eat omelets, get my phone fixed, and get the windows tinted. Have to fit in a lunch with Sneakers too…

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/10/13

Went to open gym. So awk.

Warm up:
C &M: 500m row

M: 5 x 3 kipping pull ups

Work up to a heavy clean- 85#

EMOM for 10 mins
3 cleans #65
5 HSPU with 10# plate under ab mat



C: Barbell complex
15 reps, 75#

Mobility work

One muscle up

Cool down:
C-500m row

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/9/13

I like how you drop K Starrs barbell shrugged acting as if C didn't let us know he was on...

The whole swim video to the coffee... Weird. Just weird.

Anyways, I'm here to post a WOD:

Fight Gone Bad: 3 rounds
Wall balls to 10' target 
Row for calories
Push press 75#/55#
Box jumps 24"/20"
Sumo dead lift high pull 75#/55#

C: 215
M: 198

Someone met pukie. It was hard. 

Ben's Workout 11/9/13

I had my first swim lesson today. It was awesome. I've got some good things going for me (strong kick and nice streamline) and have some things to work on (keeping my head down and breathing properly).

The hardest part is getting used to the breathing. The coach had me doing a few different things to just get used to the water while inhaling and exhaling. That's the part that comes from getting comfortable in the pool (I swam once last summer and probably only once the summer before...).

She also told me that I cut through the water very well and don't try to muscle through it like a lot of people do. We practiced gliding with the head down so that I'd start to understand how to move less and go farther.

Overall, it was a lot of fun. Swimming feels a lot more natural to me than I expected and the coach said that I'll be putting up some fast times very quickly. I'm going to get to the pool at least once this week to practice before the next lesson.

Even though I was tired after the lesson I decided to lift a little since I was already up in Oneonta anyway.


Swim lesson
Stretching & Mobility
1500m row


Leg Raised Bench 3 x 6 135#
Side Plank Shoulder Raises 3 x 6 20#
Seal Fit Flutter Kicks 3 x 30
Hang Clean and Press 3 x 6 85#
Reverse Rows 3 x 6
Russian Twists 2 x 20 20#
Preacher Curls 3 x 8 50#
Skull Crushers 3 x 8 50#
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Russian KB Swings 3 x 20 35#

I'm not sure how many podcasts you two listen to but there were some really good fitness ones the last few weeks that you should check out. I listen when I cook/eat my meals and when I'm driving to hockey or the gym. You have someone to talk to when cooking/eating and probably aren't in the car as much as I am so...

Anyway, this week was good. Check these out if you have time:

Morning Coffee Swim from Endurance Planet on Vimeo.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's WOD 11/8/13

A: In groups of 2,
4 rounds for weight/quality:
5 Back Squats
Rest 2 minutes
15/10 Ring Push-ups
Rest 2 minutes
C: 135, 155, 165, 175
M: 95, 105, 115, 125
Really excited about both of our squat numbers. This was the # I wanted to get up the most at the new gym. I've gone up 10# each week thus far and it feels easier every time. Will be really happy when we see 200/150 in a few weeks/months.
B: For time:
50 Russian KB swings 1.5/1p

4 rounds:
200m Sandbag carry 80/50lb
10 Burpees

50 Russian KB swings 1.5/1p

M: 12:22
C: 14:31

This one suckkked. M killed it and was right on the heels of Athlete of the Month the whole workout. She said it was the closest she's come to meeting Pukie though.

Going to drink some goat protein and write out my Crossfit goals right now. Gotta get some rest tonight for FGB tomorrow morning. Latez

Ben's WOD 11/8/13

Tonight was my second session with Chris. It's so nice to have someone else plan a workout and then encourage/check my form during it. 

We started with some mobility and dynamic stretches before going over proper rowing and deadlifting technique. I've always been scared of the deadlift since my low back is what I hurt in high school and then again in Mongolia. But everything I read says that the two most important lifts are the deadlift and the squat. So, I was excited to learn how to do it properly.

We kept the weight at 95lbs during the WOD. It's all he had for bumper plates and he wanted me to focus more on proper form. (M needs to remember that her and C are more experienced Crossfitters/weightlifters than I am. I just stumble around the gym doing stuff I've seen on YouTube...)

3 rounds for time:

500m row
15 deadlifts
21 box jumps

time: 12:23

After we did some dynamic stretching and a cool down.

--Unfortunately, the gym was closing so I had to leave. I really wish the training was 2 hours so that we had time to do more stuff. After one shorter WOD (like last week and this week) I'm just getting ready to go. 

--Swimming tomorrow!!!!! I can't explain how excited I am about this. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

M & C's Rest Day 11/7/13

Rough night of sleep. Rough night. C woke me up in the middle of REM by going to the bathroom. Well actually, let's be more specific. He woke up and started making the bed (which is strange cause he never does that). He picked up his second pillow off the ground and put it all set up on the bed. I asked him where he was going and he didn't respond. We have many "fights" over me asking him things and him thinking he's responding by nodding his head or not speaking up. I figured I was in trouble for asking him where he was going cause he hates when I nag. He went the bathroom and walked back in the room. I can't remember if he got in the bed but next thing I knew he was walking out again. I figured maybe he grabbed his phone and had to go number two. Then I heard the shower come on. I thought I should go see if he was okay but like I said, I'm constantly in trouble for nagging and being too overprotective of him (sorry I just Love him so much). I figured he was mad at me cause he was complaining about how he kept sweating through his sheets so maybe he was sweaty and wanted to shower. Soooo then he came back in the room after a quick shower. Yes, I would have went out and checked on him if the shower lasted longer than a few minutes. I asked him if he was okay and he took forever to respond. He finally admitted he did a little sleep walking. My poor baby!! I wish I had woken him up but he HATES how I wake him up out of his sleep walking state. He thinks I yell at him when I'm really just saying hey, what are you doing? Come back to bed. You're not awake. He gets SO mad at it! But anyways, he's okay. This all comes down to one thing...

Vega one.

I'll never let him take that stuff again. Not after all the scary side effects. They need to write all that stuff on the package. 


Rest day. Mobility. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ben's workout 11/6/13

Hockey. We were short skaters so I got lots of ice time. 

Also had a maitenance visit to the chiro this afternoon. Pretty sure all the rolling and mashing is what has made the biggest difference though. 

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/6/13

Warm up: 
800m jog
Stretch and mobility
Musical med balls
Junkyard dogs

Don't worry, C won musical med balls. I mean come on, who else would win? 

Now he just made me mad so I want to take back the whole who else would win part. Such a jerk sometimes.

WOD: E3MOTM for 27 minutes 
30 wall balls
15 pull ups 
400m jog

M: 14lb ball
C: 20lb ball

I did all my pull ups kipping. Yup, that's right. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/5/13

Yikes! 10 lessons must be costing you a fortune. Good thing you have a brand new car to drive up to those lessons. Ya know?

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility

A) In groups of 3
5 Front Squats
Rest 1 minute
10 Toes to bar
Rest 1 minute
10 box jumps

M: 65#, 20" box
C: worked up to 145#, 30" box

I never changed weight because the person I was with couldn't go higher. We also did the workout wrong so we weren't resting the full 1 minute in between so I didn't think I had time to change my weights. C is going to start telling me the exact workout beforehand. I think that will be for the best...

B) With a partner
60 squat clean and jerks

C: 7:26, 35# dumbbells
M: 10:44, 25# dumbbells


We never talked about a few things:
1) On Saturday, some random guy kept taking C and my stuff during the workout. Max is extremely picky about everyone being on a platform and in rows. It's hard to explain but everyone has a specific spot they HAVE to stand on while working out. So I had put my dumbbells and my sandbag down and was getting a box for my jumping pull ups when I walked back and this kid was just standing on my platform where all my equipment was. I was thinking hmmmm this is weird but just ignored him and put my box on my platform. We went for the sandbag run and we got back and started doing burpees (C was on the platform next to me) and this kid gets back and goes on the rubber mats in between us! There's literally ten platforms available plus space on the astro turf (he was doing the fitness workout so he had NO need to be on the platforms since he wasn't doing pull ups) and this kid goes right in between us. Since he was doing fitness he only did 25 burpees while we did 50 so he finished first and he grabbed C's sandbag and took off!!!!!! HAHAHAHA so we were like ummmm okay? So he obviously gets back first and what does he do? He goes on Clyde's platform and starts using his dumbbells!!!! So I'm doing my burpees seeing this and Clyde gets back from his run and grabs a different pair and goes to a new platform. It was so weird. I couldn't stop laughing. It'd be funnier if you understood how OCD Max is and how he won't let ANYONE work out on the rubber mats. I wish he was our coach that day so he could have lost it on that kid.

2) The day we did Filthy Fifty some kid asked Max a question or questioned Max about jumping pull ups. We don't know what exactly happened but all of the sudden Max stopped class and made everyone look while this kid did 50 jumping pull ups. Everyone was like what is going on? He wouldn't explain he just kept saying tell me that jumping pull ups aren't a lot a work so I'm assuming this kid questioned why we didn't do regular ones. In front of everyone this kid is doing these pull ups and Max is giving him no reps for not doing full extension. It was so awkwatrdly funny.

I feel like there was more stories but I can't remember right now. Good night.

Ben's Workout 11/5/13

Swim assessment day!

I swam in front of the instructor for about 15 minutes doing different strokes and kicks. She said that I streamline very well and that I've got "a lot to work with" and that I'll be really "efficient once we tweak some minor things".

So, that is a positive. I signed up for 10 lessons with her starting this Saturday at noon.

After the assessment I did some strength work.


2000m row
stretch and mobility


Front Squats 5 x 6 (115#)
Cleans 5 x 5 (95#)
Inverted Rows 3 x 8
Side Plank Shoulder Raise 3 x 6 (15#)
Seal Fit Flutter Kick 3 x 50
Tri Rope Extensions 3 x 10
Leg Raise Bench Press 5 x 5 (115#)
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10
Dips 3 x 5
KB Swings 3 x 20 (35#)
Sit-ups 3 x 20
Man Makers 1 x 10 (25#)

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/4/13

Warm up:
800m jog
Stretch and mobility

A) 7 sets of complex:
1 Halting Clean Deadlift + 1 Power Cleans

M: 65-75-85-85-85-85-85
C: 95-115-115-125-135-135-145

I had to feel what it was like to be the weakest in the group for the first time. Well, not really the weakest but the least skilled. I literally get scared of cleans every single time we do them. I don't know why other than the fact that I pull it half way up to my shins then freak out. 85 is easy for me but I just can't get over the fear to go up. Something I will definitely work on during off days.

B) 1 round
500m row
100 double unders
800m run

C: 9:24, 1:47 row
M: 11:35

I didn't look at my row since but I would think it was somewhere around 2 minutes. I wish I had thought about looking now. Double unders were really tricky. I could only get about 2-3 at a time. C said he had the same problem. It was really frustrating.  Yet again, another thing I need to work on.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ben's laziness continues...

Ugh, another "rest" day. I've been at work for 12 hours and don't feel like doing anything serious. I forced myself to do:

20 push-ups
20 goblet squats 25#
20 kb swings 25#
20 leg raises
20 scissor kicks (both sides)
20 russian twists 25# (both sides)
20 dips

Now I'm going to mash while watching Homeland.

Also, I started working on my triathlon training schedule. I'll share when I'm finished. I won't really start "training" until 3 months out, which is going to be end of February.

I should have done this.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Workout 11/3/13

Went to open gym today. We were scared it would be really awkward. Luckily there wasn't many people there.

Warm up:
500m row

Kipping pull ups (M)
Bar muscle ups (C)

I got my kip and C got his bar muscle ups. He was so happy he couldn't stop smiling. Such a cutie. Can't wait til he pops one out in front of a class and everyone goes nuts around him. I would add a YouTube video right here but I don't know how...

EMOM: 10 mins 
3 cleans 

M: 55#

Cool down:
500m row 

Ben's rest day

I have excuses for why I didn't work out today but none of them are any good. 

I did a lot of work with the lacrosse ball (over an hour) while watching a movie tonight though. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/2/13

B really got up and at em today. Nice B!

Warm up:
Stretch and mobility 
400m jog
15 burpees
20 sit ups 
10 supermans
10 stomach sit up things (superman on your back) C just informed me these are called hollow rock 

A) 5-5-5-5-5 back squat

Everyone basically did the fitness one which was just three rounds so C and I never got to finish. 

B) 2 rounds- 30 minute time cap 
400m run with sandbag
50 burpees
400m run with sandbag
20 man makers
30 pull ups

M: Finished second round of burpees exactly but went on the second run wile everyone was finishing up. 
50#sandbag, 15#db, jumping pull ups

C: Got through second round of 32 burpees 
80# first run, switched to 50# after 25#db for half of first round, switched to 15# in the middle 

This was the reason I called. This was a brutal workout. No one finished in the 30 minute time cap. I don't think anyone even got close. Wow. It was terrible. You should definitely try it if you want a hard workout. Run with two 25# db instead of a sandbag. My shoulders were so done from snatches yesterday that the man makers were almost unbearable. So happy it's over. We are both in pain now. Going to go to open gym tomorrow and work on skills if we don't die before then. 

Ben's WOD 11/2/13


15 - 20 minutes of stretching and mobility work
DU practice
carry weights 3/4 mile to track


400m run
21 DB Thrusters 30#
21 Push-ups
21 Sit-ups

800m run
15 DB Thrusters 30#
15 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups

1200m run
9 DB Thrusters 30#
9 Push-ups
9 Sit-ups

time: 19:03

Definitely going to be playing some push-up tennis in the OC.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 11/1/13

You're lucky B, you're lucky. I almost gave up on this blog because of you. 

Warm up:
Stretch and mobility 
1200m jog

Overhead and snatch practice 

A) Heavy snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1

M: 55#
C: worked up to 95#

I don't know why I get so scared of gettin the bar from the ground over my head. I know I could go at least 10# more but I'm too scared. It's annoying because I haven't gotten scared of lifting like that in a while. Ugh. Definitely going to be doing snatch practice on off days when we go to the gym to just practice skills.

B) 5 rounds
30 double unders
15 power snatch 

C: 13:10 55#
M: 15:54 45#

Holy painful!!!! I thought I was going to have to cut the reps after the first round. I was so scared. And wait for it... Wait for it... I can string my double unders together!!!!!! I just had to go for it! The first round I was doing the first round with one to two singles in between and it was killing me. The second round I was determined and I got 8 together my first try. Then the next rounds I was getting between 10-15 together! So happy. But ugh they are so tiring especially mixed with lifting. Snatching is really hard. Also, we were taught the wrong thing so good thing we came to this gym and learned. Alright, enough rambling. Now on to cuddle my tute doll while watching Monk. Latazzzzz

Ben's Catch-up Post

Bad week for me and working out/blogging.

Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - 1 hour of ice hockey. We lost. Surprise, surprise...
Thursday - nothing except for a new car

Finally, Friday 11/1...

First workout with my trainer!

We worked on mobility and warm-up exercises for the first 30 minutes. Then we practiced proper form for the squat, push-up and row.

My squat and push-up form are great. My row...eh.


Scaled Cindy (12 min AMRAP)

6 push-ups
8 ring rows
15 air squats

10 rounds, 6 push-ups

I learned that I have a huge weakness when it comes to pull strength. All that time off from pull-ups trying to heal my elbow has really hurt that area. I think I only did the first round of ring rows unbroken.

So, I was kind of disappointed with my score since the push-ups and squats were not a problem. I could do them all day long. But it's also good because now we are going to focus on strengthening that area, which will help me become much more rounded. We are also going to work on my hamstring flexibility since that is the one area I'm tight.

I really like the trainer. This is going to be very helpful. I picked up so many little tips on things in just one session already.

Swimming on Tuesday!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/30/13

WOD: Filthy Fifty
50 box jumps 24/20"
50 jumping pull ups
50 kettle bell swings 1/.75pd
50 walking lunges 
50 knees to elbows
50 push press 45/35#
50 supermans
50 wall ball shots 20/14#
50 burpees
50 double unders

M: 32:45
C: 36:36

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fran: C's commentary

Ugh. Just had to get my thoughts out while M posts for us (shoutout to M on a great workout!). Fran RXed is worse than any other crossfit workout I've done, by far. Wanted to die the entire time and could only concentrate on the easiest way to quit without being noticed. Took everything in me to finish.

Really underestimated you, F. I'll getcha next time.

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/29/13

Warm up:
Little under a mile jog
Stretch and mobility 

A) 3 x 5 pull ups (any style that's hard for you)

M: worked on kipping and did some jumping 
C: chest to bar

B) work up to a heavy front squat

M: 115#
C: 140#

We both had never front squatted but did well. Ran out of time to keep going up.

C) Fran
Pull ups

M: 6:51, 55#, jumping pull ups
C: 13:24, 95# RX

Monday, October 28, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/28/13

Warm up: 
800m jog
Stretch and mobility 
HSPU work

A) work up to a heavy jerk

M: 75#
C: 165#

I did a lot of lifts up to this. I did not think I would get up to 75 because my max clean used to be 85. Also, I was starting from the ground so I was cleaning it every time where as Clyde was doing his from the rack. I could possibly have for more from the rack but was way too scared knowing is never cleaned over 85 before.

B) Diane

M: 7:41 125#, HSPU 
C: 9:55 205#, 35# db push press

Wow that was hard. Not looking forward to Fran tomorrow.

Ben's Workout 10/28/13

After yesterday's run, I really should have taken a rest day today. But I had to go to the gym for my assessment so I decided to get a little lifting in afterwards.


1000m row
stretch and mobility
handstand practice


3 x 6 Bench 135#
3 x 6 Cleans 85#
3 x 6 Press 75#
3 x 6 Side Plank Shoulder Raises 20#
3 x 10 Hanging Leg Raises
3 x 10 Tricep Extensions 50#
3 x 10 Rows 50#
3 x 10 V-ups

--My first official workout with the trainer is Friday at 6:30. 

I told him that I want to learn how to do the following lifts properly:
  • Cleans
  • Deadlifts
  • Push Press/Jerk
  • Front/Back/Overhead Squat
I also want to learn these movements:
  • Handstand
  • Rowing
  • Kettlebell variations 
  • Double Unders
  • Mobility 
  • Flexibility (especially in the hamstrings and lower back)
--Nothing on the swim lessons yet. I'm going to have to call the guy who does them tomorrow because he hasn't been there any of the nights that I have. Looks like the lessons will have to happen on the weekends. I'm anxious to get in the water now that I registered and paid for the triathlon on June 1st. You two should consider coming back that weekend and going down to PA with me. I'll do the race and then we can do some hiking for a day or two.

--Afterward the gym I had to stop at the grocery store for some bananas and treated myself to a Clif Builder Chocolate Mint bar. I'd never had a Clif Builder but I know C likes them. It was really tasty.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Rest Day 10/27/13

Rest. Can't wait for tomorrow to get back at it. Hopefully the grid gets put up soon.

Ben's Run 10/27/13


15 minutes of sun salutation yoga


I haven't done an LSD in a while but today felt great.

10.75 miles in 1:26:19

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/26/13

Warm up:
1200m jog
Stretch and mobility 

A: 3 sets of 10 dumbbell snatches on each arm (60 altogether)

M: 25, 25, 25#
C: 35, 35, 45#

B: Back Squat 5-5-5-5
Build to a heavy set

M: 75, 100, 100, 115
C: 155, 155, 155, 155

My partner could only do 75 and that was hard for her so it kind of messed us all up. I wanted to do a few more at 115 or 125 but never got to it. We are going to have to go on off days and work on things like squats and lifts. 

C: 1200m run
50 kettle bell swings (Russian)
30 toes to bar

M: 11:51, 35# kb
C: 9:53, 53# kb

Toes to bar was super hard when tired. Callouses are going to be starting again. Can't wait to get on the bar and keep working on my pull ups/toes to bar. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Clyde & Myriah's WOD 10/25/13

A: 5 x 6 Dumbbell push-presses, pausing for a count of 8 at full extension
Accumulate Double-unders over 90sec.

M: 15,15,25,25,25#
C: 25#

B: Introduction to Rowing

C: In teams of 3, AMRAP in 12 minutes:
Run 270m
Max rep DB Man-makers 2×25/15lb
Max cal Row

Each team member starts at one station. Switch stations after each 200m run is complete. Score is individual: # of man-makers completed + # of calories rowed.

M: team total ~170
C: 19 manmakers, 60cals rowed, 2 runs

Ben's WOD 10/25/13

First workout at the new gym tonight. I scheduled my first personal training session for Tuesday night, then realized on the drive home that I have to work late and can't make that time...


1500m row
Handstand practice
Stretch and mobility


3 x 5 Bench (145#)
3 x 5 Cleans (105#)
3 x 5 Deadlift (145#)
3 x 10 Dips
3 x 10 V-ups
3 x 10 Hanging Leg Raises


5 rounds for time of:

5 Man Makers (20#)
10 Sit-ups
15 KB Swings (35#)
20 Goblet Squats (35#)
25 Mountain Climbers (2 count)

time: 18:59

-- The sit-ups were originally going to be T2B but I still can't hang or do pull-ups without it bothering my elbow. Nothing else hurts it except for that movement, which is really frustrating.

---I like the new gym. It's much bigger but not very crowded and has two nice rooms where I can do WODs. I don't know when I'll start the swim lessons but I plan to incorporate swimming into all my workouts there from here on out since the pool is the entire reason that I'm paying for this place.

Myriah & Clyde's Off Day 10/24/13

Rest day. 


Really need to get the shoulders rolled out for push presses and man makers tomorrow. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ben's WOD 10/24/13

I was still pretty tight from last night's game when I woke up. But I had to do a workout if I wanted to get one in today. So, just a quick 15 minute AMRAP.


5 minutes on exercise bike
30 V-ups
20 push-ups
10 DB curls 30#
20 DB extensions 30#
20 KB Swings 25#

AMRAP (15 minutes):

5 DB Thrusters 30#
5 HR Burpees
90 Single Unders

total: 11 rounds, 2 thrusters 

--I'm looking forward to our workouts in the OC. Beach runs!!! 

I'm going to focus on CrossFit until then but come February I'll turn my attention to more specific triathlon training, though with a CrossFit Endurance leaning. I read Brian Mackenzie's book in July but I think I'll revisit it again soon. Listening to Rich Roll and Ben Greenfield talk this morning I realized that the reason I'm seeing such improvements with my endurance even though I'm running less is because CrossFit has made me get out of that comfortable Zone 3 area that I used to run in all the time. 

Ben's Workout 10/23/13

Hockey night. We lost again. This was the first game that I was kept goalless.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/23/13

Warm up and skills:
1400m jog
3 sets of 5 V ups
3 sets of 5 toes to bar
3 sets of 5 deadlifts

Fo deadlifts 
C- 185, 205, 205, 225
M- 105, 105, 115

5 deadlifts
10 burpees

M: 5 rounds, 2 deadlifts 125#
C: 5 rounds 205#

Once again I have no friends and was paired with someone who had never done CrossFit. I'm getting kind of annoyed but I'll explain it tomorrow. Clyde thinks I need to be more assertive so we'll see what you think.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/22/13

5 jumping squats with sandbag
10 cleans
15 hand release push ups

M: 9 rounds, 5 cleans 50#bag
C: 7 rounds, 4 jumping squats 80#bag  

Don't feel like typing anything else. Hopefully I can get back into blogging tomorrow but I'm so behind right now. 

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/21/13

Warm up:
Jog 1400m 
Stretch and mobility 

In pairs of three: two rounds
Run 1400/1000m with sandbag 
90 burpees
90 thrusters 

C: 41:44 #35db 80#sandbag 
M: 31:36 15#db 50#sanbag

This sucked because one of the girls I got paired up with had never done crossfit before and was out of shape so she didn't want to do the performance WOD. The one girl that wanted to decided we would split carrying the sandbag and we would do 30 of each move while the other girl did 10-15. This way it was like we were doing what we would really have done if the thrid girl wanted to do the performance WOD. Does that make sense? The other girl also wouldn't hold the bag so we didn't use the penalty. I don't feel like writing about this anymore. It was dumb and I don't want to rehash it. 

Ben's Rest Day

Checked out the new gym and coach today. I have to do the assessment sometime next week before I can start training there though. 

My shoulders are killing me from all the OHS last night. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ben's WOD 10/21/13

I'm not that satisfied with today's WOD. However, I'm really excited about getting a swim coach and an oly lifting coach. I'm going to the gym tomorrow to set something up with them. Now I just need to figure out how to cancel my other gym membership. 


Carry weights to workout area
DU practice
Handstand practice
40 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
40 Dips

Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 (starting at 45# and ending at 115#)

EMOM (5 minutes)

3x Clean & Press (95#)
6x Burpees
9x Sit-ups


21 - 15 - 9 (100 SU between each round)

Kettlebell Swings 45#
Overhead Squat 65#

time: 8:20

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's Rest Day 10/20/13

C did LOTS of mashing. I laid all day. Should do some mashing now. We will see. 

Ben's Rest Day 10/20/13

Pulled out Supple and did lots of mashing work this morning and after dinner. Also rode the exercise bike for 15 minutes and walked for 45. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Myriah & Clyde's WOD 10/19/13

Warm up:
Stretch and mobility 
800m jog

WOD: Sandbag Gone Bad
3 rounds- 1 minute each 
Sandbag squat
Sandbag SDHP
Jumping squats
DB push press

We did them in groups of 5 so we didn't necessarily get to choose our weights or order.

M: 280 15#db, 35#sandbag
C: 211 35#db, 80#sandbag

Hit the market already so now we are off to Pleasent Hill to get C's haircut and do a few errands. 

Ben's WOD 10/19/13


Early morning run in the brisk fall weather. This is the first morning I've had to pull out the Under Armour. 5k in 22:39



Carry weights 3/4 mile to track
400m jog
handstand practice - I can hold it for 3 or 4 seconds now!


20 minute AMRAP

400m run
10 Renegade Rows 30# DB
15 burpees

total: 4 full rounds, 10 renegade rows, 13 burpees

--This was hard. I did the RR like SEAL FIT does them, which made the burpees difficult. Also, it started to get really windy and rainy as soon as I got to the track.